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ArchangelAriel's Blog

The Winchester's Living Lie Detector

Sam and Dean got out of their ‘67 Chevy Impala, both were dressed in sharp suits. Grant and Jack stood up from the backseat. The dark-haired boy turned to the nephilim, who was also severely overdressed. He looked him up and down with a small grin. Grant had to admit, Jack cleaned up nicely. The boy with the raven hair glanced down at his own tight, stuffy suit.

“Do I really have to wear this thing?” Grant asked, tugging on his tie to loosen it.

“Yes, you do and, hey-” Dean smacked the boy’s arm away, fixing the knot he had ruined. “Quit messing with it and don’t speak unless spoken to.” The blonde man stuck an accusatory finger in Grant’s face. “And no attacking people.”

“Dean,” Sam sighed with a half assed eyeroll. “Relax, he’ll be fine.”

Grant gave him an unamused glare. “You know, I lived with humans for years before meeting you.”

The two hunters and their junior associate walked into an ordinary office building, Grant trailing alongside them. They all showed their fake badges to the person at the front desk and wandered the hallway until they reached the right room.

As soon as the boys opened the door, Grant could feel a powerful aura radiating from the man behind the desk. He looked like an ordinary office worker, bland and boring as ever. His aura, however, told a different story. It was dark and foreboding, but it was different from other beasts Grant had come across.

Dean and his brother sat down on chairs adjacent to the man, while Jack and Grant sat behind them.

The man eyed the two boys curiously. “What’s with the children, fellas? Got stuck babysitting?” He chuckled, but his eyes and, more importantly, his mind were far less casual. ‘Oh god, they’re with the FBI. I hope they don’t- calm down, Brian. You didn’t do anything wrong, so you shouldn’t be worried.’

“These are our interns, graduated top of their class.” Sam responded smoothly. “They’re just here to watch.”

Dean started questioning the man and he tried his best to look cool and unaffected. In truth, he was freaking out. Grant wasn’t exactly listening to their conversation as he was far more concentrated on the thoughts in his head. As the questions progressed, his inner voice became more panicked. ‘On no, oh god. 5 people mauled to death? They’re definitely talking about Jimmy. Damn it, Jim! I knew this would happen! Now we're all in danger!’

Grant was so lost in the man’s inner dialogue that he didn’t realize that the conversation was already over and brothers were getting ready to leave. He was pulled back to reality by Sam’s hand on his shoulder. It was so unexpected that he flinched a little.

“Grant.” Sam said in a soft, yet authoritative tone. “Come on.”

The kid followed the ‘agents’ out of the room. He could tell they were all eager to hear the information he’s gathered from the man’s mind, but they waited to talk until they were outside and away from prying eyes.

As soon as they were far enough from anyone, Dean spun around, eyes locked with Grant. “So, whatcha got?”

The raven-haired boy sighed. “Well, I wasn’t really paying attention to his answers to your questions.”

Dean and Sam both shot him an unamused glare.

“But, I do know he’s not human.”

Sam tilted his head. “Do you think he did it?”

Grant shook his head. “He’s scared, like dead scared, but he didn’t do it. However, he knows who did. The guy’s name is Jimmy.”

“Jimmy who?”

“Don’t know.”

Dean’s glare deepened. “Well, aren’t you helpful?”

Grant gave him a glower of his own. “Do you refer to your friends by their full name when you're talking to yourself?”

Sam gently elbowed his brother. “He has a point. Besides, Grant did help us by confirming that Brian didn’t do it and he gave us the name of the person who did.”
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2 | 5 Comments | Dec 26th 2022 19:11

Ariel: Prologue

A beautiful woman danced around the island in the middle of the kitchen. Music blared from a speaker next to the stove. The woman licked the frosting from her caramel skin as she decorated the batch of cupcakes in front of her. She stopped as she heard the clicking of heels coming towards her. She spun around and smiled.

“Hey, Angi.” An elegant ginger-haired woman walked into the kitchen. She smiled back and posed for the woman. “How does it look?” She asked, gesturing to the new dress and boots her wife had gifted her.

Angi looked her sweetheart up and down before pulling her into a kiss. “Sexy, as always.”

She blushed as her crystal clear eyes locked with her partner’s. The redhead ran a hand through Angi’s poofy hair, pulling out a bit of frosting that had somehow gotten stuck. She giggled, shaking her head. “How did you manage this?”

The brown-haired woman gave her an over exaggerated roll of her eyes. “You try cooking with your hair always in your face.”

