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(Harvey Bullock)
51 / Male / Single
Gotham, . - United States
Harvey Bullock is a detective of the Gotham City Police Department. 10 years before the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, he served as the partner of Dix until he was severely paralyzed while they were investigating the Spirit of the Goat. In the present day, he is the partner/mentor of Commissioner James Gordon and a much more experienced detective.

After Gillian Loeb demoted Harvey, the latter retired from being a detective to live his life along with his lover, Scottie Mullen. After an attack at the GCPD and death of Commissioner Sarah Essen, Harvey returned to the force. Harvey was then promoted to full-time Captain of the GCPD after Nathaniel Barnes turned to madness when he was infected with the Alice Tetch virus. Unfortunately, Harvey was demoted back to the rank of detective after he (unintentionally) led his men into a trap set-up by Professor Pyg. Despite his grievances with Gordon following the incident (as Gordon was indirectly responsible for Pyg's reign of terror on Gotham as he was under the employment of Sofia Falcone, whom Gordon enlisted help from to take down Penguin), he continued to stand by Gordon and was one of many cops that stayed behind in the city following the cataclysm.

Following Gordon's promotion to commissioner, Bullock would continue to be Gordon's most trusted ally and friend for the next ten years.

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