Letter to ShiHao.

* All written with a green glitter gel pen, words in capital letters are also highlighted with a shocking pink highlighting pen.
There are many glitter yellow stars drawn all over the paper.

| Seriously Hyung, REALLY? How could you do this to me? I've almost (this word written very tiny) obeyed to ALL your RULES, even if they were hurtful and suppressive towards me! I've always done everything you told me to do and warned you when there was the need, WARNED, you know that word? Have you ever heard about it? That's the key word here, WARNING! You should have at least ASKED me before taking this decision!!
You always forced but this body isn't only yours, it's MINE TOO! How so you think I felt after waking up in here, eh? I almost bumped against HIM as soon as I set a foot out of the room! Can you imagine how SCARED it was for me to wake up in an unknown place? Then how do you think I felt when I found out this is HIS place?!
You never even WARNED me that you have a twin! How could you never tell me that, where you know EVERYTHING about me?!
It's not fair! I demand you move elsewhere, before I wake up next day! I can't live in this place, that man is even SCARIER than you! I want to go back to our home!!!
Also, don't tell him about me, I don't want him to try to approach me to know me!!! I swear I'll pretend to be you if he comes! To your OWN risk.

Ps. Aniyo, jebal make sure he doesn't come!! I'll treat our body better if he doesn't come! Jebal!!! I'll do everything you want, if we just go home now! Will we? Q.Q | Sad face drawing included.
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1 | Jun 4th 2020 12:22
Yokai He will start to bump across him on purpose from now on.