“I won’t because I’d probably burn down the house.” The redhead teased. She pulled away from her wife. “I gotta get back to work.”

Angi nodded, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. The redhead began to walk away, but was stopped by her partner’s words. “Oh, Emily, there was a letter from your work. I set it on your desk.”

Emily nodded, “thanks babe.”

Emily slaved away at her desk for so long that the sun had long vanished from the sky. She stared at her screen with tired eyes, quickly falling asleep. That’s when she heard an echoey whisper dance around her head. The woman shot awake and looked around to see where the sound was coming from. Then she heard it again, louder this time. The voice was speaking in an unknown language and it sounded like it was coming from everywhere, yet nowhere at the time. Despite the fact that she didn’t know what she was hearing, Emily could understand what it was saying. The mysterious voice asked her a simple question. And she said yes.

The dark room was enveloped in blinding white light. The woman’s blue eyes shone brightly. Just as fast as the light appeared, it vanished and she was left in complete darkness. The redhead opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

Angi smiled as she heard the door squeak open. She poked her head into the hallway. “Hey babe, how was work?” She watched as Emily looked around the room in silence. There was a look of confusion and wonder in her blue eyes as she scanned the decorations. It was as if she was in an unfamiliar place. “Emily? You ok?”

The ginger-haired girl glanced at her partner. The look of confusion remained, but the sense of wonder turned to concern. “Your soul is tainted.” She took a step towards the woman.

Angi took a step back in shocked confusion. “What?”

“You’ve been bound by dark forces. Your soul has been corrupted, but I can heal you.” Emily took another step and reached her hand out.

The dark-haired woman ducked out of her reach and ran to the bookshelf at the other end of the hallway. She glared back at the redhead, her charcoal eyes burning with suspicion. “You’re not Emily, are you?”

The woman, realizing that she frightened Angi, stopped in her tracks. “No, but I assure you she is safe.”

Angi grabbed one of the books from the shelf. It was withered with age and the leather cover was covered in strange symbols. “Why did you take her body?”

“I didn’t take anything. My name is Ariel. I asked for her vessel and she graciously agreed.”

Angi eyes squinted. She scanned the woman up and down. The look in her eyes was genuine and she wasn’t standing in a threatening way. “So, you’re an angel?”

Ariel nodded. “I’m sorry to disturb you. I have other matters I must attend to, so I’ll be going.” She turned and walked towards the door.

“Like hell you are!” Angi yelled. Throwing out her hand, a small bolt of energy shot out of her palm. However, it stopped and fizzled in mid air as soon as it got close to the angel.

Ariel looked back. “So, you’re a witch. That explains the corruption.”

The witch huffed, glaring daggers into the woman across from her. “Listen here you featherly bitch. You’re not taking my baby anywhere.” She opened the book in her hand as she readied her next spell. “You have one chance to get out of her before I turn you to dust.”

The angel turned to face Angi. Her stance was a little more serious, but her eyes remained soft. “Stop this, you’re only injuring your soul.”

The witch hissed at the angel “Shut up, bitch.” Her eyes lit up a bright lavender.

“I don’t think so,” Ari replied. She flicked her hand and Angi was flown across the room and pinned to the adjacent wall. The redhead glanced her azure eyes back at the woman, before walking out the door.
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 21st 2022 23:07

A Mysterious Message


Can you hear me? I know it’s been…awhile since you heard my voice. I guess I haven’t been the greatest father, heh…

Listen, sweetheart. I know I’m probably not your favorite person after I…locked you away. But, I promise you, I had my reasons. I want to make it clear that you were not hidden away for the same reason as Lucifer or Amara. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just…you’re not strong enough. I’ve made a grave mistake when bringing you into existence, an issue I promised I would fix, but…that takes time, time we don’t have.

Here’s the thing. Lucifer has been freed from the depths of hell. Your brothers Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel are…indisposed. You’re the only one left between Lucifer and Heaven. I know this is an unfair ask after what I’ve done, but I need you. I need you to protect Heaven and defend your brothers and sisters. You won’t be anywhere as strong as a typical archangel. I know, I know, I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’ve left you something to even the odds. And don’t be scared, you will not be alone.

I’m sorry for unloading such a heavy responsibility onto you, but I have no other choice.

Ariel, awaken my child and find the ones named Winchester.”

