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The Blood Dragon Sisters

Names: Shiro and Aka
Nicknames: The Herald and Envoy of the Blood Dragon
Species: Human (Aka). Human-turned-vampire (Shiro.)
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Body: toned
Eye colour: Red
Hair colour: Black
Distinguishing features: Serafuku Uniform
Ethnic Background: Japanese (Raised in Tibet by blood monks)
Preferred weapons: Katana
Image Album:
Theme song: Kevin Sherwood - The One
Combat Themes:
Aka: Mick Gordon - Tiger warrior
Shiro: Mick Gordon - Herald of Gargos
Blood Dragon: Atlas and Celldweller - Kneel to Your God

During their very early life, Shiro and Aka's parents travelled from Japan to Tibet for a short vacation in the Tibetan mountains. Whilst there, they were found by a group of Tibetan monks. However, these monks were far from being the peaceful Buddhists that were known to reside in the area. They worshiped the scriptures of the Lóng Xuè; the Blood Dragon. Once every hundred years, their religion dictated a blood sacrifice was required to appease the Blood Dragon. They murdered Shiro and Aka's parents and took the sisters to their temple to be sacrificed in the ritual. The young sisters lives would have ended there and then had two souls not emerged from them. The souls appeared to be small humanoid dragons, dressed in small kimonos and both wielding large Katana. They protected the sisters, keeping the monks away from them but would not harm them. They were bound to the sisters and, without their word, could not kill. The monks were shocked at first, but believed them to be a gift from the Blood Dragon herself, sent in order to find their long lost holy relic: The Dagger of Lóng Xuè, said to posses part of their gods very soul. After finding a replacement for the ritual, they took the sisters in and raised them as their greatest warriors. Fast forward several years. The sisters at age 16 wield a great power. Word reached the monks of a false prophet near by, a vampire, claiming himself to be the true blood lord. The monks dispatched Shiro alone to deal with the heathen. Aka sneaked out after her, believing the risk to be too high for her sister to go alone. Her worry proved to be justified. The vampire was far more powerful than anticipated. It defeated Shiro in battle and could have finished her, instead, it wanted to make an example of her. He tore off both of her arms, leaving her unable to defend herself and proceeded to have his way with her, biting into her neck and taking advantage of her as she was bleeding to death. Aka arrived during all this and impaled the vampire from behind before swinging her sword upwards, slicing it clean in half. She stopped her sisters bleeding as best as she could and carried her back to the temple. The monks considered Shiro to be tainted by the vampires bite and demanded that Aka execute her. Enraged at their disregard of her sisters life, she drew her blade and, with both her and her sisters dragon spirits alongside her, slaughtered the monks, showing them no mercy as they pleaded and preyed to their god to be saved. Once the blood temple was painted in the very liquid it worshiped and no monks remained, Aka took Shiro to the temples technology department. She used what she could and crafted her replacements for both of her arms made primarily from cloned cells and muscle tissue. Shortly afterwards, the effects of the vampires bite became apparent and Shiro developed her own thirst for blood. Only having each other and their dragon spirits left, the sisters remained by each others side. Knowing nothing but blood and combat, they lacked any true sense of empathy, only feeling such a feeling towards each other and their dragon spirits. With the monks dead, they embarked on a journey to encounter worthy opponents and find fulfillment through battle. Now that they were free from the monks, their dragon spirits told them of how their true parents died. In a final act of revenge, they destroyed the temple before leaving and cast aside all but two things of the religion they had been brainwashed with. The first being the Dagger. They desired to find it in order to either harness it's power or to destroy it in defiance of their former religion. The second being their names. They took Blood Dragon as their surname, but in the language of their true family, the family murdered by the twisted monks. They are Shiro and Aka ChiNoRyuu, The Blood Dragon Sisters.

"Do not thank us. We did not come here to save you, it was just a convenient coincidence." "We wanted to fight the people attacking this area due to hearing that they were formidable. Sadly, we see that those claims were greatly exaggerated."
-Shiro and Aka when approached with gratitude by the leader of a village.

((Inspired by the Shinigami in the lore of @Samatonliana. I made them to be Shinigami in an RP with her. I gave them this backstory for use in other RP's. Characters originally made on Oct 2nd 2015))
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:24

Benn and CJ

Name: Benn
Nickname: The Redeemer
Species: Revenant/Demon
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'2
Body: toned
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Black
Distinguishing features: Very gruff voice
Ethnic Background: English
Preferred weapons: Unknown
Theme song: Two Down - Sent from Hell
Combat theme: Group 916 - Afraid of living

Like Ada, Benn is a Revenant. However, he was made into one for a different reason. While Ada's desire is to kill and torture people for her own twisted enjoyment, Benn does it to make people pay for their sins. Originally a mob boss in London, he ran his syndicate differently to the others. While cold and calculating, he was a fair man. Avoiding hurting the innocent and only killing those who had killed others. After making a name for himself, the leader of a rival mob hired a twisted hit man to take him out. After being forced to watch as the psychopath brutally tortured his wife and daughter to death before finally being killed himself he was given a choice by the underworld: Join his family in the afterlife or receive the chance to kill the one who hurt them so much. Blinded by his rage, he chose the latter. He was given the powers of a Revenant and sent out on his quest for vengeance. Knowing he'll never see his loved ones again he wanders the earth, making people pay for their crimes while he searches for the man who murdered his family. Even with certain Revenant powers, he still seems to prefer using conventional firearms, perhaps to try and make himself still feel somewhat human. While the death of his wife and child changed him deeply, he still tries to avoid hurting the innocent, but the line between innocent and guilty gets blurrier day by day...

At first glance he can come across as cold or distant, but is actually rather open with people. Despite usually talking in a gruff voice, it can sometimes get quite high pitched if he wants it to be. Other than some harsh language he is often rather polite but he's not afraid to call a c*nt a c*nt. Can be rather cryptic at times and likes riddles, some people sometimes find it hard to tell if what he's said is meant to be taken literally or is just another cryptic message.


Name: Charlie Jacobs
Nickname: CJ
Species: Revenant/Demon
Age: Late teens
Height: 5'10
Body: toned
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Blonde
Distinguishing features: Tries overly hard to seem like a gangsta
Ethnic Background: English
Preferred weapons: Mac 10's and a switchblade

CJ's real story starts as a member of a small street gang in his early teens. He always had a habit of acting hard and dressing like he fell through the washing line every morning. Wearing his pants half way down his ass and a vest half tucked into his underwear with a do-rag worn under a cap that points in an awkward direction. One day CJ got in over his head. He tried to rob casino that was run by the Double-N Syndicate, after being caught he was taken to see the boss, Benn. After talking for a while, Benn saw something in him. Underneath his street thug exterior, he was just a kid from a broken home who was trying to get the money his mother needed to keep them both alive. He offered him a place in his family with the promise of more than enough money to keep him and his mother fed. CJ accepted it and with time became his youngest Lieutenant. Unfortunately, CJ was one of the people with Benn when the Hitman came for him and was killed before the assassin took Benn. When Benn was reborn as a Revenant he was given the choice of resurrecting any one of the people killed in the attack. He chose CJ and CJ agreed in order to repay him for what he had done for him in life... That and he thought "The Revenent" would be a cool MC name.

Some say he's a "white boy trying to be black." His response to this is often "Bitch, f*** you! You dunno me!" A disrespectful attitude and habitual need to swear. It is perhaps because of this that he makes a decent MC and even managed to convince Benn to do a few tracks with him. Has a habit of flirting with somewhat older women that are out of his league, often trying to act impressive whenever one is around to try and get their attention. Rarely shows his more sensitive side, believing people will mock him if he does and preferring to put on his "tough guy" front around other people, though his attitude does change noticeably when his mother is brought up or when people talk about losing a loved one.

