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Daichi Eiji (Zombie Apocalypse oc)

Name: Daichi Eiji
Height: 6' 2"
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Daichi is a hot headed analytical pain in the ass. He has a tendency to do his own thing and runs off on his own a lot. Despite his hot headed smart alecky attitude he is actually a very kind and caring person who can't stand to see innocent people get hurt.
Likes: He loves horror stories and exploring creepy places.
Dislikes: People who are ass holes for the sake of being an ass.
Bio: He was born to a pair of scientists. Growing up he had a love of things that freaked most people out.
Physical Description (other than what's seen below): Along with his white t-shirt and black hoodie he also wears camo combat pants and black combat boots.
Weapons: Daichi is a primarily close range fighter. His weapons consist of twin short swords and his great grandfather's kantana
Anything Extra: He's also skilled at tending to injuries.
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0 | 0 Comments | by falseReaper | Jan 13th 2016 03:14

torture and tea

I gasped for breath my thoughts slowing my vision blurring and my heart pounding. I could feel myself drowning, feel the water mixed with my own blood filling my mouth with the taste of matalic rust. Then my eyes closed and my I could hear my heart. THUMP. the sound was loud in my ears and it hurt my head, THUMP. With each time my heart bear it pumped more of my crimson blood into the water. THUMP. I desprately tried to take a breath only to choke on the liquid combination that I was drowning in. THUMP. I reached a hand toward the surface above me, my fingertips brushed air. If only I could grasp it and being the oh so important oxygen that my lungs cured for back down under the water. THUMP. another wave of pain rushed through my body as harshly as a torent of swirling waved crashing into a desolate beech. THUMP. My mouth gales open and my lungs contracted one more time. Before I sucummbed to the ever tempting darkness of death. I saw no light, I saw nothing.

"I bet she will regret this..." said a muffled voice somewhere above me. I still couldn't breath I still felt like I under the bloody water, THUMP. "All for a cup of tea." said the voice. It was familiar and hard to place so stopped trying.

"Let the bratt die." seethed another voice, "no wait...let her wake up. Then lets keep her alive and see what she can take." this voice was more violent and sent chills down my already frozen spine. I didn't open my eyes. And I didn't hear my heart bear anymore. Instead I died.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Jan 12th 2016 17:59


Un pomeriggio, stranamente Oliver è rimasto a casa tutto il tempo. DI solito va sempre in giro a svanverare, soprattutto nell'Est. C'è chiaramente qualcosa che puzza, ma nessuno vede ancora la cacca.

Verso le 5 di pomeriggio, qualcuno bussa alla porta, e Oliver sfreccia ad aprire, prima di chiunque altro. «Liáng xiānshēng, dàjiā xiàwǔ hǎo, nà jiùshì yǐjīng dàolái de róngyù!» E si inchina in modo Eastern. per poi accompagnare il misterioso uomo dell'Est in sala da pranzo, per offrirgli il tè.
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1 | 52 Comments | by Crow | Jan 11th 2016 10:19


E' il suo giorno libero e si trova nella sua nuova casa che l'imperatore gli ha costruito, non aspetta nessuno quindi è molto rilassato e ha intenzione di riposarsi in quella giornata, perché sa che a Sao non piace che abbiano un giorno libero e quindi il giorno seguente sa giá che lo farà lavorare più del solito, sta leggendo un libro sulle arti marziali allungato sul divano.
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1 | 44 Comments | by Dark_Lord | Jan 10th 2016 10:01

Darth Yurail

Sith during the old republic times

Born on the planet onderon, he was a jedi that deserted the jedi order when he saw they were weak and defenseless, he killed his former master and became a powerful sith able to strike his opponents using shear force.

His weakness is the force, he is full of hatred, that doesn't allow him to use the dark side at his advantage yet that doesn't mean he wont use it if he has to

He masters the combat style of Juyo "With my body as a channel for all my rage and anger, my opponent shall fall effortlessly".