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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 12th 2022 19:30

Grant Origins Part 2

They drove for a while more in silence. To where, Grant had no idea, until they pulled up at a run down motel near the edge of town. The boy waited until they were safely inside before speaking. “Why did you bring me here?”

The taller brother gave him a comforting smile and soft eyes. “We just want to ask you some questions, Grant.”

“Like how you knew that demon’s name.” Dean interjected.

The boy sighed. He was already getting tired of keeping up his innocent persona and was tempted to tell the boys everything. “I told you, I don’t know. His name just popped into my head.” Well, that wasn’t a complete lie.

Both Sam and Dean squinted their eyes suspiciously at him. He wasn’t as good at lying as he thought.

Grant’s eyes widened as the blood rushed from his face. He felt that aura again, but this time, it wasn’t alone. “They’re here.”


The boy sighed out of frustration. “F*** this.” He turned to the blonde. “Jack, Asmosdues wants to take you down to hell and force you to do his bidding.”

“How do you know?” Sam asked, more than a little confused by his sudden outburst.

“I read his mind, genius.” Grant said, deadpan.

The brothers glanced at each other. “Guess that explains it.” Dean responded.

“There’s five demons. They’re circling the motel, trying to ambush us.”

“Where?” Cas demanded.

Grant pointed to seemingly random points on the walls. Cas and Dean got into position, readying their blades. Sam trained the barrel of his gun at the motel’s front door.

The boy looked at him. “I can help, how do you kill a demon?”

Sam stopped him from walking any closer to the door. “That’s not necessary, we got this.” He said, pulling Grant and Jack behind him.

Despite the fact that the hunter didn’t answer his question, he got the information he needed. “Angel blade, got it.” The boy unzipped the duffle bag on the bed, pulling out a sleek, silver blade identical to one he saw in Sam’s head.

The demons came through the window and the walls. Cas stabbed the first, but got caught up in a fight with the second. Dean was fighting another one. The last one walked past them, raising his blade at Grant and Jack.

The last demon broke through the door. Flicking his hand, throwing Sam against a wall. Jack went to aid Sam, leaving Grant with the last demon.

The demon lunged towards him. Luckily, Grant was able to dodge, but then it swung its blade, slashing Grant’s front. He staggered backwards, holding his chest. He hissed from the pain in his stomach, but he stood his ground, retaliating with his own slash. The demon grabbed his wrist. Throwing him to the ground, Grant struggled to keep the blade away from his body.

Sam witnessed the struggle. “Grant!” He yelled, trying to get the attention of the demon.

Jack turned in time to see the demon piercing the boy’s chest. “No!”

As soon as he spoke, a funnel of pure energy exploded from the boy’s palm. His eyes glowed a bright yellow as he pierced the demon with its own blade. Dean and Cas killed the other two before turning to Grant, who was bleeding on the floor. However, despite his scrunched up face and his moans of pain, he seemed overall unaffected. He pulled the knife out of his abdomen and sat up, clutching his wound. The brothers and Cas exchanged astonished, as well as confused glances before Sam kneeled down.

“Hey, it’s gonna be ok. Let me take a look.” He tried to push Grant’s hand away so he could inspect the injury, but the boy held on.

The boy sighed. “Sam, I’m fine.” The larger brother helped him to his feet as he removed his hand from his chest, showing that the wound had already begun to heal.

“What are you?” Dean demanded, raising his gun.

Grant raised his blood-soaked hands in defense. “Hey, hey, I’m not here to cause any trouble. I was just trying to help.”

“Answer his question.” Sam brought out the dad voice. The boy was sure he meant it to come out as more threatening, but he was clearly still concerned for the kid. “Grant, what are you?”

He glanced at Jack, who was silently begging him to calm his dads down. Grant tried to figure out a way to get out of this without telling the world’s greatest hunters what he was, but he couldn’t. He huffed, “I’m…a vampire.” The boy opened his mouth, exposing his retractable fangs.

Sam and Dean looked at each other, they seemed a little disappointed, as well as confused.

Grant gave them an unamused glare. “Sorry I’m not the big baddie you were expecting.”

“We didn’t say that.” Dean replied.

“But you thought it.”

Dean sighed, rubbing his temples. “Right, a psychic vampire.”

“How is it that you can read minds?” Jack asked innocently.

Grant shrugged. “Don’t know, always have been.”

“Even after you were turned into a vampire?”

The boy tilted his head in confusion. “What?”

“After you were bitten.” Dean said deadpanned, giving the kind an unamused glare.