((Character made with my bf to try and get him into RPing. He said I could use him in RP's if I wanted. We added CJ later as a semi comic relief but still kept him a somewhat serious character. Decided to add him to the same blog since making a new would would mean reordering them all again. Image below is of Benn))
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2 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:22

The Messiah

Name: Yokoshima ((Unproven) Japanese for Evil / Wicked)
Nickname: The Messiah
Species: Unknown
Age: Several Thousand
Height: In physical form usually between 6'-7'
Body: Scarred in various places. Thin and tall
Eye colour: Purple (Shade varies, including black)
Hair colour: Purple (Shade varies, including black)
Distinguishing features: Her voice. Often in two tones, one tone sweet and childlike, the other dark and screaming. It can be heard in both the listeners ears and mind.
Ethnic Background: Unknown
Preferred weapons: Scythe, time control, omnipotent powers
Image Album:
Theme song: Kevin Sherwood - "Dead Again"

The enigmatic ruler of the Nechronica. Almost nothing is known about her other than that she is the last remaining native life form of what appears to be earth in some kind of different dimension. Possessing both godlike and ungodly abilities alike along with a tangible hatred for all inhuman creatures that have a conscious mind. It is this hatred that drives her to travel to other dimensions and abduct these creatures before throwing them into her Nechronica and forcing them to fight others from different dimensions for their freedom. She always wears the same full body suit, however it may change colour or tone depending on various factors. The usual colour is purple. Sometimes, she can be heard speaking of friends or family she once had at some point, though she never gives any specific names, however it is obvious that she cared deeply for them during their lives. Sometimes while in physical form, she can be seen in the distance, sitting on an old dead tree next to a small graveyard. Considering all of this, it is possible that her motives are driven by more than just simple rage and hatred.

"This desolate wasteland was my home... IS my home. It was destroyed by creatures like you... I lost everything and was given nothing but Hatred and Malice in return... I will never forgive any of you for what happened here. No matter how long it takes, I will hunt down your kind in every universe you may infest and rid you from the multiverse... Your victory here has only stalled the inevitable. I am Yokoshima. Remember that name. You will hear it again some day..."
-Yokoshima upon releasing the victor from her Nechronica back to their own world at the end of a game.

((Note: I realise that given her abilities she is basically immune to everything. However, she isn't really designed for a combat scenario. More as a plot advancer in the Nechronica arc and other things where she might fit.
Fair warning for people who read this: If you god mod too much where it takes the piss, avoiding everything I do and hitting everything you do, you will be classed as inhuman and get the same from me using her.
Blog about her specific arc:
Character originally made on Feb 7th 2016))
Heart this
3 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:21

Suzumi Unleashed

Name: Suzumi
Nickname: Hell Razor
Species: Possessed Human
Age: 25
Height: 6'4
Body: Toned / Dragon scales
Eye colour: Red
Hair colour: Red
Distinguishing features: Dragon like body
Preferred weapons: Armageddon shotgun, Fire
Theme song: Dethklok - Black Fire Upon Us
Combat theme: A Dark Halo - Burn It All

There exists in this world a dagger that contains the soul of a mighty beast that died millennia ago. It is said that those with the willpower to do so can harness this beasts power by thrusting the dagger into their heart and allowing the power to flow into them. Those who lack the courage or strength of will however, will be consumed by the beasts flames and die a most painful death. Even those with the will to not be overcome straight away may still weaken over time and succumb to the beasts power, either being driven to insanity or just being consumed and dying outright. Those strong enough to maintain their will and not crack will be granted an extraordinary power. Some say the power would come at the cost of your soul, others say it would cost your humanity, there are even people who believe it would rend you of both. However, no one knows the true cost, if any, of harnessing this power after proving yourself worthy of it blessing... or curse.

"Desire... the driving force of all things living. The source of my power. What is yours, I wonder? Come, let us find out together..."
-The essence in the dagger to any who can hear it.

((Character originally made on June 12th 2015))
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2 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:20


Name: Model YK-01 Combat Android.
Nickname: Dakka-chan
Species: Android
Age: N/A
Height: 6'2
Body: Various metals and minerals
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Black metal
Distinguishing features: Metallic Body
Ethnic Background: Created by a specialist contracted by Suzumi.
Preferred weapons: MK 666 "Helldriver" decuple-Barrelled Auto-Cannon.
Image Album:
Theme song: Leo Moracchioli (Cover) - Titanium
Combat theme: Little V (Cover) - Ultratech Industries
Overdrive theme: Mick Gordon - .Execute
(Designed mostly to fit into stories where the outbreak was contained and the apocalypse was avoided.)

Partial Backstory:
Having earned more money than she could effectively spend from taking Suicide missions, Suzumi decided to hire someone to build her a robot for reasons she kept private. For a substantial sum of money her request was granted. The Model YK-01 Combat Android was created. Made from various metals and minerals including Titanium, Tungsten and Steel, she is virtually indestructible. Dubbed Dakka-chan by Suzumi, she is equipped with a custom weapon: The MK 666 Helldriver. A gunship-grade Autocannon with ten internal barrels, capable of firing one after the other for extreme fire rate or all at once for pure devastating stopping power. She has an extremely sophisticated learning AI and is even capable of understanding and feeling emotions. However, she has as of yet not been activated and remains in storage in Hellshocks base.

Very little is known about her personality, given that she has not yet been activated. All that is known for sure is that Suzumi was quite specific on a few details when programming her.
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2 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:20

Groups In The Lore

Originally a partnership formed by Suzumi and Otsukai from the desire to fight for something they believed in and not just what their country told them to believe in. After the outbreak they stuck to their beliefs and maintained Hellshocks standing, becoming well known throughout the various survivors as a shield of loyalty and hope to those willing to seek out their help. And a sword of vengeance and justice to those who dared to cross them or those they cared about. After a while, Kid became a member of the group after she was found wandering the streets in search of a weapon. Other people are also considered part of the Hellshock family but choose to not be affiliated with them in a working relationship for various reasons. They are considered as honourary members. These people are very few and far between as it takes something very special for Hellshock to consider someone close enough to be family.
Members: Suzumi, Otsukai and Kid.
Honourary members: Kifa and Nafuka

Task Force - Red, White and Blue (TF-RWB. Nicknamed Ruby Regiment.)
A joint UK/FR/US group of Special Operations units operating both in and out of country. The Task forces name comes from the three colours that all three countries have in their flags. Designed with extremely high risk black ops missions in mind. Each country provided a batallion from one specific area: Land, Sea or Air along with one special squad made up of soldiers from a mixed backround of military service.
-TF- Red. United Kingdom Branch.
Provides the Air Force in the form of a battalion from the Special Air Service.
-TF- White. France Branch.
Provides the Land Force in the form of a battalion from the Army Special Forces Brigade
-TF- Blue. United States Branch.
Provides the Sea Force in the form of a battalion from the Navy SEALS.
Wolfpack was the American squad made up of soldiers from a mixed military background led by Lieutenant Kifa Blaze. A six member team with each member taken from a different branch of the US military.
Known Surviving Members: Kifa Blaze, Alex kowalski

Royal Supernatural Investigation Department (RSID, pronounced acid):
When the dimension dubbed "Hell" was discovered by world leaders and it's inhabitants deemed a threat to the people of our world, the governments of many countries created military divisions dedicated to combating the threat. RSID is the UK's dedicated branch for fighting against all manner of hellish and/or supernatural enemy.
Known Surviving members: Samantha Seelenverkäufer, Veronica Suzuki and Sosuke Suzuki

Saviors Research Group:
The scientists responsible for the creation of the mutagen that destroyed the world. Wanting to extend the lifespan of humans and resurrect the dead, they grew arrogant and caused it to backfire completely. The surviving members were not part of the mutagenics branch and thus cannot be held responsible.
Known Surviving members: NELES and the head of the security division
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3 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:19

Aftershock (6 years later...)

