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29 Friends



(Serenity Henriquez)
30 / Female / Married
Fresno, California - United States
things you should know:
1.since a lot of people don’t pay attention to the relationship status I AM MARRIED.
2.if the roleplay plot Is your idea You should be the one to start it.
3.i have a very busy life and sometimes take days to reply Do Not message a bunch of times if I haven’t replied.
4. if you are actually interested in a rp please dont hesitate to ask.
Come on guys & gals, I take my rps rather serious since ive been doing this for 13 years. Thank you very much for reading this.
Mew~ =^,.,^=

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Latest Comments

Hope you’re ok, I miss you. :(
Mar 2nd 2021 13:33

Hi there, Anina! Wanna continue our roleplay discussion from 5 months ago?
May 15th 2020 14:39

i just realize, you joined on my moms birthday 0_o
May 24th 2016 09:47