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BoredAnimeKid's Blog

Zachary Murata

General Information

Dad: Name, from Japan, worked ____, personality, relationship
Mom: Name, from America, worked ___, personality, relationship
They met after ___ traveled to ____.

First name: Zachary
Nickname(s): Zack
Last name: Murata
Birthday: January 23
Gender: Male
Grew up in America

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): American, Northern Accent
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: Japanese
Volume of voice: A little quieter than a normal volume

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'' 7.5'
Weight: 131 pounds
Eye color: dark green
Skin color: pale
Distinguishing features: none
Build of body: skinny
Hair color: Black hair [naturally] blue dyed over it (very dark blue)
Tattoos: none
Piercings: 5 ear piercing's and right eyebrow piercing
Typical clothing: Dark clothes, resembles early 2000's emo fashion, layers on layers
Is seen by others as: ingeminating, downer, practically mute
By friends: tolerant, chill, quiet but can be talkative when interested.


Likes: cats, rainy weather, dark grey aesthetic, watching anime, being alone
Dislikes: rude people, most people, social activities, parties or people he doesn't know, arguing/yelling- deathmetal and yelling vocals music
Fears: scared of snakes and spiders
Personal goals: live comfortably
General attitude: calm
General intelligence: average intelligence


Illnesses/disorders: anxiety
Allergies: pollen, alcohol
Sleeping habits: sleeps from ~2 am - 11 am and sometimes till 1 pm (9-11 hours of sleep)
Energy level: below average
Eating habits: forgets to eat often


Peaceful or violent: peaceful (violence takes energy)
Weapon (if applicable): pocket knife, kitchen appliances (pots/pans),


Occupation: works from home, translating for a online clothing store
Hobbies/past times: watching anime, practice voice acting scripts or fictions, doodling cats, writing
Guilty pleasures: eats tuna straight out of the can… no utensils
Pet peeves: noises that are loud/repetitive (especially in long duration),
Pets: none
Talents: not found/he doesn’t think he has any talent
Favorite colors: black, dark grey, light grey, grey
Favorite types of music: some rock, and inde, smooth jazz
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