"This is Kid. We still haven't been able to find Suzumi. It's been three years now since she went missing. I still haven't given up hope though, but I'm not sure Otsukai feels the same way. She's changed. There's something darker about her now. She's still emotionless for the most part but she seems much more aggressive and violent. I still try to be enthusiastic and keep a smile when I can but it's getting hard. We've... Replaced Suzumi for the moment. We found a woman who is skilled in close range combat called Scorpion who has taken Suzumi's role in the group. Suzumi was what made us Hellshock though, so as a sign of respect we changed our name to Aftershock... After Hellshock. We will find her, we owe her too much to give up. She saved my life and gave purpose to Otsukai's. I know she's not dead, she's far to stubborn to die... Again, this is Kid Hellshock, signing off."

((This is a future timeline for anyone who wants a different take on the characters and the exclusion of my main for the most part. Blog originally made on Aug 13th 2015))
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6 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:19

Nechronica: Anima

"Welcome, my twisted little puppets, to the world you all belong in. Too long have you wandered the earth, tainting it with your "Free Will." You are not human, you are nothing but walking abominations. Abominations should not have free will. Who am I? You may call me The Messiah. I oversee this world. It is here where you will all be broken and remade into the mindless creatures you are supposed to be. That is, unless you can prove you deserve to keep your mind intact. I don't expect much from you, but we shall see. The rules are simple: You must fight you're way through this desolate world until you reach me. Along the way you will face creatures of my own creation, along with other teams of puppets, here to prove themselves worthy and puppets who have already failed to do so and are doomed to remain here as fodder, broken and stripped of their humanity. Upon completing objectives you may be rewarded with equipment and currency which you can use to buy various items from merchants and vendors you find along the way. Do not worry about dying, that is all part of the game. Should death claim you then you will simply be restored in a random location and penalized for your failure. The penalty will be up to my own discretion to decide. But enough details. Let the games begin!"

((Second spin-off story. If you're characters are mutants or something similar and you want a strictly non-human RP or you simply like the idea behind this scenario, let me know. This one is going to be a lot more gory and hectic in parts than my usual stories. Blog originally made on Aug 25th 2015))
Heart this
3 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 20:18


((I seem to get a lot of requests for me to play the villain in rp's but I always end up turning them down since my characters (barring Ada) aren't actually evil. However I started thinking... What if they were?... Say hello to Shellshock: The deranged, evil and downright not nice alternate universe counterparts to Hellshock. Their main bios remain largely the same, however any changes will be detailed below. Yes, this is made to be somewhat over edgy as a joke.))

Overall theme song: Powerman 5000 - How To Be Human


The abusive military training from her parents at a young age took a tole on Suzumi's mind. After signing up she thought she'd seen the worst of it, however she captured by a group of terrorist insurgents and subject to several extreme and cruel forms of torture. After breaking free and brutally murdering her captors she left the military to focus on raising her daughter as a single mother after her father met with an... "Accidental death." However, her daughter's life was sadly cut short when she was forced to euthanise her. This was the last hit Suzumi's already broken psyche could take and it finally shattered. Now a Mercenary with her equally damaged partner, Otsukai, she seeks to kill whoever or whatever she likes the look of the least on any given day and bring the same pain to the world that she's felt her whole life. As far as she cares, getting paid is a bonus... Murder is it's own reward...
Edited theme: Korn - Right Now

"To be honest, I'm just a cunt. I wanna hurt you cos I'm sick of being hurt myself... That, and I find it fun. No, it's not fair. No, it's not right. But I just don't care. Now hold still! You little F***!"


After becoming a soldier, the military saw potential in Otsukai for there super soldier program. After her initiation she was left devoid of emotions and programmed to follow orders. To test the success of the program she was sent into a small village where they believed a high ranking ISIS official was hiding under cover as a regular civilian. She was given one order: Kill. Mere hours after being sent into the village she walked back out, leaving it a destroyed mess of rubble with a 100% casualty rate of it's inhabitants. However, unexpectedly she went rogue instead of returning. Some time later she was found by Suzumi who took an interest in her lack of empathy along with her programming to follow orders and took her as an ally on her genocidal quest.
Edited theme: Combichrist - Without Emotions

"Thought is irrelevant. Emotion is detriment to the mission. All that matters is the order: Kill."


Kid's just f***ed up... That's about it really... Ok ok, details... Born with psychopathic tendencies and a complete lack of empathy, her only meaning of life is to hurt others. She was extremely good at hiding her evil deeds from a young age. She didn't push Jimmy down the stairs, he "fell". She didn't stab a pencil into Sarah's eye, She wasn't even around when it happened. That puppy she killed attacked her, it was "self-defense..." After her parents died she found Suzumi and decided it would be fun to steal her knife and kill her with it. However, she underestimated Suzumi and it almost cost her life. Fortunately for her, Suzumi liked her rabid attitude and similar desires to her, seeing her as a smaller version of herself but was "enlightened" to the beauty of murder at a much younger age. She decided to take her under her wing and help her along her path of Armageddon.
Edited theme: Disturbed - Meaning of life

"Names are just labels. Only one really suites me. I am a Killer In Disguise... Call me... K-I-D. Kid."


Once a loyal and trusted soldier who looked out for her team like her own children, Kifa's mind became twisted by the mutagen upon her resurrection and she is now little more than the other mutants. Capable of speech and basic thought she now works on a basic instinct: Hunt, kill, eat, repeat. Shellshock provides the perfect company for her... And possibly a meal if the need should arise.
Edited theme: Dethklok - Burn The Earth

"Wolf...Pack... Wolfpack! *Howls*"


People are a problem for Navka. She hates the human race and spent her entire life in seclusion away from them. When the outbreak happened she was glad that most of the people got wiped out so that she no longer had to put up with them. The only reason she puts up with the others in Shellshock is because their goal of complete carnage aids her goal of narrowing down the human race.
Edited theme: Five Finger Death Punch 100 Ways To Hate

"Being close enough to hear me say this means you're too close... I hope you had your affairs in order before approaching me..."

((Blog originally made on March 1st 2016))
Heart this
3 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 19:59

The Neverdead

All the souls that Ada has harvested during her time as a Revenant are stored inside her body in a pocket dimension known as The Realm of The Neverdead. A place that hell itself would have trouble competing with. The spirits there are subject to the most cruel and unthinkable tortures. Some cannot take it, their souls break from the pain and dissolve into an inky black liquid that the others are forced to wade through. Ada can summon these souls at will to fight for her whenever she wishes. When she does she can either control their minds fully or, possibly even more cruel, leave them aware of what it is they are doing while they are unable to control their actions. Anyone she kills, or she is simply within range of when they die, has their soul absorbed into her to join the others in her ranks. Their tortured screams forever bringing her the twisted enjoyment she craves.
Heart this
1 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 19:58

The beginning. (backstory. current chapter: 3)

((Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer. In fact, I have barely written anything outside of school work and paperwork before joining this site. This is just a backstory for anyone interested enough in how my characters got to the point they are at. Criticism is welcome and gratefully accepted if it helps improve this or me in anyway. I'll be updating this chapter by chapter as I finish them. Check the title every so often to see if there has been an update. There will be a few links throughout, some to pictures, others to songs. The pictures will be of characters or scenes that are being introduced. The music will just be to add to the mood or to close out a chapter, just tab them open n the background if you want to listen to them. Mid chapter songs won't have vocals so they don't distract from the reading. Songs at the end of chapters are likely to have singing in them. Pictures will be in curved brackets songs will be in square ones.))

Chapter one: Let's welcome chaos.

