Rules/Warnings/Additional characters

◉ On hiatus ◉

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● Cool with spelling/grammar errors, pobody's nerfect.

● No one liners. In this case size does matter and I like em at least a few paragraphs long. But don't go medieval scroll length on me from the get-go either, you'll spook me with all that effort.

● Happy to discuss adapting her to a different world, as long as certain core stuff remains unchanged.

● We will talk about restrictions, preferences and boundaries in depth, but note that Remy does come with a few trigger warnings; addiction, self harm, violence, suicide, death.

● It is completely acceptable as well as encouraged to let me know if you'd like to stop, for any reason. Stories can get stale, life can get busy, priorities can change. If I feel that I would like to stop, I will let you know as well. We're here to have fun and there's no hard feelings.

● I am a sucker for a slow burn angsty romance if the characters are vibing. However, I prefer to not roleplay sex. There are always exceptions, I'm sure. If the story ever goes there and we both feel we want to flesh it out, we can discuss it.

● FxF, for she and I are tremendously gay.

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Very experienced procrastinating ninja. You'll see. What? Not me! For days, maybe a week, or even--
...But then! Slouching and squinting I emerge, dragging a shiny reply like an uncharacteristically generous goblin. I drop it at your feet and skitter away. It is heartwarming. Tears are shed.

When I'm into a story I go over and over my reply, but there's always f***ing typos post posting and I find them and cringe more than you ever could.

If this semi-obsessive avoidant attitude is something you can tolerate to give me a shot, we'll have fun.

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Existing characters I am inclined to play because I love these ships. Also I hate that they were killed the fck off, and it's turning into this bucket list thing where they are happy and alive in some pocket universe. Yes, I read the fanfiction, yes, all of it. I wanna LIVE this drama.

◍ (Heroes) Elle Bishop, with a Claire Bennett.
◍ (The 100) Lexa, with a Clarke Griffin.

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So. Writing. Let's fling some around ~
Heart this
5 | Jun 23rd 2020 02:20