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(Marcus Dark )
30 / Male / Single
Mississippi - United States
Hi I’m marcus dark

Name: Marcus

Age: 29 ( 20-118 rp age)

Location: Japan , currently present Mississippi

Species: merman a tyrant

Occupation: celebrity, bodyguard, singer , criminal warlord , prince

Info: Marcus spent most of his childhood under the sea his father protection one day he saw his mom badly beaten by his father stood up to him taking his mom place getting beaten up has scarred him for life, during which his teenage years growing up in Japan then moving to usa he made few friends always got trouble with the police which his friend bailed him out his mother didn’t approve rebellious attitude plots to over throw his dad to get the throne using his anger and rage kept him alive for so long defeated his dad becoming prince of underwater being the tyrant wishes to love mortal men and women love . Anger feast into his heart becoming tyrant underwater every once in a while he’ll save mortal from drowning if they are beautiful or handsome to his liking he’ll listen to their opinions for hours , thus returning to usa waters he become celebrity, bodyguard, singer , warlord being successful in life wants to retire look for heir to his throne his parents weren’t very happy how successful he was tries to get along with them.

Personality: quiet, mysterious, thoughtful, kind

Hobbies: swimming , hiking, singing , working out at the gym , yoga , travelling around the world

Sexuality: bi-sexual leans towards men and women, LGBT friendly


18 + dark mature theme triggering ancient supernatural and modern romance

MXM , mxf , MXnb , mxt

Celebrity x fan

Boss x office assistant



Husband x husband

Husband x wife

Therapist x patient

Merman x human

Stalker x victim

Criminal Warlord x mistress

Gym instructor x cilent

Only age of 15 or 18 above can rp

If you have rp ideas discuss it in dms all about listening to ideas.

- enters the sea exploring underwater seeing pearls to collect under the clams looks up seeing mortal drowning save them up on the surface.-

Here’s my discord:


Start roleplaying with members like MermanTyrant!



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 Apr 25th 2023 22:18

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