The story of Hellshock and their friends as they are now begins here; an underground lab, kept secret from the population and used to house the greatest scientific minds of their generation. It is here where the most unlikely of possibilities were experimented with to be made a reality. Research into life extension, nano-technology, cybernetic enhancements, and even resurrection. Most of the staff who made up the research team were in agreement that extending ones life and even regaining it after death was the best way to live a fruitful existence. However, there was one scientist on the team who disagreed. She believed that extending ones life beyond what is granted to them was a pointless act. Humans, as they are, live long enough lives to accomplish even the most ambitious of goals. However, she knew she was in the minority by thinking that. Most people are far to lazy or not creative enough to aspire to such things and the ones that did often had self-serving reasons for doing so. It was this belief that drove her into a subtle depression, making her hold a strong resentment for her own species. Despite this, her goal was to help those who wanted to aspire to greatness, but lacked the ability due to unfortunate circumstances. She hoped in doing so, she would find at least one person she believed made her species worth existing and could say she had met them face to face. This woman, is Neles, or NELES as it is written on her birth certificate. The head of nano and cybernetic research, creating robotic limbs and other such devices to aid the less physically able. Here, we shall step into the day everything changed, and experience it as if we were there ourselves. It seemed just like any other:

Neles stands by her desk, looking into a microscope and observing the programming of a small batch of nanobots. Dressed in her usual uniform of a skirt and shirt, covered by a dark jacket with a red arm band emblazoned with a letter "S", indicating her affiliation to the Saviors research facility. She couldn't help but sigh every time she saw her uniform before getting dressed, believing the theme of the jacket and armband to be reminiscent of the Nazi's, the S somewhat similar to a Swastika. The title of the security force didn't help either, simply Titled Saviors Security, the SS. She leans back from the microscope and begins writing down some notes before pulling at her jacket a little. She had complained several times about it being too small in the chest area for her to fasten it, however a replacement was never given. By this point she had given up asking. A few moments later a man walks in with the same uniform and leans against the table she was working on, giving her a sleazy smirk. "Hey Neles, I wanna ask you somethin'." She sighs and turns back to her research. "No, Nick. I would not like to go to the bar with you when I get off work then join you at your place afterwards." He raises an eyebrow. "How do ya know that was what I was gonna ask?" She takes a deep breath. "Because..." She leans back up again. "You ask me the same thing every Friday. Now please, I have work to do. Go bother Kirsty like you normally do when I turn you down. She always seems eager to take your offer. Maybe you should try asking her first for a change. You both seem equally desperate after all." The man sighs and stands up straight again before tutting and walking back to the door. "Ya know, you're a real bitch sometimes, Neles. You should consider yourself lucky I even bother anymore." She rolls her eyes and checks the time as he leaves. "I'd consider myself lucky if I didn't have to put up with you anymore..." Unfortunately, she didn't realise just how her request would come to be true.

Deeper into the lab, in the highest level clearance of the complex, human experimentation was taking place. Various strains of parasites and mutagens were being used on recently executed subjects in an attempt to bring them back to life. Until this point, there had been little progress. Minor twinges here and there. The closest they had gotten was restoring brain activity for a few seconds before it returned to nothing more than a husk. With little hope at the end of a long day, the last of this weeks strains of mutagens was injected. A few moments later the brain scanners blink to life and begin bleeping. At first the bleeping was erratic but slowly it began to normalise and continued at steady pace. The researchers and scientists in the room looked at each other. At first they couldn't believe what as happening. Finally, one of them spoke up and confirmed what they all already knew. "We've done it! He's alive! We have successfully resurrected the dead!" They all cheered among themselves for a time, however, their celebration was short lived. One of them approached the subject to test for responses from them. Unfortunately, with the last test being somewhat rushed due to a lack of hope towards it's success, the subject was not correctly secured to the testing equipment. As the scientist approached, the subject suddenly snapped awake and ripped itself from the equipment, grabbing the scientist and sinking it's teeth into his neck. The scream he gave out could be heard throughout most of the lab before it was cut short as the subjects teeth clamped shut and tore his throat out. The other people in the room panicked and scrambled for the exit, pushing and trampling over their friends and co workers in an attempt to save themselves from the monster they had created.

Down the hall, Neles heard the scream and panicking that followed it as she left her office. "What the hell?" she asks herself before looking down the hall. She thought for a moment about what she should do. Make her way to the exit like most of her colleagues were, or move towards the screams. She sighs and makes her decision. Whether it be concern for those left back there or morbid curiosity she couldn't say, but she started to make her way towards the source of the horrible sounds. As she drew nearer she could hear the awful sounds of screaming, people begging for their lives, bones cracking, flesh being torn from bodies and the ever increasing sound of monstrous growls and snarls. Over the radio she could hear members of the security team yelling orders to one another followed by gunshots, however they quickly fell silent before moments later joining the cacophony of agonized screaming. Neles glances around herself for a moment and sees that she's the only person left in the lab who's on this side of the security door. She gulps quietly, fear gripping at her as the realisation of being alone with whatever's on the other side of the lab set's in. She shakes her head and closes her eyes tightly for a moment before taking a deep breath. "... Come on Neles... Get a grip. No turning back now, everyone else has already taken the emergency elevators to the surface..." The thought of calling one back down crosses her mind before her thoughts are cut off by the lights suddenly switching off. She jumps slightly then they slowly come back on, along with a computerised voice. "Power levels critical. Shutting down elevators." She sighs. "So much for that idea..." She listens carefully for a moment. "The screams have stopped. Is that... Good?" She quietly speaks into the voice scanner and opens the first door carefully and slowly walks in. The sound of creatures feasting could be heard in the rooms around her. She instantly regretted stepping through that door, but dared not risk turning back, lest the creatures hear her attempt the voice scanner.

After a moment to compose herself she slowly makes her way down the hall. Blood and mutilated corpses littered the hall. She could hardly keep herself from retching as the scent of death invaded her nostrils. As she scanned the path ahead she saw who she recognised to be Nick. His body heavily deformed and half eaten. An unexpected sense of sorrow began to flow into her. She was never fond of him, however seeing him like this, she realised he was never really hurtful or mean to her outside of a few angry retorts at her rejections. She just didn't see him as someone she could relate to. He didn't deserve to end up like this. He wasn't even part of this sector, He, along with Neles and the others in their sectors, didn't even know about the human testing. He likely just heard the screams and came to see what was happening, perhaps even help. She felt somewhat guilty, but knew that none of that really mattered now. Suddenly, she heard banging as the emergency elevator plummeted back down. She knew they couldn't have reached the surface yet. As a loud crash filled the complex the feeling of dread sank in fully. She knew no one could have survived that drop. No help was coming for her now and she was now completely alone. However, that wasn't what fueled her fear the most. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched as it sank in. She couldn't have been the only thing that heard that crash... The creatures that had been feasting in the other rooms began to step into the hall to investigate the sound. As she looked at them she realised that they were her co-workers. Their bodies mutated and distorted into inhuman abominations. As one sees her it snarls and shrieks, alerting all the others in the area.

It takes a second before Neles finally breaks from her state of frozen dread. She snaps her head back and forth, seeing the creatures coming out of each room around her. She begins to panic, tears welling in her eyes and obscuring her vision as she desperately looks for an opening. She notices one of the rooms that seems clear and doesn't hesitate before darting in and throwing the door shut behind her, barricading it with a nearby workbench. Mere seconds later the clawing and banging of the creatures could be heard on the door outside along with their inhuman screams and shrieks of hunger. She steps back from the door, her heart pounding and head spinning. She tries to take a moment to regain her mind, but her attention is drawn by a sudden movement in the other side of the room. She turns slowly and is greeted by one of the grotesque creatures, mere feet away from her. Before she has chance to react it ponces on her, knocking her to the floor along with various utensils on the nearby tables. She flails her arms a moment before gripping it's chest, just barely keeping it's mouth away from her face. "No!" She screams desperately. "Get off me!" She grits her teeth and turns her head, gaining a precious inch or so more between her face and the monsters' gaping maw. On the floor next to her she sees a bone saw among the various tools that fell down with her. Seeing no other way out she moves her arm, letting the creature bite into it to keep it away from her face before gritting her teeth and growling in pain as her other hand grabs the saw before swinging it up and into the creatures neck. While it's stunned she turns, throwing it off, then kneels over it. Gripping the saw with both hands she begins to carve through it's neck, blood spraying out and onto her face and body as hits the jugular vein. She continues, not stopping until she's sliced clean through the spine, severing the monsters head and rendering it finally dead. Though she had managed to survive her encounter, she was left exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. She drops the saw and pushes herself back into a corner, pulling her knees up to her chest and sobbing gently as she buries her face against her legs.

