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Eventually, he insists on going out of the inn, not wanting to listen to reason. He is still panicking, confused and scared. He really can't remember anything, how he got there, what that place is or who HaiTien and Jing Yuan are. It's not the first time it happens to him, but it drives him insane and makes him even more frightened.

As soon as he steps out of the inn, though, a woman stands on his way. He has no idea who she is, but she seems convinced to know him.
The woman has a spear and starts to speak some accusations against him. She urges him to take a weapon and fight her, there in the middle of the city. She seems out of her mind and be can't understand why: he is completely sure to have never seen that woman before.
Regardless he doesn't take his weapon nor he wants to engage in a fight, the woman attacks him fiercely with her spear. She even wounds him, as to make it clear she won't hesitate to kill him, if he doesn't prevent it.

He avoids to engage, but Roseslasher starts to "call" for him. He doesn't want to be hurt further, but he doesn't want to take that cursed blade. He doesn't want to fight.
He takes his head in hands, he even starts to cry, feeling trapped between a dangerous woman who wants to kill him to avenge someone he never even heard of, and that awful sword, haunting his mind.
Eventually, he has no choice but to give in to the weapon.

Roseslasher appears in his hand and the contact causes an strong wave of energy. Skylar's whole body is enveloped in a black and dark pink mist, that disappears as if being absorbed by his body until only a thin aura remains around.him.

Before the real fight could begin, the woman — Cloud Retainer — teleports Skylar and herself — and whoever put themselves close enough to the demigod to end up dragged away too — away to a more suitable location. They all appear in Wuwang hill. Clearly Cloud Retainer doesn't know that that cursed and dark, abandoned place is one of the favourite places for kids to go to play to.

That's where a serious duel begins. And although initially Skylar seemed completely helpless, after Roseslasher got in his hand, he suddenly became a mighty and powerful warrior. From the first slashes, it's clear that Cloud Retainer is in serious difficulties and has very low chances to win the fight.
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1 | 59 Comments | Jul 24th 2023 16:37

Children of Qian.

Since Beauty is a borderline element, its incarnation was born in the form of two twins, as it always happens for borderline elements: Mianfei and TianFan.

In their early years in the Halls, the twins were extremely close, inseparable. But as they grew up, Mianfei left to follow the other Demigods to the world they were building — not to help them in the job, but because he enjoyed too much to tease the the positive element ones.
Tianfan didn't leave the Halls before a few millennia. He was the shy twin and much less sociable than Mianfei. He preferred to stay within his father's domain.

Both twins used their deceptive power all the time — that makes them look like what people consider the most attractive —, but their motives were much different. For Mianfei, it was simply to cause more troubles, for Tianfan it was because of his insecurities.

Mianfei had a particularly close relationship to Juku, to the point that there were rumors the two could even have an affair. The fact Mianfei received an incredibly powerful sword — Roseslasher — created by the primeval God himself and infused with both his power and that of Qian, somewhat confirming said rumors.

Mianfei also followed Deshret to Teyvat. They arrived there some centuries after Morax and neither of them knew he was there. Mianfei had a particular passion to torment Deshret, since he was supposed to be the most righteous of the Demigods and he just loved to tease him.
Eventually, though, Mianfei lost interest in annoying Deshret and started to look around for new opportunities to amuse himself. That's why he ended up traveling and reaching the area of the ancient Liyue, shortly before the beginning of the Archons War. There he met the God of Chaos and they, apparently, fell in love with each others. It was hard to tell whether either Mianfei or the God of Chaos could even have those pure feelings at all, but they were definitely close and somewhat harmonious.

Of course Mianfei ended up getting more friends, not on purpose, pretty much all the enemies of Morax. And when the Archon War started, he stayed and fought on the side of the God of Chaos.
Demigods of Beauty aren't exactly renowned for their strength and skills in battle, but Mianfei turned out to be a surprisingly fierce fighter, not only thanks to Roseslasher but also his own skills.
- That sword is more than a typical divine weapon, because it has the ability to absorb part, or even the entirety, of the power of the creatures it slays. But that doesn't come without downsides, the weapon is extremely dangerous for the wielder, especially if not in the hand of the Demigod it was especially designed for.
Only Mianfei could control it without serious risks.

After the God of Chaos fell in battle against Morax, Mianfei organised the attack to Guili plains and he personally ended Guizhong's life with Roseslasher, as a revenge.
He stayed in Teyvat a little longer, but as Morax won the war and he and his adepti took control over the land, his position became way too precarious and he decided to leave Teyvat. He never returned there again.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 23rd 2023 18:23


After drinking for hours, he decides to go to Teyvat, just like that. Maybe thanks to the alcohol pushing him to do something a little crazy, maybe because he thinks Morax is back to Nortrig and he won't risk to meet him there. He has a good reason for wanting to avoid him, as some serious things happen involving them, during the Archon wars. The God Skylar was in love with died in a fight against Morax and then Skylar caused Guizhong's death in return.
He was even caught by the adepti at one point, but managed to escape and pretty much disappeared for millennia afterwards. He only really reappeared recently. .

Anyhow, he lets HaiTien come with him, since he doesn't mind him and he doesn't want to be all alone as he sets foot in Liyue again, after so long. He doesn't know if the adepti would recognize him, he kinda doubts it, as people's tastes change in the long time, even for what concerns their beauty standards.
He can't take them to any other place, since he only stayed in Liyue before and never visited other countries that in those times didn't even exist as they are known nowadays.

Even Liyue territories changed a lot, but he manages to find their way to the Wangshu Inn. There, he rents a room for them and pretty much goes straight to sleep till morning. He remains in bed till late.
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1 | 34 Comments | Jul 11th 2023 18:32


He, HaiTien and WooPil end up wandering around in the storage room and since he wants to show off how h
Cool he is, he grants them access into the restricted section of Herta's collection, where the Stellaron is kept.
The attack from the Antimatter Legion happens whole they are there.
Shortly after, they encounter Kafka and Silver Wolf.
Both because this group of guys was never seen by Elio, thus they risk to change the future they are manipulating, and because they don't want to risk the guys to tell around that they saw them there, they decide to take them away with them. Not by force, they just tell them that the Space Station is under attack and they need to leave as soon as possible.
WooPil is probably the only one who makes some resistance to the idea of leaving without the others, but he is not a strong enough guy to impose himself.

After Kafka is done with the Stellaron thing, they leave the space station together with the three.
On the way to the Stellaron Hunters' starship, HaoLin runs towards them and decides to go after them too. He doesn't trust HaiTien alone with those wenches, especially Yanqing!!

Reached the right spot, the group leaves the Space Station together, while the fight gets the most brutal.
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1 | 29 Comments | Jun 12th 2023 10:10


Thanks to his father Rori, he has actually many contacts outside the world, in other planets and even intergalactic organisations. Thus, it's no surprise that he is also connected with the Astral Express. After all, astrophysics is his field of expertise.
It occasionally happens that they call him for some consultation or that he goes just because he feels like having a ride on the train and watch Himeko's breast bounce when the jumps happen. Boys be boys.

After staying in Guiji for a while, hearing that the Express is near Nortrig space zone, he decides to go for a little holiday there. He can never stay put for long.
He contacts the people on the train and organises with them to get on the express, on a set place and time.
When the moment arrives, he simply heads there to wait for them to pick him up.
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1 | 28 Comments | Jun 10th 2023 04:31