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My Rules!

These are pretty straight forward despite all the long words and chunks of texts, lol.
My most important rule is that I: do not do /external.php?l=/external.php?l=https://m*tu*e roleplays with minors. I am not tryna catch a case lol.
(Second most important is to have fun ofc)

Important set of extra's at the bottom for those looking to engage in the 'nitty gritty' with me. (If you don't read them and ask me about it, I'm just going to redirect you here or ignore you..)


Firstly, grammar! I want to be able to read your creative thoughts first and foremost!
Now, I do paragraphs and multi-paragraphs 3rd person, please try the same! I'll try and work with everything, but one-liners, first person, and second person is something I struggle to roleplay with. (I also do not use "*", or "-")
Do not overpower your characters!!!
I cannot stress this enough. I will lose interest in the roleplay if you do this. I have God and deity-like characters, but they also have a mixture of flaws and weaknesses, please don't make your character perfect in every way!
Finally, last, but certainly not least! Idea incorporation!! Please, incorporate your ideas, or if you propose the idea, I will add my own so we can make a story we both will enjoy!!

Adding and Requesting

If you have too many friends (above 80) I will be hesitant to accept as I don't want to be a number on your profile.
If you friend me, then message me or you'll be removed within two days. If I friend you, I will message you first!
Same goes for starters! (You add, you start, I add, I start! Unless we discuss otherwise.)

Timely Manner

I have a life outside of this website (surprise, surprise), and I am sure a lot of you do, too! We all get busy from time to time! As of current, I have a busy job and upcoming uni change and all that. (I also have other hobbies I like to pursue, surprise) I do my best to remain consistent on replies, but sometimes these things consume me and I perish for a bit! I usually make status updates or send personal messages for these updates. All I ask of you is that you tell me if you're going on hiatus.
(If you are looking for a partner to reply to you everyday all day, I am not a good fit for you, sorry.)
My. typical reply time is eight days or less

Romantic Pairings!〕

ㅤAlright, this is newly added. I forgot that I took it down off my base profile. Whoopsies me! Let's talk about the 'Romance' genre!! I hate including it as a sub-genre. Do I love Romance? Yes! But I hate to force it, I'd rather our characters get to know each other first like normal people — you don't introduce yourself to someone only because you're going to marry them in X amount of years, do you? (I hope the answer is no). Sometimes characters have no chemistry, or family chemistry (siblings for example), so then it'd get weird to suddenly hook them up because of a chosen genre.
If our characters DO end up having chemistry that makes sparks fly, what gender pairings am I okay with?
Let's get into that:
I prefer -> MxM and FxF
However, I also do -> FxM , FxNB and MxNB (as well as Ftm, Mtf, and any and all in-between that. Love is beautiful, don't limit it. ^^)
FxM/MxF gets boring to me too quickly, so basic in my opinion.. But I have made wonderful FxM roleplays, so surprise me! ❤
(I typically like to play as a male. It's more fun to me and I thoroughly believe in roleplay being what you're not.. and I am definitely not a man lol.)
If we do FxM, I'll probably suggest playing the male! (But I am fine playing female, too).

Let the romance bloom.~

The Nitty Gritty

Just ask me about things! As long as it isn't the sole purpose of why we're roleplaying, then we can discuss and try things out all you like. As long as I have an engaging story that holds my attention and proper build up, there will be no judgment!

Sub-section of Nitty Gritty, doing any of these without my consent/forcing me equals instant block. Everyone has their limit, and while I am very open to almost anything, there are things even I can't and won't handle. Those being:

Watersports: If you're into it, good for you! As for me, it makes me uncomfortable, so please refrain from mentioning it or trying to do it during those scenes!
Scat: I feel like I shouldn't have to explain myself for this.
Feet: I don't even like looking at my own half the time, no way am I writing that for my characters. Keep your floor slappers to yourself, thank you.
Vomit: I shouldn't have to explain myself for this, either.
Giant/giantess: Yeah, no comment.

Conclusion and Acknowledgement

These are my rules! As long-winded as that was.. thanks for reading this far!!!
Either comment or make your first message (somewhere in your greeting) the code word: Dewdrop

Ciao! ❤
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89 | 2 Comments | by DewPetal | Jun 4th 2016 01:27


Name: Cole Rhys
Age: 20 (It also varies with rps)
Gender: Male
Birthday: April 14th [Aries]
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Unknown
Ethnicity: British

Disclaimer: Cole barely smokes, if not never.