The next morning she awakens with a gasp having passed out the night before. Thankfully the creatures had given up trying to get inside the room and had mostly fallen quiet aside from the odd one or two that could be heard eating what remained of the staff's corpses. She sighs and stands up, looking over the headless body of the one she had killed the night before. She knew there was no way she could take on more than one. She might not even be able to take another one on its own, she's a scientist, not a fighter. She had just gotten lucky, if you could call anything she was going through 'lucky'. Finally having a moment to get her bearings, she starts to think of any possible way out. "The main lab. Every sector has a radio system in the main lab to keep in contact with the other sectors and various places on the surface. If I can make it to the main lab I can barricade myself inside and radio for help, or at the very least let people know what's happened down here before it gets out of control." She takes a few deep breathes before looking through the shatter resistant window to check the hallway. It seemed almost clear save for a couple of them dotted further down the hall. She decides this was her only chance. If she waited too long she could lose her nerve or the creatures could come back out of their holes. She quietly moves the workbench from the door before taking one final deep breath and slowly sighing it back out again and gripping the door handle. "3...2........1" She throws the door open as she hits one and begins sprinting down the hall, the creatures that were outside growling at her before giving chase, followed by the ones that swiftly made their way back out of the other offices.

Neles pants as she makes her way to her last hope of survival, adrenaline flooding into her as the horde raced behind her. She finally makes it to lab and hits the button for the doors, causing them to slide apart and reveal what was inside. Her eyes widened as all hope left her, in front of her was patient zero, the first one to be brought back by the mutagen. It had destroyed most of the equipment, including the radio and was throwing abut various tools and vials of different mutagenic strains. Before she had much chance to react, there was a small spark caused by the volatile chemicals and destroyed electronics before the whole room erupted into a huge explosion. Neles yelled out and threw her arm up as the blast consumed her body, sending her flying backwards as chunks of debris and metal cut into her and parts of her body were severely burned by the explosion. After the blast she lay there, unable to move more than her head as she looked over herself. Both of her legs had been completely destroyed in the explosion and she was blinded in one eye. the bottom half of the arm she threw up to shield herself lay severed next to her while the top half was simply gone altogether. Her other arm didn't fare much better. The creatures that had been chasing her approached but their attention was caught by something else, the blast had created an opening to the sewer system and they began to make their way out and towards the surface. Neles lay there hopelessly as she watched, wishing one of them would just finish her off. She knew she didn't have long left to live and didn't want to draw out her suffering and overwhelming sense of failure, but none of them bothered with her, whether out of a lack of interest now they had a way out or a sadistic desire to leave her in her miserable state is unknown as one by one they each left the lab. She sighs out painfully as she watches before closing her eyes and quietly waiting for death to come and claim her.

Chapter two: Emerald eyes

Along the pathway of the sewer system the blast was heard by a girl. She had gone down there to escape from the biggest mistake she had ever made and hide out. She looks to be in her early teens and wears a simple brown jacket and black vest. along with a pair of brown trousers and boots. Short blonde hair frames her face and a set of green eyes almost shine from below her fringe. After hearing the explosion she makes her way towards it's source and sees the creatures escaping the newly made hole. she gasps slightly and moves back around the corner, hoping nothing saw her. Once they all seem to have gone out of eye shot she sneaks back around and slowly heads towards the hole. meanwhile, inside one of the creatures was walking towards Neles. It was one of the less mutated creatures and as such was much weaker. Having not had it's share of the staff to eat, it decides that Neles would be the perfect appraiser before moving to the surface with the others. Neles opens her eyes and watches as it approaches. Beyond the point of losing hope now she simply sighs and waits. It looms over her and snarls slightly as it prepares to kill her, however before it has chance a thin steel wire wraps around it's neck from behind and pulls tight against it. It flails it limbs to try and throw of it's attacker, but quickly falls still as the crunch and snapping of it's neck is heard and it drops to the floor. A voice with a thick Irish accent shouts as it drops. "That's what you get, ye feckin' ugly cunt!" The girl sighs and turns to Neles, having just killed the creature that was to make a meal of her.

She quickly moves over and kneels next to the scientist. "Sh*t, you're in bad shape 'ere, love. This looks like a lab of some kind though, is there anything here that can help you?" Neles looks up and stares into her emerald eyes for a moment with her own dull green ones. She had no idea who this girl was, but she could see hope shining in her eyes, a hope that she had recently lost. "My office... Through the security door down the hall... You'll need my voice to open it though." The girls grabs a her phone and hits record. "Speak." Neles coughs and talks into the receiver. "Neles. Cybernetic research. Department head." The girl puts her phone away and nods. "Your names Neles? Alright, call me Cable for now. Where do I go after the security door." Neles looks up to the map on the wall. "Follow the map to my office. My name will be above the door. Grab the containers marked 'Nano bots' and bring them here." Cable nods and stands up. "And Cable... Thank you." She nods and smiles a little at her. "Don't mention it, love. I gotta pretend like I'm the good guy sometimes, ya know?"

Cable runs down the hallway towards the security door, avoiding bodes and pools of blood as she does. Once she reaches the door she hits the button, playing the recording when asked for a voice sample. "Error, voice not recognised." Cable punches the mic. "Damn it, fecking stupid piece of sh*t! Think... come on..." She looks up and sees an air vent leading between both sides. "Bingo." She quickly grabs a chair from one of the offices and places it underneath before climbing up and pulling the hatch open then pulls herself up inside and starts to crawl through. When she reaches the other side of the door she kicks the vent open and drops down. She checks the map on the wall for Neles lab then makes her way there, heading inside once she arrives and looks around. "Nanobots, nanobots... There's the little buggers." She grabs the two cases and leaves the room before heading back to the vent. She throws the two cases up into the vent on the wall then jumps against the wall opposite it before throwing herself off and towards the vent. She grabs the opening and pulls herself up. "Good thing that hatch wasn't in the centre of the roof like the other one... I don't have time to be rearranging furniture right now." She picks up the cases again and crawls back to the other vent before dropping back down.

After landing she turns to head back to Neles but something catches her eye. She isn't sure what it is at first as she stares down the hall but then it clicks. "There was a body there before... Ah feck..." Two thoughts cross her mind. The first being she should run to Neles in case the newly reanimated body had gone to her. The second thought being that maybe it was waiting to ambush her, With both thoughts contradicting each other it was difficult to decide what to do, but she knew that Neles didn't have long before she died so she went with the first of two options and began to run back to her. As she runs, the creature dives out from one of the offices and throws her up against the wall, the two cases falling from her grip as it does. She shakes her head and looks towards it to see it thrusting a clawed hand towards her. As it draws close she pulls her wire straight across in front of her, snagging the creature between its clawed fingers and holding it back. The monster snarls at her, blood and saliva flying from it's mouth and hitting her in the face. She winces at the contact and the smell. "Urgh, ye feckin' gob sh*te! That reeks." She twists the wire and forces it's arm behind it's back as she moves along with it. Once behind it she pulls its arm over her and kicks it in the bottom of the leg using its weight and momentum to throw it over her shoulder, causing it to slam onto it's back against the floor. As soon as it's down she lifts her boot up and starts to repeatedly stamp on it's head. "Die! Die! Die! Die!" Once it stops moving she catches her breath and picks up the cases again. "Dumbass. Guess it didn't know 'oo it were dealing with." She sighs and returns to Neles.

