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DivaOfDespair's Blog

Yuki Shion (Digimon OC)

Name: Yuki Shion

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Digivice color: Emerald and red

Description: (Image below)

Personality: Yuki is an introverted and shy girl. Despite this, she's shown to have rather strong principles and refuses to back down when she truly believes in something. More than anything, she also highly respects those that don't back down from their own beliefs.

History: Yuki had lived a rather average life, granted she was constantly under pressure from her family to perform greatly in school. Over time this would lead to her doubting herself along with shutting herself off from others as the pressure to succeed took priority. It wasn't until she was 17 that she had met Floramon.
The Digimon offers her companionship that she sorely needed even if they do bicker a fair amount. Despite all this, she often has to keep Floramon hidden away from even her family out of fear of the reppercussions that could unfold. However, she hopes that trend wouldn't last for too much longer as she enters her senior year. Afterwards, she had hoped to find a place to live on her own with Floramon while attending college.

Partner: Floramon

In-Training: Yokomon

Rookie: Floramon

Champion: Sunflowmon

Ultimate: Lilymon

Mega: Minervamon

Mode Change (Optional): Mervamon

Partner Personality: In contrast to her tamer, Floramon is generally very brash and prone to reckless behavior that can sometimes exacerbate trouble for the team. However, when faced with overt mortal threats, she can find herself just as timid as Yuki.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 18th 2022 06:01

Rin Ikari (Digimon OC)

Name: Rin Ikari

Gender: 22

Age: Male

Digivice color: Silver and crimson

Description: (Image below)

Personality: Rin often tries his best to be kind and understanding but can quickly lose his patience if he gets annoyed or frustrated. That being said, he's willing to do whatever he can to help a friend. This can often lead him to rushing headfirst into danger along with Hackmon without fully thinking through the situation.

History: Rin had a fairly normal childhood for the most part, aside from his father passing away when he was young. It wasn't until he was twelve that he would meet Hackmon, a Digimon he would eventually consider the brother he never had. Of course, eventually his mother would find out about Hackmon and after a bit of awkward and surprising scenarios, she too would adopt Hackmon as her son. On his twentieth birthday, Rin and Hackmon would move out of their childhood home and into their own apartment while Rin attended college. Between his studies, he and Hackmon would work odd-jobs helping people with what would often end up being Digimon related problems.

Partner: Hackmon

In-Training: Koromon

Rookie: Hackmon

Champion: Baohackmon

Ultimate: Saviorhackmon

Mega: Jesmon

Mode Change (Optional): Jesmon X/GX

Partner Personality: From a young age, he's held onto survivor's guilt due to losing various friends he's lost. While Hackmon is usually seen as a more responsible Digimon, his rough life living in the more dangerous and vicious parts of the Digital World has given him a sort of hero complex. This has caused him to often throw himself headfirst into danger, completely disregarding his own safety, in an effort to save someone else.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 18th 2022 05:46

Alister Ciel

Name: Alister Ciel

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 23

Appearance: (Image below)

Personality: Despite trying to maintain a more stoic and professional attitude when performing his work, Alister often takes a more pleasant approach to life outside of that. He views the best way for his life to work is to strictly keep both halves of his life as separate as he can possibly make them. That being said, he doesn't always succeed and his more compassionate side can slip into his job.

History: Alister was born into a military family. Both his parents were active officers in the military and thus meant he'd often be living on base as a child. This would lead to him being rather familiar with some of the inner workings of firearms, tactics, and the like.

It wouldn't be until he had moved out at the age of eighteen that both of his parents were assassinated. After a year of grief and mourning, Alister would eventually decide to use the basics he knew and become his own freelance assassin. However, his more selective nature in choosing only those he thought deserved it left him a rather unpopular choice despite his relatively low price.

Equipment/abilities: Proficient with most types of firearms, knowledgable in hand to hand combat, typically uses a sniper rifle along with a twin set of pistols
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1 | 0 Comments | Oct 6th 2022 07:45

Pale Rider

Name: (Unknown) Uses the alias, Pale Rider

Gender: Male

Race: Cyborg

Age: Unknown

Appearance: (Appearance below)

Personality: The very few that know Pale Rider would describe him as cold and often silent, preferring to only really speak when being directly asked a question or discussing his next contract. However, on exceedingly rare occasions, his soft spot for children and animals has been witnessed. Furthermore, despite being a contract killer, he does hold innocent life in rather high regard and will protect those that come under attack in his vicinity.

History: Not much is known about Pale Rider other than his fearsome reputation. Those that could potentially be put in his crosshairs revere him as the grim reaper in physical form, cutting down all those he deems wicked for the right price. Even those who are allegedly safe from his wrath speak of him in only hushed whispers.

Rumors surface that he was originally an accomplished mercenary and soldier prior to his cybernetic enhancements, however no one has ever been able to confirm that nor his identity for certain. However, one thing with him is for certain. If he has set his sights on someone, they are only living on borrowed time.

Equipment/abilities: completely superhuman due to cybernetic enhancements, cloaking, vibration katanas, twin custom silenced handguns, expert in most forms of firearms, whatever he can find on the black market
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1 | 0 Comments | May 28th 2022 13:28

OC list

Baal Vermilion:
Aria (Fantasy):
GNX-01A Deus:

Aria (Modern):

Pale Rider:

Rin Ikari:
Yuki Shion:

Diva Valentine:
XM-00EC Dainsleif:
Alister Ciel:
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1 | 1 Comment | May 8th 2022 11:06