Yuki Shion (Digimon OC)

Name: Yuki Shion

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Digivice color: Emerald and red

Description: (Image below)

Personality: Yuki is an introverted and shy girl. Despite this, she's shown to have rather strong principles and refuses to back down when she truly believes in something. More than anything, she also highly respects those that don't back down from their own beliefs.

History: Yuki had lived a rather average life, granted she was constantly under pressure from her family to perform greatly in school. Over time this would lead to her doubting herself along with shutting herself off from others as the pressure to succeed took priority. It wasn't until she was 17 that she had met Floramon.
The Digimon offers her companionship that she sorely needed even if they do bicker a fair amount. Despite all this, she often has to keep Floramon hidden away from even her family out of fear of the reppercussions that could unfold. However, she hopes that trend wouldn't last for too much longer as she enters her senior year. Afterwards, she had hoped to find a place to live on her own with Floramon while attending college.

Partner: Floramon

In-Training: Yokomon

Rookie: Floramon

Champion: Sunflowmon

Ultimate: Lilymon

Mega: Minervamon

Mode Change (Optional): Mervamon

Partner Personality: In contrast to her tamer, Floramon is generally very brash and prone to reckless behavior that can sometimes exacerbate trouble for the team. However, when faced with overt mortal threats, she can find herself just as timid as Yuki.
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