Cable places the cases on the floor and kneels down by her. "Quick, what do I do?" Neles nods to one of the cases. "Open that one. There should be a syringe and a liquid in a container marked nanoparticle serum." She does as instructed and grabs the two things from the case. "Now fill the syringe with the serum and inject it into my arm... well, what's left of it at least." Cable does as she's told and injects her with the strange liquid. Once inside her body the nanobots within the serum begin to heal the damage to her organs and proceed to stop the bleeding, preventing any more blood from escaping from the injuries and speeding up the process of reproducing the blood that was already lost. Neles sighs as the pain is relieved by the numbing agent and looks back to Cable. "Thank you. Now, for my limbs. I need to get back to my lab. Inject some more of the serum into my severed forearm, I'm going to reattach it." Cable nods and injects the severed limb before heading into one of the testing labs and walking back out with a wheeled stretcher. She places the arm on it then kneels down to lift Neles onto it. "Man, you're heavy. Guess you stored all your weight in your chest, huh?" Neles rolls her good eye a little as she's placed on the stretcher. "If you say so..." Cable laughs a little as she wheels her back to her lab. "I wonder what's gonna happen now. Those things were headed to the surface." Neles sighs. "I don't know. With any luck the military will be called in before it gets too out of hand. If not... well, let's try not to think about that for now." Cable nods and stops by the security door so Neles can open it before carrying on.

Once wheeled back into her office, Neles nods to a steel cabinet. "Open that and grab what's inside." Cable pulls the door open and grabs what appears to be a metallic shoulder piece with an extension attached to it. "Place it against my left shoulder and push the button. "She nods and does so. The devise clamps shut over where her arm used to be and the nanobots in her system begin to fuse it to her. "Now place my severed forearm at the bottom and do the same. Once she does the nanobots travel through the devise and begin to fuse her forearm to it. After a few moment she moves her fingers then gives Cable a thumbs up gesture. "It works. I'll do something about my other arm later, for now though, I need something to walk with." She points to a locker in the corner. "Open that please." Cable walks over and opens it. "I feel like a lab assistant." She laughs. Inside were a set of cybernetic reverse joint legs. "Guess yer glad this was your area of expertise, huh?" Neles sighs a little. "Ironic really. The things I made to help others are gonna end up saving my life." Cable wheels her over and places the legs against where hers were severed before clamping them in place, the nanobots begining the fusion process again. Once they're finished, Neles stands up, a little wobbly at first but soon gets her balance sorted out as she takes a couple of steps around her office. She looks over herself for a moment then faces the girl. "Thank you, Cable. Without your help I would be dead right now. You saved my life." Cable smiles and rubs the back of her head. "Ah, don't mention it. I'm just happy I could help someone." Neles looks at her and, for the first time in a long time, she smiles. She had found the person the had always wanted to meet. Someone she believed made their species worth existing. Someone who seemed truly selfless and wanted to help others. The bitter irony of it being that there was no longer much hope for their species now.

Neles walks over to her desk and grabs a case, laying it flat on her workbench. She then grabs four keys and unlocks each of the locks on the case before providing it with her fingerprint and a retinal scan. Cable raises her eyebrow. "A little paranoid, aren't you?" Neles shakes her head and takes a pair of gloves from the case. "No. These are extremely dangerous. I want you to have them, you seem to have a thing for wires so these should suit you. But first, I need to implant the knowledge of how to use them into you." Cable tilts her head. "Uuuuhh, wut?" Neles sighs and grabs a tank of sleeping gas. "Please, just trust me. Take this and I'll explain it all when you wake up." Cable shrugs. "...ooook." She was a little uncertain, but took the gas and passed out on the stretcher. Neles grabs a syringe from the case she had recently opened and fills them with another set of nanobots before slowly pushing it into cables head and injecting the nanobots into her brain. Once Cable wakes up she grabs her head. "Ugh, what happened." Neles hands her the gloves. "Here, put these on and use them to cut this." She places a large diamond on her desk. Cable shrugs and pulls them on. once she has them on she flicks her wrist and a set of wires shoot out of the gloves. She moves her fingers around and the wires wrap around the diamond and slice it to pieces before returning inside the glove. "...Whoa... How did I just do that?" Neles watches then walks over. "I told you, I injected the knowledge required into your brain. You don't realise because it's just like knowing anything else you know, it just comes naturally now. Almost like after learning to ride a bike or play an instrument." Cable laughs a bit. "This is awesome! I should head to the surface, maybe I can help out up there." Neles sighs. "I'm sorry. it... it's too late. You were out for a few hours. In that short time the whole city has been wiped out. I heard it over one of the radios. I don't know how far it's spread but... there's nothing we can do now." Cable's face drops. "What now then?" Neles shakes her head. "I don't know. Just try and survive I guess. That's all we can really do at this point." Cable lets it all sink in. In the mean time, Neles works on having her left forearm replicated in one of the machines in another lab but constructed as a right arm before attaching it with another devise similar to the first one. Once everything was sorted, the two of them went over what supplies they had and began to plan ahead on how to survive the end of the world...

Chapter three: The long journey home

During Cables operation...
On the surface, the mutants had already begun their rampage. They run through the streets, tearing apart the population of the city without discrimination. No one had a chance to defend themselves. Almost no one at least. Across the city, one of the mutants flies backwards out of a store followed by a woman walking out after it before she places two bullets into it's skull. "So much for Suzumi's day off..." She mutters to herself. She's dressed in a light blue Parka with a handgun holster strapped to the front, a pair of dark urban camo pants and black combat boots. Tribal sleeve tattoos can be seen on both arms where her sleeves are rolled up, cutting off under her fingerless combat gloves. Blonde hair frames the sides of her face along with being tied back into a ponytail. Her sharp, light blue eyes scan the area. (( "This is worse than I thought... I need to get home." All around her were people getting massacred by the oncoming horde. She runs around to the car park and climbs on her motorbike before starting the engine. She knew she could have saved a couple of those people, but she didn't have the time. She didn't like to leave them, but as well as time she didn't have enough ammo to save them all. She hardly had any, with only what was left in the gun and two more magazines. Not to mention that they would likely end up getting killed later down the line anyway. She places her gun back in her holster and starts to ride down the road... It was all a question of what mattered most at the moment and she had a daughter to get home to.

She rides down the road at high speed, hoping to get home before anything happened to her daughter. Her house wasn't very far away, but with her daughters life on the line, every inch felt like a mile. She looks around herself at the anarchy that had befallen her city. "What the hell happened? One minute I'm buying a packet of fags and my daughters favourite cereal, the next minute the whole damn city's gone to sh*t!" As she's distracted by her thoughts a truck carrying an oil tanker cuts across in front of her and crashes into a building, cutting of her route. The sound of the crash snaps her back to reality and she skids off her bike to avoid crashing into the truck. "F***! Argh, damn it, not now!" As she starts to stand she notices a trail of oil catch fire and the flames heading towards the tanker. "Oh, come on! Gimme a break!" She starts to sprint away from the tanker and dives as the whole things explodes. Shaking her head she stands back up again and looks over. "Guess I'm on foot the rest of the way..." Around her she could hear snarling and screaming, the hunters and the hunted. She draws her handgun and makes her way into nearby alleyway, using it as cover as she continues her way back.