His most powerful force tricks are: Force choke, Force Lightning and Force Drain

He wields one standard lightsaber with a red crystal

He requires an apprentice to fight by his side, either they join him or he will turn them and make them join him
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2 | 0 Comments | by Blipperblup | Jan 10th 2016 03:38

Jaden Hodgson (slime bender)

Name: Jayden Hodgson

Basic Information: Not much to know about him

Preferred Name: Jayden but he wont mind if you spell it Jaden

Age: 16 to 21

Date of Birth: 6/7/99 (year depends on age you chose)

Race: Slimerbender

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Titles: None

Affiliations: None

Prior Affiliations: None

Occupation: (Executive, Task Force, Member, or Affiliate): None of note

Appearance: he's a very short male but he packs a very hard punch if you get him mad
Appeared Age: He looks his age (I realized 3'2 was a stupid height)

Height: 5'2

Weight: 100lbs

Build: he's very buff but hides it

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Yellow

Hair Style: Normal

Hair Color: Blue

Fashion: He dresses however he feels like, he doesn't care if people judge
Abnormalities: He has a symbol on both hands to control his power

Tattoos: none

Personality: He's very agressive if you treat him like a kid, but show him respect, he will return it

Base Alignment: None of note

Personality description: He's very agressive if you treat him like a kid, but show him respect, he will return it

Abilities and Powers: he has a vile of strange green slime then he can call on and bend

Equipment: his slime, it can become a sword, armor, almost anyhting, and it has infite amount.

Miscellaneous: whatever his slime turns into

Brief Biography: His family have been trying to create what their acestor create for 100's of years, and jaden is the first to master the bending

Friends: None

Family: His mom, his, grandparents, 2 sisters, a little brother, and 2 older brothers

Enemies: none of note
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2 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Jan 8th 2016 23:56

Kevin (magic notebook)

Name: Kevin (last name unknown)

Basic Information: none known

Preferred Name: Kevin

Age: 15-20 (depending on rp)

Date of Birth: unknown

Race: artiest

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Titles: 'the sketcher' 'the painter'

Affiliations: currently working for himself, and thats all he believes he needs

Prior Affiliations: He's worked for several guilds, but they all betrayed him, and so he left them

Occupation: (Executive, Task Force, Member, or Affiliate): Student, artiest

Appearance: Tall young male with nice medium length hair, he weights a nice amount of rhis age

Appeared Age: will depend on rp

Height: 5'2

Weight: none of your business

Build: he's not super buff, but he can defend himself

Skin Color: white

Eye Color: blue

Hair Style: normal...?

Hair Color: red

Fashion: he dresses in his mood, happy he'll dress bright color, sad he'll dress emo, goth means he's super mad or sad, red means he wants to kill, etc.

Abnormalities: he has a strange mark that appears during the full moon, if he's dating someone, he will do anything they say until the moon falls

Tattoos: none

Personality: Very loyal to his friends, will destroy his enemy, super smart, super nice to new people

Base Alignment:

Personality description: If you walk up and talk to him, he'll usally be sketching something, the scene thats happening, and he'll smile happily and talk with you

Abilities and Powers: Anything he draws in his sketchbook, will happend, but it will only work for him

Equipment: his sketchbook, a pair of daggers, a crossbow

Miscellaneous: He collects pain brushes and pens

Brief Biography: he comes from a long line of artiest, but he's the first to show magic powers in over a centruy

Friends: none

Family: most of em' are dead expect my grandma

Enemies: all the guilds i've left
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1 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | Jan 8th 2016 23:46

Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thime.

Lui si è recato nell'Est per comprare dei materiali alchemici, dato che adesso c'è libertà di mercato e scambio tra Nord ed Est.

Lui non é molto pratico del luogo, quindi è un po' sperduto e nervoso.

Al momento sta camminando nella strada principale della Capitale.
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1 | 72 Comments | by Rorii | Jan 8th 2016 12:05

Nyomi ~Bio~

Name: Nyomi
Age: 21
Species: Ninetails
Hair: golden blonde
Eyes: crimson red
Height: 5'2"
Scent: Warm Cinnamon
Personality: she is a humaniod pokemon who is wanting to learn to be human and find a master who will take care of her. she can be shy or really energetic it depends on how you approach her.
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11 | 4 Comments | by Anina | Jan 3rd 2016 02:00


Get I started a medical forum called corrupt doctors. I hope to have many members!
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Dec 31st 2015 15:14


Name: Blipper Blupten

Age: 36

Race: Human

Power: Rage aura, Mind Torture

Story: After the dimension event Victor was killed but someone revived him as someone else they renamed him as Blipper, he was stronger, colder, and emotionless, he managed to escape the dimension and live a normal life until he was hunted by dimension jumpers every month.

