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I wish for Vinland.

Something happened growing up, I started thinking so much more, thinking about every single thing, while having my emotions cry out louder than my racing thoughts. I feel... empty. I... sometimes, I want to stop, and lay in some grass and feel the sun encapsulate me in her bright light.- so I can remember where I come from. I forget I'm not a monster, I'm a human being, and I come from the sun, and my father is the moon. The lake is my nurse, and the hot and hopeless tears that come from my eyes aren't from someone dreadful, they're from someone who got very. Very lost. and is still lost. and would just kill to recharge in the sun, on top of some soft grass in heavenly Vinland.

I'm cold and tired and angry and ice is all I know anymore. There's times where I want to drop into the snow and just... let the passing storms coat me and discard of me. But I'll never make it to Vinland. I'll never avenge my father. I'll never become who I'm meant to. And at the end of these thoughts, I realize I've taken words and language for granted, and I know this;... they're worth nothing.

The Prince, Canute, helps me realize these things. It's taken three years to only recognize it. It'll take three more to believe it.

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3 | 0 Comments | Jan 18th 2021 04:49

Rest | Closed | @PIETY

Sometimes, it felt like something he'd never have. He never even guessed that romanticism would enter his life before letting Askedadd's blood righteously be to his very name. Not only that, but it would be adjacent to someone like the Prince. The complete opposite of him. If God were real, he wondered why he - or it - liked to make people have such stressful attractions.

'Why couldn't everything be perfect?' Thorfinn pondered, blindly staring off into the cotton tent. Perfect as in how? Well, why couldn't they have just made peace with the opposing vikings in Vinland from the start when Leif began the cultivation? Why couldn't the Prince be a Princess? Perhaps even better, a common woman, maybe someone from his own reich.

Funnily enough, Thorfinn couldn't even stray farther on that thought, it made an ocean full of dysphoria pool in his stomach. It would be ideal for the circumstances, but he couldn't get himself to genuinely wish for someone better than Canute. He couldn't picture that better person. That's what he was starting to learn about love and relationships, if you can't find a better option and your head doesn't want you to believe there is one, then by perception alone, there is no better option. You'd have to brainwash him to believe otherwise.

He blinked, checking over his shoulder to check if Canute was finally dormant, and of course, he was. Anyone could, and would, fall asleep after traveling for such a long time and enduring hell on earth. It must have been hard for him. Going from royalty to experiencing men being ripped apart by chains, swords, fire, the amount of deceit and insanity these men could hold was also crippling. Cough. Thorkell. But other than the fact it was so easy to lose grip on morality, his religion. Was it not hard being a Christian of such a high caliber and seemingly loving him?

Many thoughts flooded his head, and he always felt witless coming back down to earth and realizing how much he thought about the past and future but never what was in front of him. When he was a kid, it was when he'd be a viking. Now he's older and it's when he'll get to Vinland and thinking about his fathers death in the past.


He watched silently, even though they just had an intimate moment, it felt like it was never enough. It always had to be cut off. But even if they were to be open and out about everything going on between them, would he ever feel like any amount of affection between them would be enough? Probably not. Thors didn't skip out on giving him the softest genes known to man, it was hell. He exhaled through his nose. Canute looked so peaceful. No need to argue with pesky people - a tiny grin picked up at the corner of the warriors lips - not even with him, what a luxury it must be, being buried in profound sleep. Thorfinn found himself falling too. It didn't feel as graceful on his spirit though. More like a heavy axe swinging down, meanwhile Canute's seemed like a dove resting on water. He'd find them a spot where the English wouldn't see them, nor would the Icelandic. It seemed impossible, but surely there was a way. Maybe. Well, goodnight anyways.


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0 | 4 Comments | Oct 10th 2020 09:51

Account Info

My themes/verses go far, I can do really anything if you explain it to me. I’m open for anything and will try to give input myself so we’re actually writing. This honestly shouldn't be anything new, it's your usual 'be literate, put in some effort' blah blah. I can also do modern things and horror things, anything. Don't be afraid to add and we can plot. :)

( - I prefer MxF, and will not write females unless they’re side/background characters. )

Thorfinn : Viking, just trying to avenge his father even though his father basically said don’t do that, Icelandic, based off of the real explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni, humble but mean, minds his business very very hard, set in his own ways. Independent, but probably should let someone in. Traumatized and harsh emotionally; believes everyone should be treated equal unless you’re to die by his dagger. Walking personification of the ‘slice-neck’ hand motion. Straight leaning. I say this because if you’re male it may be a little more difficult for Thorfinn. Goes absolutely apesh*t, feral, kinda loud if he wants to be, big ole stick in the mud, wants to fight God. F*** Christopher Columbus, thorfinn could’ve legitimately colonized America. lowkey emotionally and socially inept tho

This used to be a multi muse 'til I realized I can't do that.
My other accounts!:

I may make a stray one here and there, if it flops, it flops. People who add me usually end up deleting eventually causing me to have like 5 people in my list as well, that's an issue.

Note: I may change Thorfinn and/or the plot of Vinland Saga to make things convenient, but I'll keep every core necessity. :)
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 3rd 2020 07:41


Thorfinn Karlsefni was an Icelandic explorer set out to Vinland. He travels to protect the Prince of Denmark who's disguised as a princess; Canute, alongside Askeladd, who would be his biggest enemy. Thorfinn plans to kill Askeladd in order to avenge his fathers death, which would later harm Thorfinn even more psychologically.

His father bared the same philosophy as Canute, which would be there'd be no use for violence and that things could be solved through love. If you'd use your dagger, you would already lose a fight. Thorfinn as a kid always wanted to be a viking, but grew traumatized quickly, learning that you'd have to slaughter innocent villages and be faced with the twists and turns of morality.


Thorfinn protects Canute extremely well despite giving him the evil eye as soon as they were faced with each other, but that was probably due to the fact he'd never seen another 17 year old in years, and the plain fact that Canute was royalty. Thorfinn soon learns that Canute has a lot more to give than just looking pretty; he plans to travel to defeat his horrible father, the exact opposite of Thorfinn's plan for his own dad, which was to avenge. He also recognizes he holds a lot of his fathers ideologies and sticks up for himself any time he can, despite appearing to be a wuss. The two show a yin and yang relationship, but are the same in their cores. Thorfinn is constantly curious about Canute, even if he doesn't outwardly express it.



* Kuudere - The Kuudere is quiet like the Dandere but is cold and cynical. ... The Kuudere rarely shows a caring side even to their love interest. They don't really care what happens to everyone else including their love interest on the outside, but care on the inside. The difference between Kuudere and Yandere is that the Kuudere is not as aggressively temperamental.

* That's not to say Thorfinn isn't hotheaded. He's cold, cynical, but he's shut off and quiet. He doesn't go out of his way to yell and complain about things, he's pretty passive and ignores what he has to just to keep going and get to his goal.

* He easily gives in, this isn't applied to war, though. He'll appear judgmental, but it's not hard to sway his opinion; he's open minded wether he'd like to realize and/or admit it or not.

* He's more hotheaded in the way that he's easily irritable.

* Very sensitive to intimate touch. This is displayed when he's sat down to have his hair brushed and he's blushing, staring forward. I'll make Thorfinn sensitive to any softness or romanticism.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 9th 2020 19:17