She pants quietly as she runs down the narrow path, the horrible sounds from the buildings around her not helping with her hope that her house hadn't already been invaded. Down the alley ahead, one of the creatures sees her and starts to rush towards her. She pulls up her handgun while still running and puts a few shots into it's body before jumping forwards and kicking it over and continuing on, not wanting to stop to see if it was dead due to not having the time. As she comes out of the alley she stops for a second to catch her breath and see where to head next. A short distance away she hears a scream and turns to see a woman pinned to the ground by one of the creatures. She empties the rest of the current magazine into the monster and reloads before helping her to her feet. "You ok?" The woman breathes deeply and points to the house they're next to. "Please, in there! you have to help them!" Suzumi looks away and back again, conflicted on what to do. "I'm sorry, I can't. I need to get home to make sur-" The woman cuts her off. "Please! I'm begging you! My child's in there!" Suzumi closes her eyes and growls, knowing she couldn't just leave them. "Alright, stay here." She runs over to the house and kicks the door open. "Kid! Kid, where you?!" A shout is heard upstairs from a young boy followed by a monstrous howl. She rushes up the stairs and into a bedroom and sees a young boy held up above a monster that was gripping him in both hands and attempting to rip him in half. She quickly lines up a shot and shoots it in one arm, causing it to drop the boy. Once he was out of the way she puts several more shots into the creatures back. Once it was dead she throws a nearby chair through the window, smashing it, then grabs the boy's hand and lifts him up in front of her. "Hold on tight." She steps up onto the window then drops down into the street before putting the boy down next to his mother. "Here, now get somewhere safe." The woman grabs her son and hugs him close for a moment before standing back up. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Suzumi nods. "Don't mention it, now get out of here, it isn't safe." The mother and son run down the street that looks the safest as Suzumi turns to continue home again.

As she starts to run down the street again she grabs her mobile and opens the phone book before dialing 'home' and holds the phone up to her ear. "Come on... Come on,,," The phone doesn't ring and goes instantly to an automated voice. "We're sorry, but your call co-" She growls and sticks the phone back in her pocket. "Damn it! You'd better be ok, Yoko. I am not losing you..." As she rounds the corner she ejects the magazine from her handgun and checks the ammo. "8 rounds in the mag, one in the chamber and a full 15 round mag. That's 24 rounds. Should be enough to get me back the rest of the way." She slides the magazine back into the gun and sighs. "Stupid gun laws. I should have left the UK a long time ago. If I lived in the US I wouldn't leave the house without an 870 and at least 40 shells. That way when sh*t like this happens I'm not stuck with a f***ing sidearm that has god know how many restrictions on it's effectiveness. Whatever though, this'll have to do until I get home." Her house was only about a dozen or so blocks away now in a straight line from where she is. The bad news being that several mutants block her route along the road. "I wish Otsukai was here, she would have found about 20 different ways to my house and gotten there by now. Failing that she would have just plowed through the f***ing things and come out fine. Guess I gotta go with the second option and hope I don't lose my head or any other limbs along the way.... Hang tight, Yoko. Mothers coming home."

She starts to run towards the house again, the mutants seeing her coming and running to meet her. She puts three shots into the first one's chest from medium range and one in the next ones head as she draws closer. "Five..." Another one flies from the window of a nearby building and she dives out the way of it before aiming towards it and firing two rounds off into it's body before standing back up and putting another in it's head. "Two..." One sprints out from an alleyway towards her and she puts a bullet in it's leg, throwing it off balance. As it stumbles towards her she spins around and boots it over before putting another shot in it's head. "Zero." As she says this she dumps the empty magazine and and slams the last one in it's place before chambering the first round. "Fifteen... Enough math, I'm not smart enough for that." As she turns her attention back to the road, another mutant swipes the gun from her hand, snapping the barrel in the process. "Ok, Zero again... Guess I don't suck at math after all." The mutant growls at her, it's jagged teeth bared and it's deformed face further twisted into a sickening snarl. "Alright. let's do this, Solid Snake style, CQC." She steps forwards before it has chance to strike again and punches it in the stomach, causing it to bend over slightly. As it does she grips the back of it's head and forces it down while throwing her knee up to meet it and smashing several of it's teeth out along with breaking it's nose. She throws her knee up a couple more times, further caving in it's face then pulls it back up before striking it's wind pipe and letting it drop to it's knees. Once down she steps behind it and snaps it's neck before kicking it forwards. "Wah Tah! No one can touch me! I'm f***ing Bruce Lee! I punched a zombie! Right in the throat!... Ahem, sh*t, getting a little distracted here." She shakes her head and runs up to her house, thankfully not jumped by any more of the horrendous creatures along the way.

As she reaches the house she throws the door open "Yoko!" A voice calls from upstairs in response. "Mum?!" The voice is followed by a young girl running down the stairs and towards Suzumi. She throws the door closed behind her and crouches to meet her, pulling her into a hug as she reaches her. "Oh thank god. I was worried I'd lost you..." Yoko cries into her mothers shoulder and holds her tightly. "Mum! What's going on!? there's horrible creatures running around outside! I didn't know what to do! I hid in my room and locked the door but I could hear was screaming!" Suzumi pulls her head against her and gently strokes her hair to try and reassure her. "Sh, sh, sh. It's ok, mothers here now. She won't let anything happen to you, I promise. You're gonna be fine, but you need to be quiet. We can't let the monsters hear us in here, ok?" Yoko leans back, wiping her eyes and nodding. "Ok... What do we do?" Suzumi smiles and pats her head. "Good girl. Now, before anything else, mother needs to grab her gear. After that we wait here for a while and hope things clear up a bit. Once we get the chance we're gonna leave the city and head to where auntie Otsukai lives, ok?" Yoko nods again. "Then what?" Suzumi thinks. "Then... Then we see what happens next. I'm sure it'll all be ok though. Now, wait here a moment while I get my things and make sure you stay away from and out of line of the windows." Yoko sits on a chair in the corner while Suzumi heads into her storage area. She opens a steel case on the wall, revealing her signature Remington 870 pump action shotgun along side an AKS 74U short assault rifle. She grins a little at seeing them, especially the 870 which was almost like a second child to her. She opens the cabinet next to it and grabs a suit of body armour with a rig for shotgun shells and assault rifle mags already attached and stocked along with a machete in a sheath on the back. She pulls off the Parka and pulls the armour on over her tank top along with a set of elbow and knee pads before fastening them all and strapping a sidearm holster to her hip with a Colt M1911 inside. Once fully kitted out she slings the AK over her shoulder and grabs the shotgun before heading back out to Yoko.

She kneels down by the chair her daughter is sat on. "Now, I want you in the same room as me at all times. You have to be quiet and keep out of sight. If you hear anything around us then don't go to check on it, you tell me what you think it was and where and I will deal with it. Got it? Good. Right then, now that I've covered everything I'm getting you some food and a drink. We need to keep your energy up while we have the chance. Follow me." Yoko nods and stands up, following her into the kitchen. Suzumi draws the curtains shut and opens the fridge, grabbing a carton of orange juice and pouring them both a drink. As Yoko drinks her juice Suzumi grabs some bread and makes a ham sandwich before placing it on the table in front of her daughter and patting her head then sitting down across from her. Yoko smiles a little and picks ip up before starting to eat. "Thank you, mum." Suzumi smiles and nods. "No problem, sweetie." Though she said this was to help Yoko keep up her energy, the real reason was to try and distract her from the horrors outside. She wanted her daughter to be as calm and possible and for her to not be too worried. But still... She couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense of dread deep inside her. Almost as if her maternal instinct was screaming at her to keep on guard because something bad was going to happen...
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6 | 0 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 19:58

Rules and guidelines

I don't think any of these are unreasonable, if you do then feel free to say. Just make sure you have a thought out reason first. I know this is kinda long, but it's necessary. Everything in this list is to counter something that has happened before. Please read all of it, don't stop when the numbers do. The last section is important.

1) Auto hits and combat in general:
If you like to use auto hits in fight scenes, let me know before the RP starts. I prefer actually having chance to avoid or block someones attack in my reply to it, but I'm alright with them just so long as I know beforehand and you don't take the piss. Don't auto-hit any debilitating or incapacitating attacks and NEVER kill any of my cast without discussing it with me beforehand.
Don't expect me to lose every fight and put enough detail into your attacks that I know what they are. Don't just say it's a "punch" or a "kick." That could be countless different actions. Describe the motion of the attack to me so I know how to respond. Finally, my character are not punching bags, alright? I don't care how much you may hate one of them, you don't get to write a paragraph of you just kicking the sh*t out of them. If you ever try this I will have my "anti god-mod" character step in to return the favour with quite a lot of interest.

