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KaylaIzou's Blog

Jill Saintclaire (Vampiress)

Jill Saintclair is a vampiress who has taken it upon herself to round up and parent/mentor children who were turned and left to their own devices. She teaches them how to control their hunger and quick tempers, and how to survive without taking human lives.

Jill has found a tiny ripple between worlds, and has built a lovely area for herself and the children home. There, in Neverwhere, the children are safe from any outsiders. The realm is full of red fields made up of blood filled berries.

Beings who call earth home have heard tales of the white haired mother and the Children of the Red Fields, but none believe the tales to be true.

What would happen if other beings found their way into Neverwhere? Or what if there was a rip in the ether between worlds and
Neverwhere intermittently merged with earth?

Name: Jill
Middle Name:
Last Name: Saintclair
Nickname: Mother
Sex: Female
Species: vampire
Subspecies: human
Age: 324 vampire years/24 human years
Homeworld: Earth
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: N/A

Hair Color: white
Hair Style: loose
Hair Length: mid back or longer
Eye Color: black or red
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: hourglass figure
Height: 5’5
Weight: 121
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: None

Weapons: vampirism

Personality: Protective, loyal, and loving to those close to her. Intelligent. Fun loving when life permits. Empathetic. Practical.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 11th 2024 20:59

Sindy Ellerby (based on Cinderella)

The Ellerby’s weren’t ridiculously wealthy, but they had many assets. Veronica’s (Sindy’s stepmother) first two husbands met their untimely deaths due to mysterious circumstances. Fortunately, both had large life insurance policies. Veronica and her two daughters lived off the insurance payouts, frivolously spending the money. Once the money was almost gone, Veronica went in search of a new husband. She eventually met Frank Ellerby through a dating app, and before long she had a new husband and stepdaughter.

Frank spent very little time at home. In fact, the amount of travel required by him played a large part in the marriage. His daughter needed a stabile and happy environment to live in while he was away. Veronica and her daughters could provide that for Sindy, or so Frank thought.

Unfortunately, Sindy was treated very poorly when her father was away. All of her beautiful clothes were off limits except when Frank was home. Her stepsisters claimed any and every nice thing that belonged to Sindy. She was also treated as a servant. Sindy was expected to wait on the others hand and foot, cook, and keep the house spotless.

Name: Sindy
Middle Name:
Last Name: Ellerby
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Age: 23
Homeworld: Earth
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: N/A

Hair Color: blonde
Hair Style: bun or loose
Hair Length: mid back
Eye Color: blue
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: physically fit
Height: 5’3
Weight: 107
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: None

Personality: Sweet, kind, forgiving, empathetic, lonely, optimistic

[Relationship Information]
Father: Frank Ellerby (away at sea)
Mother: Veronica (stepmother)
Sisters: Anna and Drew
Relatives: Louise (deceased mother)
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 25th 2024 07:26

Bella Bellinger, BB, Ballerina Burglar

Bella’s life started out nicely. Her family was wealthy, and she never wanted for anything. She had been placed in ballet, piano, and gymnastics lessons. She attended a prestigious private school, and was a star student. However, when she was in her early teens, her father was arrested for numerous mafia related crimes. She had been naive up to that point. She had never known all of her “uncles” were gangsters, and her dad was their leader.

Shortly after Bella’s father was locked up for life, Bella’s mother had a nervous breakdown. All those quirky little things about her mother turned out to be undiagnosed Schizophrenia. Unfortunately, there was no improvement in her mental wellbeing regardless of what prescriptions or therapy her mother underwent.

From the age of 16, Bella had basically been on her own. Her public persona was that of a well polished and classy young woman, but she had a mischievous side. Eventually, she began disguising herself with a mask and ballerina attire and burglarizing for excitement, adventure, and to feed her materialistic desires.

Name: Bella
Middle Name: Mae
Last Name: Bellinger
Nickname: BB
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Age: 25
Homeworld: Earth
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Public Affairs Specialist for City Hall/burglar

Hair Color: black
Hair Style: pulled up in a bun or loose
Hair Length: mid back
Eye Color: brown
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: small, fit
Height: 5’1
Weight: 97
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: None

Personality: Polished and classy, mischievous, flirty, materialistic, intelligent, suspicious (loosely based on Catwoman)

[Relationship Information]
Father: Bing Bellinger (Incarcerated Mobster)
Mother: Betty (Mental Asylum)
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 25th 2024 06:53

Annie Kate Winters (Detective)

Annie Kate grew up in a rural area. She was the middle child between two older and two younger brothers. Her immediate family members are all somehow involved with law, including the baby of the family who somehow always manages to be on the wrong side of the law.

Since she grew up in a house full of males, she was somewhat tomboyish and tough as nails. She has a feminine side, but the tough side is what most people see when they assess her personality. She spent her younger years on dirt bikes riding through the woods. She could hold her own in trampoline wrestling matches with her siblings, and could pass a football just as well as the guys.

Currently, she works as a homicide detective in a large crime ridden city.

Name: Annie
Middle Name: Kate
Last Name: Winters
Nickname: Annie Kate
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Age: 28
Homeworld: Earth
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Detective

Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: layered
Hair Length: shoulder
Eye Color: brown
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: physically fit
Height: 5,2
Weight: 105
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: several

Personality: playful at times, strategic, strong desire for justice, empathetic, attention to detail, temperamental at times

[Relationship Information]
Father: Emmett Winters (Retired cop)
Mother: Lisa (District Attorney)
Brothers: Adam (Police Detective), James (Defense Attorney), Robert (Private Investigator), and Sam (always in trouble)
Pets: Jax (Border Aussie)
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 25th 2024 06:13

Kyria (Fallen Angel)

Kyria is a very curious, adventurous, and mischievous angel. She is a fierce and strategic warrior when necessary, but has a gentle and loving nature. While she has always excelled at her duties, she is somewhat different from other angels. She was created by an angel mating with a half angel/half human. Perhaps it is the human part of her that has piqued her curiosity about how it feels to live as a human.

She requested permission to spend some time on earth without repercussions, and her request was granted; however, permission came with one major requirement. She must perform any urgent calls for assistance within a moments notice. Additionally, her white wings were turned black forever more.

She has just arrived on earth, and she has one year to live amongst the humans before she must decide whether she is going to remain on earth or return to heaven.

Name: Kyria
Sex: Female
Species: Angel
Age: 25 forever
Homeworld: Heaven
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Loose
Hair Length: Mid back
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: White/Fair
Body Type: Physically fit
Height: 5’3
Weight: 110
Birthmarks: No
Scars: No
Piercings: No
Tattoos: None
Friends: Eden

Personality: As an angel, she WAS innately good, but she became fascinated with humans and chose to leave heaven and attempt to live as a human. She wants to sample everything humans experience.

Eden can be used with Kyria for more drama. Eden is a guardian angel who is on earth to watch over Kyria’s love interest.
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3 | 0 Comments | Oct 24th 2023 11:34