His auburn eyes bounced between the two of them. For the first time, his confusion seemed genuine. “I was never bitten. I was born like this.”

Sam and Dean’s eyes widened so aggressively, they threatened to fall out of their sockets. “What?”

“My dad was a vampire, my mom was human. It’s not that complicated.”

Sam, Dean and Cas whispered to each other while Grant and Jack sat awkwardly on the bed. Grant glanced at the adults as they conversed.

“So, are we really buying this?” Dean asked, crossing his arms.

“I mean, we’ve seen weirder.” Sam retorted.

“Is it really the best idea to trust a vampire, though?” Asked Cas.

Sam brought out his lethal puppy dog eyes. “Come on, Cas. Yes, he’s a vampire, but he’s also a kid.”

“We don’t know how old he is.”

Sam glanced at his older brother before sighing. “Well, regardless, he did help us.”

“That’s true.” Dean thought for a moment, then smirked. “You know, we could use him.”

The long-haired man glared at his brother.

“Think about it. No one’s gonna be able to lie in front of him. He could help us get information without using ‘advanced interrogation.’” Dean turned to the two boys sitting on the bed, raising his voice so they could hear him. “Hey kid, do you know if there’s any monster you can’t read the thoughts of?”

The black-haired boy thought for a second. “Well, I can’t look at your friend for too long without hearing an ear-piercing scream.” He gestured to Cas.

“That’s not screaming, you’re hearing Enochian.” The man with the trenchcoat responded matter-of-factly. He saw the boy’s confusion and tried to clarify. “The language of angels.”

Grant looked between the two hunters. “Angels?”

“Yeah.” Retorted Sam. “He’s an angel.”

“I am too.” Grant turned to Jack, who smiled. “Well, half. My mom was human.”

Grant closed his eyes, rubbing his temples. He tried to make sense of the information he was being given. “You know it's been a long day when I’m not the weirdest thing in the room.” He muttered, half to himself.

“Speaking of,” the moose interjected. “Where are your parents?”

“Dead.” The kid’s deadpanned response shocked the two fake FBI officers. “My mom died when I was born. My dad was killed when I was 8, probably a hunter.”

“Who’s been raising you?” Dean asked, narrowing his forest green eyes.

The dark-hair boy looked at him like he was asking an obvious question. “Me?”

Both of the brothers shared a look of surprise with a hint of familiarity. They had so many questions, but it was Jack that spoke up first.

“You’ve been taking care of yourself since you were 8?” The blonde stared at him. His eyes were wide with curiosity. Grant nodded.

Jack tilted his head. “How?”

He shrugged. “I stole anything I could find. It was pretty easy when you know exactly when someone is coming.”

“What about a home?” Dean questioned. He seemed to have a hard time wrapping his head around a child so young being completely independent. That, or he was trying to squeeze information out of the young vampire. “Where did you sleep?”

Grant narrowed his eyes. He was starting to get suspicious. In order to keep his fellow vampires out of the flames, he decided to lie. “Bounced around orphanages, a few foster homes, there were times I just slept at people’s homes while they were away on vacation. Now, I pretty much live at the only motel in town, which we’re at right now.”

“Did you interact with any other vampires?”

The boy gulped down his nerves. “Nope.”

“How about your father?” Sam asked. He noticed the confusion in his eyes so he tried to be more specific. “The alpha? The one responsible for all vampires? He has a psychic connection with everyone that’s been bitten and turned.”

Grant shook his head. “Never met him, psychically or otherwise. Didn’t even know a guy like that existed.”

Shock washed over Sam’s face. “That’s impossible, every vampire knows him. They’re deeply connected to him. He practically controls them with his thoughts.”

The kid gave a half hearted shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you, I guess he just didn’t like me that much.”

Sam leaned into Cas with a quizzical look of wonder. “Do you think he couldn’t make a connection because the kid somehow used his powers to shield himself from his control?”

The angel thought for a minute. “It’s possible. Psychics do tend to have some mental barriers to protect themselves from outside influences, purely by instinct.”

“So, this interrogation’s been fun and all, but when do I get to leave?” Grant looked up at them expectantly.

Dean locked eyes with the black-haired vampire. “You’re not leaving, kid.”

Both Grant and Sam gave him a look of nervous shock. “Dean!”

