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Mad_Blood's Blog

Rules/Warnings/Additional characters

◉ On hiatus ◉

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● Cool with spelling/grammar errors, pobody's nerfect.

● No one liners. In this case size does matter and I like em at least a few paragraphs long. But don't go medieval scroll length on me from the get-go either, you'll spook me with all that effort.

● Happy to discuss adapting her to a different world, as long as certain core stuff remains unchanged.

● We will talk about restrictions, preferences and boundaries in depth, but note that Remy does come with a few trigger warnings; addiction, self harm, violence, suicide, death.

● It is completely acceptable as well as encouraged to let me know if you'd like to stop, for any reason. Stories can get stale, life can get busy, priorities can change. If I feel that I would like to stop, I will let you know as well. We're here to have fun and there's no hard feelings.

● I am a sucker for a slow burn angsty romance if the characters are vibing. However, I prefer to not roleplay sex. There are always exceptions, I'm sure. If the story ever goes there and we both feel we want to flesh it out, we can discuss it.

● FxF, for she and I are tremendously gay.

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Very experienced procrastinating ninja. You'll see. What? Not me! For days, maybe a week, or even--
...But then! Slouching and squinting I emerge, dragging a shiny reply like an uncharacteristically generous goblin. I drop it at your feet and skitter away. It is heartwarming. Tears are shed.

When I'm into a story I go over and over my reply, but there's always f***ing typos post posting and I find them and cringe more than you ever could.

If this semi-obsessive avoidant attitude is something you can tolerate to give me a shot, we'll have fun.

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Existing characters I am inclined to play because I love these ships. Also I hate that they were killed the fck off, and it's turning into this bucket list thing where they are happy and alive in some pocket universe. Yes, I read the fanfiction, yes, all of it. I wanna LIVE this drama.

◍ (Heroes) Elle Bishop, with a Claire Bennett.
◍ (The 100) Lexa, with a Clarke Griffin.

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So. Writing. Let's fling some around ~
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5 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2020 02:20

Remy Northren

From the day Remy was born, she could hear whispers of a voice from deep within. She grew to be quiet like the grave, speaking only when needed to and whenever punished, she never screamed. Listening was more interesting than speaking, especially if one always had something to listen to.

As she grew, the voice drove her to hone her skills, often to the point where she would lose consciousness from exhaustion. This continued for several years.

Her silence was broken when her brother came to be. His existence managed to drag Remy out of the developing prison in her mind. His character, unconditional love and loyalty kept her out. For as long as he was around her, the strident roaring returned to being mere whispers that sometimes went silent completely.

When their parents stopped being an issue, the siblings took to exploring the world together. Until the day came that she turned immortal and he was no more. It broke her. Nearly a century after his death, as she was still clutching onto the remnants of her humanity, Remy experienced another loss. Little by little, she was becoming stripped of it all, as every nightmare-filled night plunged her further into the dark where the plague inside her head was the only company.

Remy is alive because she cannot die. Once she found that out, she has just been making due. Most of the time, she's a version of normal, having figured via trial and error that some routine is helpful.

Romance? Romance has never been deader. One night stands do the trick whenever loneliness strikes. Intimacy is still fun, especially when it is controlled and later becomes breakfast.

Eventually, the vices stop working and Remy must face all that haunts her once again. The mask crumbles off to reveal a creature driven mad by agony and rage.

She would never admit it, but Remy still craves for some kind of connection. There are a handful of people that she keeps close enough to be served as anchors grounding her, yet far enough to not risk attachment; something she is mortified of.

One such anchor is Joe, the owner of the underground bar, Leviathan, where she bartends.

Currently she resides in a high crime-rate area, dabbles in a little drug-dealing from time to time. Her bounty hunting days are behind her, but she has been known to have been coaxed out of retirement temporarily.

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Inherent abilities:

Hydrokinesis and cryokinesis at fluctuating levels of magnitude.
With focus, is able to replicate creatures or scenery to the degree of it appearing almost alive.
Able to control the density of ice and reach the absolute zero.

Vampiric abilities:

Extremely accelerated strength, speed, reflexes, senses, healing.
Stone-like bone structure.
An unnatural power of suggestion, bordering on mind control.

Unique abilities/defects:

A heartbeat, mostly controlled at will.

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3 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2020 01:24