2) Prior meetings between characters:
No, you are not one of my characters long lost family members, childhood friends or anything of the sort. My characters have set backstories that I will only change if we talk about it before we start and I won't make any major changes.

3) Victim complex rp's:
My characters are not baby sitters. If you want someone to be a carer for your helpless victim character, then go somewhere else. I'm fine with having sympathetic/empathetic parts in an RP to help build a bond between characters, just please don't milk it.

4) Censorship:
Do not try to police what my characters can and can't say. They swear, they shout, they take whoever the hell's name in vain that they feel like. Don't like it, don't RP with me. Go, go RP with someone else, I'm not stopping you... Moving forward.

5) Ada and religion:
In RP's involving Ada, she isn't a demon from any actual religion or belief. I've essentially made up an afterlife and how it works to explain her existence. I won't give details here cos I don't want to spoil any character development but if you wanna know outside of an RP then just ask me in a message. Also, I will not do an RP where any real world religion gets proven to be true in it. I'm fine with you and/or your characters subscribing to any given religion you like though, just don't create proof in the RP that doesn't exist in real life.

6) Ada cont:
speaking of Ada, it should go without saying that she isn't nice but a few people somehow don't seem to realise. So fair warning: She is exceptionally cruel. Do not get pissed off at me because she said or did something horrible. Of course she did! what do you expect?

7) Character vs mod:
My characters beliefs are not necessarily my own. This should also go without saying but for some reason people sometimes take something my character has said and make it out as if it's something I think myself. Sometimes, maybe it is. Other times, they could feel the exact opposite of me. The reason I have so many characters is to play from different points of view. At least ask if it's something I believe myself before getting pissed off with me.

8) Relationships and Ero:
Don't try to force a relationship with characters where it's clearly not working. If my character doesn't like yours in that way, then get over it. I don't care how much you like them and want it to happen, relationships aren't one sided.
Don't try to force sex into the RP either and don't expect it to happen between characters that don't have some kind of bond yet.
And if you haven't already gathered from the above, let me just make it really clear: NO! I don't wanna do an ero rp! This is an action, adventure and apocalypse account! Not a brothel! Go away! *Loud noises!*

9) Harems *Cringe*:
Continuing from the last one. I'm also not here to fulfill your harem fantasies. This one happens way to often and it makes me cringe. My characters aren't some desperate, shallow schoolgirls who fall in love with someone because they're "cute." Get over yourself and go somewhere else for this please, cos I want none of it.

10) Genders in fights:
Just because your character is male and mine is female doesn't mean I automatically lose a fight. Don't even suggest this is a valid reason. It's not, and you're stupid. Please go away...

11) "Potted Plants":
If I'm using my characters in your story, then at least have a point for them being there. Essentially, if my characters could be replaced by a potted plant and still manage to contribute exactly the same amount to the outcome you have planned, then that's a problem. I wanna be a part of the story, not just some schmuck who's along for the ride while everything happens around them. Please try to make spaces for my characters to contribute too, it really isn't fun being a plant pot.

12) RP Style
I only rp in third person and with other people who also use third person. Also, only with people that use quotation marks for speech ("Like this") instead of asterisks for actions (*These*). It makes replies so much easier to read and more comfortable to rp with in general.

13) Introduction:
If you add me then send a message asking to RP, when I inevitably respond with "What did you have in mind?" Do not say "Anything." That shows that you have absolutely Zero enthusiasm and no interest in my profile at all that you didn't get any ideas from looking at it about what type of RP we could work in and probably didn't bother reading any of it before adding me. At least read my main characters bio before you message me, it's the first blog in the list and won't take two minutes. Obviously I will discuss ideas and plots and everything with you, but don't come to me with no ideas of your own. The only exception to this is if you want to rp in my universe and would rather I explain things myself for the most part, seeing as how I know how my universe works.

And that's it. If you can handle all of that and don't just think I'm an arsehole, then great! If you think any of these rules are unfair then tell me why, we can talk about it. Have an average day. I don't wanna wish you a good one in case I don't like you. Here's your test! If you've read all of this, then in your first message to me, tell me who the woman in the middle of the picture below is. If you can't do that, then you've already broken one of the above rules.
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21 | 2 Comments | by Suzumi | Jun 7th 2016 19:58


Gli è stato affidato il compito da Zemo in persona di scortare Celeste lontano e al sicuro, una volta arrivati alla nuova base lei sarà al sicuro perchè poche persone nè conoscono l'esistenza.
Non possono teletrasportarsi perchè è un luogo dove nessuno di loro è mai stato, quindi devono fare gran parte del tragitto a piedi, essendo un luogo abbastanza isolato dovranno fare delle strade secondarie e con probabili pendenze montuose intorno. Vincent e i 15 uomini che sono con lui e Celeste cercano di stare attenti sempre a dove vanno, ma non si aspettano niente di grave, credono di aver vinto, e di averli piegati abbastanza da farli stare buoni per un po'.

Stanno camminando per una strada che non sembra particolarmente pericolosa, pur essendo tra le montagne, quindi hanno abbassato un po' la guardia.
Vincent quasi non riconosce per quanto è cambiato dall'ultima volta che lo hanno visto, ha la faccia coperta di lividi, e ha delle cicatrici sulle braccia che sembrano essere state delle ferite molto dolorose. Indossa un gilet con il simbolo della Baecho stampato sulla schiena, e i pantaloni dell'uniforme della Baecho.
Cole non riesce quasi a guardarlo, lo fa soffrire molto vederlo così, ora capisce che cosa provava suo fratello al suo posto, ma Vinc sembra ridotto molto peggio, a lui la veste di cattivo stona proprio.
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2 | 24 Comments | by Arran | Jun 7th 2016 17:54

✦ About Me ✦

Hello people! I won't tell you my full name, since I don't one hundred percent trust the internet as everybody else should, but I can tell you my first name is Joshua. I will be available for chatting and role-playing here since I have made quite a list of fantastic friends thus far, but I totally understand just role-playing.

I'm a really nice guy according to those I know and chat with, though I'm a total nerd/dork American hybrid who loves a lot of things, including but not all: friends, games, writing, stories, comics, food, music, and pretty much other standard stuff.

Also, I'm a total fandom nerd for a lot of things such as "The Lord of the Rings," "Lackadaisy," "The Walking Dead," “Tokyo Ghoul,” “My Hero Academia,” "Attack on Titan," etc. but fortunately, I don't have that many fandoms, right? ...I'm lying. I have a lot.

I am in love with a lot of things as mentioned though manga is one of my favorite additions at the moment. I’ve been reading tons of manga, and it’s quite brilliant as well as entertaining!

I usually use my phone to chat with people, and my computer to chat and role-play but it varies. I am in college and I work, so please understand that sometimes my replies are always there after every reply you send. Also, I tend to spend time with my family as much as I can. Either way, if you want to talk or have some fun with an intriguing role-play, send me a message!

●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬●

(I personally have not been on this for years but take a look at my old probably "meh" works!)

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11 | 0 Comments | by Disconsolate | Jun 6th 2016 13:10


I wanna set a few rules and regulations about me and my account.
1) no drama will be allowed on my account if there is any drama you will be unfriended without hesitation and dont think about re adding me cause I will not accept it

2) If I am in a relationship no flirting with me or don't try and take my love from me. Please respect my Relationship

3) if you see that I'm single don't blow up my messages trying to flirt with me it's my choice on whom I talk to

4) I'm up for any type of rp whatsoever but I will not do any sexual rps while I'm in a relationship

Please obey my rules thx
-Paige ♡
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10 | 1 Comment | by BlackRaven | Jun 5th 2016 18:31