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Joshua_Remix's Blog

Naturian Drekavac

The Naturian Drekavac are the offspring of the Interspeculars and humans. They had the more plentiful version of the Interspecular DNA. They have the strange abilities. They are associated with the color green. The naturians can be found spending time in the woods or in places without people. They leave both sets of parents early in childhood to live amongst animals. These Drekavac barely communicate with their siblings or Drekavac parents. They are described to be loners. Or “highly unsocial”. These Drekavac are weak to the Gravewyards. But strong to the Raiyunens. To next, see Raiyunens.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 10th 2022 23:00

Interspecular Drekavac

The Interspecular Drekavac are the offspring of Drekavac Daemons and Humans. The Interspeculars are known as the “light that binds the Drekavac“. They are able to counter any Drekavac other than the Daemons. The Interspeculars can maintain human forms for long amounts of time. They are associated with the color White. As they were instructed they mated with humans. They created the first “Pentagon” or the five Drekavac races. Or “Numbers”. Known as the “Gravewyards”. Represented with the color purple. The Gravewyards took the most of the Daemons DNA. Having more of their personality and abilities. The Interspeculars are usually peaceful and don’t harm things that don’t try to harm them. Some even live in human society. To see next. Look to Naturians
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 10th 2022 22:49

Drekavac Daemons

The Drekavac Daemons are the original 17-24 Drekavacs experimented on by European and Slavic scientists. The Daemons were the most successful power agents. But they were uncontrollable due to having their own idea of free will. Eventually the European and Slavic country shut them down. A few escaped though due to having a higher will you live. Those ones literally learned how to steal a human body. When they escaped they explored their powers in a snowy woods. It was extremely too cold for humans, but the Daemons are impervious to any climate, including the cold. The Daemons eventually found humans daring enough to come to their hidings and began to start “mating” or what is the human equivalent of long distance dating. They had to adapt to human tech and talked with the travelers. As you may know what happens when two people love each other VERY much. The “couples” had a child. These children were the first Interspecular Drekavac. Capable of maintaining human forms 24/7 unlike their parents. The Daemons instructed their children to run away from their parents and return to them. Once they did the Interspeculars began doing the same as their masters (the Daemons). Eventually creating seven generations. Each different. Later being called “Drekavaculous Mirrors”. The Mirrors being : “Daemons”, “Interspeculars”, “Gravewyards”, “Naturians”, “Raiyunens”, “Furikens” and “Titans”. The “Misfits” Being the generation unmarked. The ones without specifications. Able to fit under any category. The Drekavac Daemons are able to control the darkness in the world. The abilities highly above the Interspeculars. They are completely countered above the Interspeculars. The Interspeculars weak to the abilities of the Daemons. The Daemons are objectively the most evil Drekavac known. On many accounts they have destroyed cities, killed many of their own, and have even eaten people and were wanted in many countries. They are associated with the color Black. To continue. See “Interspeculars”
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 10th 2022 22:37

Misfits To Drekavac

“Misfits” are a group of super humans disguised as humans. These humans are new breeds of the Slavic Drekavac demons. That had been experimented on in Europe and most of Russia during the First World War all the way up to the Cold War. They discontinued the experiments on the Drekavac due to them starting to learn to take human forms. They were massively exterminated and some died randomly due to expectation dates, the misfits are a group of 17 or possibly up to 24 Drekavac who somehow figured out to escape. The remaining other Drekavac exceeds to about 50 to 100 since they had started to mate with humans. The original 17 - 24 were known as the Drekavac Daemons. Or “The Ones Far Past” the genetics of a Drekavac are very important. Every Drekavac has different abilities dependent on which DNA they were mixed, experimented or were remained with. Those with the most original Drekavac DNA are incredibly strong. And have started to mix human and Drekavac form. Straying from original Drekavac forms. The Drekavac New Generation we’re mixed with many different types of DNA chosen by the Drekavac Daemons, in the purpose of to hunt. The lists of Drekavac is posted if interested
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 10th 2022 22:16

Nicholas Chiski

Name - Nicholas Chiski

Age - 18

Gender -male

Sexuality - pan

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Hair colour - blue

Eye colour - blue

Weight - 170 lbs

Height - 6,5

Unique markings - flower tattoo from his shoulder spiraling to his thumb and finger (Optional)

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Personality - funny, flirty, persistent, dependable and strong

Likes- music, skateboarding, rock, driving, drinking and joking around

Dislikes- smoke, staying inside for too long and iced water (it hurts his teeth)

Backstory (4 - 5 sentences)- was born normally and all that but his parents both had a knack for music. He eventually learned it. When he was five his parents split due to something they thought to exploit. When they split his mom had to use food stamps. But never actually split apart. They were just a bit poor. So they abused tf out of that food stamps system until when he turned sixteen got back together legally. Because he could work and enjoyed it. So he helped his parents with money. “Those who don’t work don’t eat right?” It was a mutual thing. He’s really into guitars and has played since he was very small. He was in a couple relationships. And at one point was in a gang. He got his way out of those by being a weasel and being slick

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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 15th 2021 11:09