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Crow's Blog

Chang Xi Chin Yung.

After she is taken to Christoph's home -who has been the doctor following her during the whole pregnancy, for Sao's friendship with the Riddle- it takes almost two days before the baby is finally born. Very long and agonizing hours for poor Carlie.
The child is born with two months of advance, but perfectly healthy and quite big, actually. Neither mother nor baby are in any sort of risk or danger and Christoph takes great and professional care of both, also with Jackil's support, being he specialized in pediatry.

Sao remained inside the room with Carlie and the doctors the whole time, never leaving her side for a moment. Bastian, instead, remaining outside like a guard, waiting. He also warned Carlie's other servants, who rushed there to see their lady and her baby.
Before the child was even born, Christoph's home turned into a waiting room full of a little crowd of friends of Carlie who received the news and rushed there. And not just people: gifts for the baby, everywhere. Some carried by the people, some just sent there by those who didn't want to go personally, like various of her ex suitors. Even James and Frederick sent a gift for the baby.
From the Eastern side too are arriving hundreds of gifts, but they are delivered in the different residences of Sao.

When all the operations are done, they move Carlie to a different room, leaving the baby boy to Sao.
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2 | 13 Comments | Nov 4th 2017 09:10


Lei non è per niente contenta del matrimonio combinato e le rotture di coglioni di un certo volpone arrapato non migliorano il suo stato d'animo.

Depressa e stressata, Carline esce a fare una passeggiata, nella speranza di rilassarsi un po'.
Per starsene in pace ha dovuto chiudere la mente e bloccare le magic mail, quindi è stata piuttosto isolata. Si sposerà il giorno seguente in una cerimonia privatissima e senza invitati né festa.
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2 | 44 Comments | Sep 5th 2017 17:13


A lei, Maia è piaciuta subito, appena Magnus le ha presentate, all'Hunter's Moon. E le mance di Carlie non sono meno buone di quelle di Magnus ;)
E dato che non conosce molte ragazze e che le piace dare una mano alle ragazze meno fortunate, lei decide di invitare Maia a fare shopping insieme, così magari le compra qualcosa di carino per il matrimonio di Luke e Jocelyn.

Le invia un sms:

| Hey, Maia, sono Carlie, l'amica di Magnus. Se sei libera, ti andrebbe di uscire per un caffè e un po' di shopping a Manhattan? |
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1 | 46 Comments | Jun 9th 2017 10:30


When Sebasitan/Magnus finally manages to sneak away from Alec and the others at the Institute, he probably thought he would have at least some good time to rest, understand the situation, ponder and see what to do. Never more foolish hopes were had.

1 Magnus's apartment is still full of guests. Well, a little less than before, but still Michelangelo, Constantine and Malcolm Fade live there full time and with no apparent plan to leave anytime soon;
2 Even those who don't live there are very often there, Carlie for first. She goes there every day and if she doesn't get to meet Magnus, she will stay there till he comes back.
3 Magnus's phone is currently set in Ancient Egyptian characters, everything, from all the normal phones words and lines, to the names are in hieroglyphics-
4 Michelangelo is far from a nice flat mate and he sure interacts with Magnus a lot.
5 EVERYBODY know Magnus, there is almost no place where one can go with his body without getting a few people to stop to talk with.

Buuuut, this all happened so suddenly and in such a random moment, that Magnus's usual friends are not even the only 'guests' of the apartment.
There are three adorable guests still waiting for Magnus's return, in the living room and they are soooo eager to greet him...

Also, 'Magnus' forgot his phone at the Institute, so anybody can take the initiative to bring it back to him ;)
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2 | 30 Comments | Jun 9th 2017 08:51

Curiosité et chats.

Magnus le dice praticamente tutto, quindi lei sa che sta (?) tipo, con Alec. E trova strano il fatto che nel paio di giorni passati a casa sua, il ragazzo non si sia mai fatto vedere né lei ha notato Magnus ricevere telefonate particolari.

Inizia a chiedersi se Magnus si è inventato la storia per qualche ragione, il che la offenderebbe molto. Allora, prende il cellulare di Magnus -non deve neanche farlo di nascosto dato che luo glielo lascia fare tranquillamente, non ha nulla da nasconderle- e invia un SMS al contatto "
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1 | 27 Comments | May 29th 2017 12:50