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Cyno's Blog


When Gino opens the door, they also realise that Chan is back in the bedroom.
Qi was maybe a little too optimistic to think that Chan would remain in bed whole day, or even more, for a few days. The first thing he does upon waking up again is to stand up to look for WooPil.
But that's when he comes across JoonPil, Jamie and Gino and hears what the dog said. Not a news he relishes, considering that he is always worries about TiHao. The problem is that nobody knows where exactly TiHao's new home is and he certainly can't go to look for it in that state.

In the end, Chan sure growls at JoonPil for a while, but sends Shangque to look for the house — he won't need to find it, TiHao will accompany WooPil back soon.
Since JoonPil is a coward a**hole and a liar — but he also has flaws — he lies to Chan saying that the reason why he was distracted and ended up leaving WooPil was that he received the bad news from SuXing about all males having to go to war.
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0 | 47 Comments | Oct 7th 2022 11:25


He and WooPil are sat outside to talk. He is clearly trolling his little brother a little and the main theme of the conversation is… sex.
WooPil just admitted to be a virgin and now JoonPil is trolling him.
There is also TiHao at some distance, overhearing the whole conversation and very happy to hear WooPil is virgin.

«Is it because of size? You are scared that his d*ck is too big for you? Or he doesn't manage to get it working if he sees your ugly face when you are about to do it?» he snickers.
«Anyhow, if his d*ck is huge it will hurt like hell, you definitely don't want that thing inside of you!» It's as if TiHao paid him to scare WooPil about sex and maybe he did? XD
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1 | 46 Comments | Sep 17th 2022 14:09