“Oh, come on man!” Grant responded, raising his voice. “I haven’t done anything to you. In fact, I saved your kid over here from being taken by a demon. That’s gotta be worth something!” Grant then took a moment to gaze into the hunter’s emerald eyes. His demeanor changed from fearful and angry to disappointed. “You gotta be kidding me…”

“What?” Sam asked, looking between the two.

“Nope.” Dean responded, confidently. “We have a deal?”

“What are you talking about?” Jack chimed in, as confused as Sam. There was clearly something going on between Grant and Dean that no one else was aware of.

The vampire sighed. “He wants me to be your personal lie detector…in exchange for my life.” He turned back to the blonde. “Read minds for you or you shoot me, doesn’t really seem like I have a choice.”

Dean gave the same fake smile as back at the gas station. “Sure you do, you’re choosing between living and dying. So, bud, what will it be?”

Grant narrowed his almond eyes, piercing a glare at the blonde, before sighing. “You’re such a d*ck.”

Dean turned to the rest of his family with a smug grin plastered on his face. “I think that’s a yes.”
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 1st 2022 18:57

Grant Origins Part 1

There was a string of gruesome murders reported in the small town of Salina, Kansas. Every single one of the victims were young and their hearts were missing from their chests. It was a no-brainer that the FBI would stop by after the local police station gave up on the investigation. Hunters would probably show up soon after. However, Grant would never imagine that the hunters every monster seems to be talking about would be standing right in front of him.

“Agent Haynes and Carter, FBI.” The shorter, smoldering blonde man said, showing the teen his badge. The giant one with flowing, auburn hair followed his movements with a polite smile. He glanced down at the black-haired boy’s name tag. It read: Grant Woods.

“You were the one working the night of the murder?” He nodded. “Can you tell us what happened?” The taller one asked. At that moment, Grant’s head was flooded with the inner voices of the two in front of him.

‘This guy’s gotta be hiding something.’ It was the voice of the blonde as he glared intensely into Grant’s auburn eyes. His partner noticed, but didn’t speak, audibly at least.

‘Come on, Dean. You’re scaring the kid.’ The burly one spoke while nudging his brother. That confirmed it. So, they were the Winchesters.

Dean gave him a fake grin when he noticed Grant had yet to speak. “You alright?”

Grant pulled himself from their thoughts. “Yeah, I’m just still in shock.” He tried to seem surprised. “I can’t believe he’s gone.”

“You knew the victim?”

The boy looked between the two ‘agents’, getting a bit nervous. “A bit. He came in a couple times a week with his friends to buy snacks. Usually drunk, but he gave me a good tip.” As Grant was talking to the two hunters, a slim, blonde-haired boy about the same age of him walked into the store. He was followed by a serious-looking man in a beige trench coat. Grant watched them as they browsed the store. However, as he concentrated on the older man, his mind was bombarded by a screeching sound. Grant doubled over in pain, clutching his head.

Sam grabbed the boy’s arm to hold him up. “You ok?” It took a minute for the pain to fade. The boy nodded, standing up.

“What was that about?” Dean asked, clearly agitated.

“A sudden migraine. I’m alright.”

“Might be from stress, maybe you should lay down for a bit.” Sam suggested with genuinely concerned eyes.

Dean gave the boy a business card with a number written on it. “Call us when you’re feeling better.”

Hesitant at first, Grant took the card and watched the two brothers leave the store. They were soon followed by the trenchcoat-wearing man and the boy, who waved goodbye to Grant as he closed the door.

As soon as they were gone, Grant’s coworker stepped in from the backroom. “Are they gone?”

“Yeah, they left. They’re still outside, though.”

A scrawny little man with messy brown hair stood next to Grant as they both stared out the window. His employee name tag read: Scott Summers. “So, were they hunters?”

Grant sighed. “Worse, they’re the Winchesters.”

Scott gave him a dead-eyed look of shock. “What?! Are they after us?”

“I don’t think so.”

He gestured to Sam and Dean, who were inspecting the body outside. “What are they thinking?”

The black-haired boy stared at the brothers for a minute. “Lots of claw and teeth marks, the heart is missing from the body, so they think it’s a werewolf, but most werewolves only turn during a full moon. Because of that they’re thinking it’s a pureblood or an Alpha.”

Scott breathed a sigh of relief, gripping Grant’s shoulder. “Good, so they don’t think it was us.”

Grant glared at his colleague. “They might if you continue to go out at night and drink from homeless people. They’re not stupid, Scott. They’ll catch your trail eventually. You need to stop while we’re both hidden.”

“You worry too much.”

