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Hudie's Blog


He leaves their quarters, unsure where he is headed in truth. He feels overwhelmed by anger and pain; he is far from good dealing with people, it is normal they just get pushed away by his attitude and they can't imagine how much he hates himself.
He stops by some stairs where he sits and curls up. He is near a smaller gate, with a roofs shielding slightly. He hides his face against his legs, he wants to cry, but men do not cry, men have to be strong and tough. The fact he can't restain his sobbing hurts his own pride so much.
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1 | 44 Comments | Aug 13th 2022 09:13


Being a d*ck rarely helps and indeed his condition only got worse, forcing him in bed for two whole days. With Qi's medications, he gets better fast and he is ready to bring back come despair among people.
Qi keeps failing to tell him the truth, but also has little time to share with him. Indeed, he is busy with the princes, between the visits and the translation of Lani's diary. He confirms WuXing's theory about hemophilia for Zuo while he is still waiting for the tests results about Su.
He takes all his medical stuff and begins to work on the theraphy to give Zuo. He is by the dining table that is full of stuff but everything very tidy and in order. He is working very carefully.
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1 | 15 Comments | Aug 11th 2022 14:25


Not so surprisingly, it didn't do him good to spend almost the whole day outside in the cold with such a light layer of clothing. He is very stubborn and prideful though.
The morning after, he leaves his room to eat breakfast. This time he wears the white underclothes, covering him well since he is feeling particularly cold due to fever. He coughs from time to time and his face is red, he feels a bit weak but forces himself to keep cool.
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1 | 22 Comments | Aug 9th 2022 14:39

From south to north.

Still in the cave, they settle there even too fast. It is the kind of life they are more used to and they don't struggle. Hudie crafts his own bow and arrows since he lost the previous. Yes. He has never had the chance to prove his skills in Lianxi but he is an incredible archer and rides very well on horse, the two things match too.
There is a lot to do for sure, but he notices Chan is late regardless. He tries to not panic, Bai helping him with that, but after a whole day without Chan returning, he decides to go to check. It is clear by now, he got to like Chan. He was one of the first he met and gave him a lot; Hudie knows that trying anything with him is more than complicated and almost pointless, other than his stupid prideful attitude.

He follows the river till he recognizes signs of Lianxi's system then follows it, reaching the place in about two hours - he moved fast. There is only one entrance and he can't easily climb up.
He tries to keep things quiet but rotten luck kindly plays on his side. At his arrival, the doors of Lianxi open, revealing a large group of people ready to move out.
He ends up facing Zuo and freezes. What can he do? Run? But what about Chan? Why is he between them? There is nothing he manages to do as the Crown Prince order his people to take him.
FangYi dismounts from her horse. She thought they would leave without meeting him, that Zuo would finally forget him, they were so close but there he is; she can hardly contain her anger. FangYi hits Hudie hard on his belly, forcing him to bend down, then hits his leg. She only hurts him in order to take him more easily and avoids to break anything.
Shige is left baffled but there is little he can do as Zuo gave the order to take Hudie himself. He looks at his swords, on his back, as Shinochi starts to act strange, like it felt something.
FangYi ties tight Hudie's hands behind his back and pushes him. Unless Zuo gives different orders, she just pulls him like a dog on the leash.

It takes about two weeks through the forest to reach the sea and their ship. Shige is speechless when he sees it, amazed. He can't restain a smile in front of it, he could hardly imagine how it really would turn out to be. The sea.
They start making the final preparations. Shige sends back some of the soldiers that accompanied them all the way to strengthen the security and prepares to go on the ship. He is not left defenceless, Jager is with him as personal guard by now and a few more men, other than Chan and Cloud.

FangYi follows closely the preparations of the ship. She mistreated and threatened Hudie more or less for the whole path, trying to not be noticed by Zuo.
Hudie, on his side, tried to avoid Zuo as much as possible and reach Chan.
Of course they could not restain Liu and Gino from following them.
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1 | 20 Comments | Aug 2nd 2022 09:00


Fear, an element involving nightmares, illusions, obsession, and Knowledge, an element involving intelligence, wind magic, mind powers. What happens when they come together? Hudie's powers match obsession, mind control and butterflies. His own name is not a case, indeed, when he was born, blue butterflies flew around from the small baby and inspired his mother. A delicate flower amoung hundreds brambles.
His power can affect positive elements more than negative, but it can be different on every single case and it also depends on Hudie"s skills.

How does he affect people around him? How does it work exactly?

Phases: *

Egg ~ When he meets someone, people that already find him attractive in a way or another and touch him, he leaves on them an egg - noticeable thanks to the appearance of a tattoo, so small it is not so easy to see, it can appear anywhere too - ; he doesn't do this willingly right now but easily could master this to mess minds up.
It can happen people think often about him and feel the urge to meet him. If it doesn't happen, the egg disappears in a few days; it needs the direct presence of Hudie to evolve and move to the next state. It can take between a few days and two weeks to evolve.

Caterpillar ~ Reached this state, even the tattoo evolves of course and things move from what could look like a big crush to more serious stuff. It starts to trigger more desire, not uncontrollable, towards Hudie.
It is not that all they do is craving for him but he can be constantly in their thoughts, making people loose focus and want to meet him more and more often.
Recovery from this stage would require not seeing Hudie for more than a month, it can cause strong headaches other than mental pain for the loss. **
To pass to the next stage, it takes a specific move. A kiss Hudie willingly has to give.

Pupa ~ Kiss given, things start to get serious. Sexual desire start to be more triggered on this phase. They suffer when far from Hudie for too long and they are more easily manipulable.
To overcome this level of addiction, it would take months to fully recover and it gets more painful. ***
To reach last stage, sex is necessary.

Butterfly ~ Final stage, the total obsession, the puppet. Every phase can be fought by strong will but not this, being way too advanced.
Surprisingly, Hudie reached this phase with some people, among the Huangye but he had no clue how to properly control them and it only turned against him.
Recovery can take even years, they feel they cannot live without Hudie, they could even kill themselves if left without him.

* The four states of the life of a butterfly.

** Once they overcome and loose every contact, they become less likely to be affected again; all timings phases take can be influenced by Hudie but not yet;

*** Obsession doesn't just disappear once enough time has passed but they move back to every previous phase until it is all gone;

**** They can be left with feelings once over, if there was something meaningful in that time; they remember everything they did.
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 2nd 2022 06:57