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Hudie's Blog

Aksornpan Awut "PAL" (Boom)

27 years old man from Thailand. Started off as a volunteer soldier, went to missions in middle-east and South America. Master of explosions and firearms, especially good with long range rifles and assault weapons, other than crafting and to defuse bombs.

Back from a mission in Afghanistan, he found his grandfather — his only living family — dead, his throat slit by some blade. He investigated and found out the old man was indebted to a local gang. He exterminated the entire gang and moved for some years to Japan, where he served as a criminal mercenary for Yakuza.
Found by a huge number of Thai criminals seeking revenge on him, he was forced to move to Korea but his troubles didn't stay behind.

During an ambush, where he was heavily outnumbered and almost out of ammunitions, Tero his guys showed up, not for a case, and rescued him, massacring the thugs.
Intrigued by the fact Tero actually fought with a sword and also by his crazy skills, he asked to follow him to repay his debt and soon enough simply decided to become a member of the gang as well.

He is the 'arm' of the gang, good with every weapon, now even swords, and especially useful in creating explosives of different power to use for their missions.
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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 2nd 2018 13:43

Konishi Sato "ABEOJI"

A 55 years old man from Japan. Formerly one of the most successful architects of the country, he fell in disgrace after a number of unpaid commissions and disastrous investments, that led his company and his own reputation to the brink of collapse.
Never married, never had children.

He was selected as the most perfect candidate to create the false identities of the main members of Tero's gang and to cover and justify their activities.
Initially only asked to receive money in return to play the role of their 'rich father', Sato begged to become an official member of the gang itself, putting all his knowledge and skills at their service, other than his fake fatherhood.

With help of TONS of ₩on, a genius hacker and a few contacts, they managed to officialize the whole matter even to the eyes of Korean and Japanese Government, making it result as if Sato had a secret family in Korea, including a wife, whom recently died, and 3 male sons.

He still officially works as architect in Seoul, while at the same time helping the gang to recycle the dirty money coming from their multiple crimes.
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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 2nd 2018 13:30

A rough awakening.

Differently from what was for the three kings, he awakens in late evening on the shore of another small lake in Seoul outskirts.
He sits up in pain as soon as he regains consciousness, struggling not to groan. He is uses to bear any kind of suffering, but his body currently seems unwilling to cooperate.
He takes off the tone he was wearing, still showing all the cuts from blades and arrows. He takes a moment to focus on his last memories before passing out: guards on horseback hunting him down like an animal, arrows, swords crashing against each others...
He touches his chest, covered in the blood still flowing out of his open wounds. He doesn't have too much left, especially if some wound got infected, which is very likely, given the circumstances.

He hardly pulls himself up to stand and looks around, taking an expression of total disbelief: where there was a village, not longer than minutes ago, is just an empty space. Not a single building, as if the houses and people vanished in the nothingness. "Better so", he mutters to himself. They denied him help the first time, they would just kill him the second.
He starts to limp, making distance from the lake, but as he proceeds, he can tell something is totally off and not just because his sight is blurry and his mind is dizzy. He could swear the street looked much different, when he rode on it on the chase, but he doesn't have the time to bother about that.

He keeps walking ahead, dragging his katana on the ground, until a blinding light at his back drags his full attention. It doesn't come from torches, the brightness seems just as unnatural as a weird magic and it is approaching, followed by a rustly sound.
He tries to unsheathe his weapon, fearing a threat to be on his way, but it feels so heavy he can't even lift it. Considering the weakness of his body, death must be about to catch him.
Just a moment before he could be face to face with the unknown, his sight blackened and he lost consciousness again, hardly distinguishing the shape of a person appearing from the lights and then darkness.

An unknown time later, his awareness slowly lights up in his mind again and his senses start to reactivate.
Worried for his survival, he opens his eyes and forces himself to sit up, ignoring the pain that seems even more intense than before.
It doesn't take him longer than a moment to figure out that everything, in the room he finds himself into, is wrong. The very shape of the bed he is lying on makes no sense.
The forniture doesn't worry him, though, not as much as the weird straws sticking out of his arm. Horrified, he pills the needle out of the vein and throws it away.
He slips down from the bed and looks around in panic. His katana is nowhere on sight and he was wrapped on some weird, white undergarments with awkward embroideries.
One positive thing happened, at least: whoever carried him there cleaned and bandaged his wounds with uncommon skill. But he has no intention to find out who was it, nor to go to thank him or her.

He approaches the open door, getting in the corridor. "Recovery unit..." he reads outloud from a sign. He was born in 1597, during Joseon Dynasty, thus he can read Hangul, although most words took a new, modern meaning compared to what he used to know.
He takes some time to study the surroundings, but as he hears someone approaching, he quickly slips inside a nearby room. He moves from the door, getting closer to the bed, on which he notices only then to be a boy, looking asleep. The other was given his same garments, a strangely round hairstyle and even more straws, one even stuck under his nose.
He peeks over him to give a closer look to his face. He can't tell, from his look, whether he is from Joseon, Japan or Ming. Given his position of half-breed, though, any of the three could turn out to be his enemies.

He keeps staring at the face of the boy for much longer than he planned to, then notices the metal folder attached to the bed. "Park Nam Seon, age 18, light intoxication..." He was poisoned? But what sort of doctor would live in a place like that?

"Did the doctor said you could leave your room already?" says a manly voice at his back, forcing him to turn around. The man, standing by the door, looks rather old, but still in a very dignified physical shape. Definitely looking better than his father in his late 40s.
He studies him from head to toe, not finding a single thing to make sense on him. His hair is so short and kept back by something invisible, he doesn't wear any robe and his tunic is so short it doesn't even cover his thighs. He can only consider that attire as scandalous.
"My name is Park HyunYoung, the boy on the bed is my son, NamSeon. I am the person who found you on the street and took you here. Don't worry, I'll cover the hospital bill for your treatment personally. You can recover peacefully..."
"What's the date today...?" he suddenly asks, interrupting the elder.
"It's 2018.08.23."
Hearing what hear it is almost gives him a heart attack, but the shock doesn't last long and his brain quickly elaborates his strategy: pretend you lost your memory. Speak the least possible. Find out if he is speaking true or if it's just a mockery.
"What is your name? Who gave you those wounds? I had to warn the police, they will come to speak to you soon."
He fakes a very shocked expression, but that is not hard to achieve for he is seriously shocked.
He pretends to struggle to remember and in the end he just covers his face with hands. "I can't remember anything..."

In the next days, he undergoes a long series of medical tests, including a tac to verify that his brain didn't get damaged to cause amnesia, but since there is nothing they just assume it was caused by a trauma and that he will regain his memories a bit at a time, as his psychic state returns to normal.
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2 | 41 Comments | Aug 23rd 2018 16:08