With attempts to flee blipper became well known through out the dimensions, his age caused his red aura to be more lethal both to enemies and to himself, he developed high intellectual skills to torture people by haunting them onto the verge of madness.

Career: Ex-Mercenary

Hobbies: None

Life Goal: live a normal life in peace and serenity
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0 | 0 Comments | by Blipperblup | Dec 30th 2015 23:06


Some clarifications about a few misconceptions about the Eastern Empire (pre-civil war).

-Nobles were the real scum. Abusive,  repressive, greedy,  spoiled, heartless, skilless, misogynist and selfish.

-Middle-Class and farmers were nothing but victims of this elitist system.
They were exploited to the bone, forced to pay huge fees and taxes to nobles under the threat of Assassins being sent against them and their families. 

-Nobles' strength was based on 2 factors: The Emperor supported them, thus they could count of legal privileges of any sort and the protection of military forces.
They had the right to require Assassins' interventions against whoever displeased them.

-Fear ruled, weak people were weakened while nobles became richer like parasites, on their struggles. Except from male nobles, no one had an advantage of the situation, everyone suffered.

-The horrible treatments reserved to women were exclusive of the nobles.
Middle-Class and below, by paradox, were much more civilized towards their women.

-Poor people did not sell their daughters.
When they did not manage to pay their exploiters, the girls were taken away from the family with force, to "repay the debt".

-Nobles vision of a perfect eastern wife: submitted sex slave.

-Middle-Class and below, vision of a perfect eastern wife: a "mother" to take care of the man and support him, advice him and guide him.

-The Emperor was the owner of all brothels. Those chosen to direct each were jist his employees.

-The Empress was nothing more than the wife of the Emperor. She had no power nor right.

-Most of the soldiers joined the army to not stave. Starvation and suicide were the two top causes of death in the East.

-Nobles were (still are) hated like plague by other people, but with the Emperor backing them, they could stand no chance to survive a revolution. That why the civil war could occur only during a period with no ruler on the throne.

-Not even Sao is even close to how bad, cruel and sick most other nobles were.

-Clans of the wilds hate nobles to the point they eat them, literally, if they caught them in their territories.

-Priests could not go in support of the people in need, the High Priests could not allow to send them to sure death.

-Noble girls were only given away in combined marriages that could bring advantage to their fathers.

-Middle-Class and below girls married out of love and free will, upon parents' blessings too.

-A very small number of nobles were decent and against the system, despite it advantaged them the way it was. (Xiu's father, Shushu's father and Sao are 3 of the 5.)

-Nobles were above the law.

-The servants of the Royal Palace were all nobles. Secondborn sons and less despised daughters. Being a servant of the Emperor was the dream job of every eastern as it granted safety, wellness and even a taste of luxury.
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1 | 0 Comments | by Junn | Dec 30th 2015 07:13


Sterbenfuer has started a forum called the hunters and the prey. People should join!
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0 | 0 Comments | by Cylie | Dec 30th 2015 00:32

All my LONG starters!

Ellowyn Grace

Her hair is dyed burgundy and super curly, and she tries to tame the frizz by braiding it. She has dark green eyes, and tan skin. Her mother is Mexican and her father is Caucasian. She's petite at 5'3 and thin but healthy, fit from taking years of contemporary dance lessons. Her father let her take them to get her out of the house. He wasn't straight up abusive, he just didn't really care for her. There's a reason for this. Her abilities first manifested at seven, when she got scared during a thunderstorm and her lamp exploded. She's still terrified of storms. She has a sort of pyrokinesis, but not your typical kind. She can use her fire for a little more than one would think. Ellowyn can use it not only in the typical way, but also to cause explosions as mentioned before, and is immune to extreme temperatures. Another thing she can do is use her abilities to transfer one person's injuries onto her own body. She's stubborn at first, and definitely has an attitude problem, but loyal and caring with friends. She's pansexual, but really awkward when it comes to crushes.

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2 | 0 Comments | by TheMeridianSea | Dec 28th 2015 21:36