“Oh, yeah?” Grant crossed his arms. “And what were you doing cowering in the back corner just now?”

“Shut up.” Scott watched the brothers every move in anxious glances, before turning to his black-haired colleague. “Listen, you gotta follow them around, see what they’re doing. Stay close enough to hear their thoughts but not enough to get caught. Got it?”

Grant sighed. “Do I really have to?”

“Well, I’m your boss. So, yes, you have to.”

The ebony-haired boy sat in a booth in the only restaurant in town, casually reading a magazine. On the other side of the room were the brothers, as well as the blonde-haired boy and trench-coat toting man. They were talking about the case, though almost all of them were thinking about how to find the archangel Lucifer. Sam was actually worrying about a redhead named Ariel. Probably his girlfriend. None of this was particularly interesting to Grant, so he started to tune their thoughts out. That’s when he felt it. An old, ancient, dark aura emanating from a random man at the bar. Grant tuned into his inner thoughts.

‘Oh boys, so charitable. Bringing the nephilim right to me, unbelievably naive.’ The man smiled, giving quick glances to brothers while trying to act inconspicuous. He was a demon, Grant was sure of it. However, his aura was much darker, more powerful, more ancient than any demon he’d ever come across.

At that moment, Grant knew he had to do something. His body sprung up, without checking in with his brain first, and quickly made his way over to the hunters’ table. “Excuse me.” He tried to be as polite as possible so as to not draw unwanted attention to himself.

The blonde boy turned to him and smiled. “Hey, you’re the guy from the gas station.”

Grant gave him a small nod. He tried to hide his fear, but he could tell by the way Sam looked at him that he was being anything but subtle.

“Grant, what’s up? You ok?”

The boy did everything in his power to keep himself from looking back at the demon. “I need to speak with you outside.” He said, lowering his voice. “All of you, Please come quick.”

Sam gave him a look of confusion and concern. Dean and the man in the trench-coat simply looked at each other.

‘This seems a bit shady, Cas.’ Dean said inside his mind while looking across the table. So, the man’s name was Cas. The hunter slid his hand down to grip his gun.

They were all hesitant, but they followed the disheveled teen through the restaurant and out the door. They all crowded outside, but Grant did not stop. He took a few steps before realizing they were not following him. He turned to face the confused and suspicious hunters.

“You gonna talk or what?” Dean snarked.

“We can talk somewhere else. You’re not safe here.”

“Is that a threat?” Cas seemed to tense up, becoming more protective of the younger boy beside him.

Grant sighed. “What? No, I’m trying to save your asses.”

“From what?” Sam asked.

The boy tried to describe the horrible entity that was stalking them at that current moment. “I only have one word for you. Asmodeus.”

Everyone immediately raised their weapons at the sound of that name. They must know him and hate him judging by the fear and anger in their eyes.

“How do you know that name? You a demon?” Sam demanded, pointing his gun at the boy.

Grant, in an effort to not get shot, put his hands up. “No, It means absolutely nothing to me. I have no idea who that is, but if he’s anything like his aura, you don’t want to be near him.”

The boy’s lowered their guns, they looked at each other, before nodding. They ordered Cas and the younger boy, apparently named Jack, into the back of their black Chevy Impala. Grant sighed before turning back to the restaurant and his heart sank. Asmodeus was gone.

“Hold up, kid.” Grant turned to see Dean pointing a gun in his face. “You’re coming with us, get in the car.”

Grant looked between him and the car. He wasn’t worried, he knew the bullets would do nothing to him, but he also knew better than to disobey an order from a Winchester, especially when they’re already suspicious of him. He nodded and got in the back seat.

There were ten agonizing minutes of awkward silence before Sam turned to Grant. “Back there, you talked about auras. Are you a psychic?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, I just feel things sometimes.” He thought it was best to not speak of his telepathy.

Sam glanced at Jack and Cas, who Grant was sitting next to. “Just curious, what are you getting from these two?”

Grant knew better to stare at Cas for too long unless he wanted a brain aneurysm, so he focused his auburn eyes on Jack. The boy smiled innocently at him. He looked as unthreatening as any other kid, but he could tell there was something powerful underneath. His body was pulsing with energy. “Um, incredibly powerful. Both of their auras are very different from that man. Bright, pure, raw energy, but incredibly old. Like, the beginning of the galaxy old.”

Dean and Sam looked at each other. “Yeah, definitely a psychic.”
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2 | 0 Comments | Nov 29th 2022 13:54