Personality: Cole is a mostly silent, introverted guy who enjoys reading, painting, and fishing once in a while. He seems like a jerk, but is actually very friendly once he warms up to people. He is also partially insane, but he tends to hide it for the safety of the public and his friends and family.
Likes: Drawing, Fishing, Reading, Art, tagging
Skills: Cooking, kickboxing
Dislikes: Dishonesty, conceited people, jerks
Phobias: Spiders, people leaving his side forever

Physical Appearance: 5' 10", Athletic build, White short-medium hair, sometimes wears glasses, Black and Blue flannel shirt, white undershirt, Black jeans, sometimes wears a black beanie.

Powers/weapons: Daggers, Crossbow, spirit powers (Ex. Invisibility, mind reading, phasing, memory wiping, etc.)

Back story: Cole is a young man who has seen a lot of tragedy in his life. He was born and raised on a farm along with his younger brother, Erron Rhys. At age 6, his farm was burned and destroyed by assassins, losing his parents. He has been surviving in life along with his brother ever since, stealing anything they needed and slept in various places. At age 13, Cole was given an opportunity to work as an assassin along with Erron. Cole accepted, since they were struggling to survive at the time. At age 16, he had been ranked up to the title of a master assassin. Erron following in his footsteps, Cole completed contracts day in and day out until he was sure they both could support themselves individually. When things seemed to have become slow, he met another assassin, for whom he then worked for. Erron and Cole worked for him until they decided to create their own guild and left his service. Their guild went well, and Erron's skills were second-to-none. However, due to Cole's anxiety, he had always worried about Erron's safety. Cole had seen a lot of gore and horrible things throughout his life thus far that he had endured, but nothing could safe him from becoming broken when he had witnessed his brother Erron get killed in front of his very eyes. For many months, he had been broken, shutting out everybody he knew, including his ex lover, Lilith, who was an assassin herself. Finally, after learning to heal, he returned to the assassins complex he called his home and, through time, avenged Erron's death. He is now currently at the complex, awaiting more contracts to complete. Whenever he takes a break from his dangerous field of work, he studies and goes to college to complete his education. He prefers to dress as a hipster or businessman whenever he is a civilian.
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8 | 0 Comments | by Lee | May 31st 2016 13:04


Name: Clover
Age: 16-21 (1600-2100 in vampire years)
Species: vampire
Likes: dogs, drawing, blood, and going for walks under the moonlight
Dislikes: werewolves, cats, and the sun
Bio: Clover is the pureblood of all purebloods. She has lived longer then most vampires but she still has the appearance of a 16-21 year o;d but is way older and stronger, but she only hunts animals because she doesn't like hurting human but will in self-defense.
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1 | 0 Comments | by DemonWerewolf | May 31st 2016 11:39


Vincent is in Thylum and is walking in the street. He is wearing Baecho's uniform.
Baecho is racist organization, they want makes the eastern rule the world.
They makes experiments to orphans (especially taken from the streets) and now they have a full army of super soldiers that theu will use to achieve their goal.
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1 | 39 Comments | by Arran | May 31st 2016 08:52

King Rodrik the I


[ After countless hours of searching, you finally discover it: a short biography of King Rodrik the I. ]

[ You're tired from the long pursuit of finding this book, but you had to discover about the new king and just how well he will rule the kingdom of Stakha. ]

[ After finding a suitable place to open the book, you do so with excitement running through your veins. ]

King Rodrik the I was born as Prince Rodrik Flambard in the year of 1339 AD. Rodrik wasn't like his three other brothers, nor his only sister when he was born. King Cailan, his father, was not proud to have another son in his family. King Cailan wanted another daughter, one who he could see marry one of his rival kingdoms and bring peace. However, he was stuck with Rodrik whether he wanted him or not. However, King Cailan would soon regret his hatred toward his new son.

Prince Rodrik grew up with his other brothers and single sister, but he was known to be picked on by his brothers. His sister, Mira Flambard, was much more kinder to him, treating him with more than needed respect, and so he tried to stick around her when he could. After all, he didn't want to be mistreated by his brothers who called him names, shoved him around during training and tutoring, and furthermore threatened that they would make sure he wouldn't take the throne in his whole life. Rodrik, however, did get his revenge in a way when he defeated his brothers at sword training and learned much faster than they ever could. It was like he had the skills of a man, yet the mind of a woman for their era. It was truly remarkable, but that just continued for his brothers to be jealous.

As Rodrik grew older along with his family, everything mostly remained the same until their eldest brother was finally old enough to be led into battle. Good thing too, since a few weeks after Rodrik's eldest brother had been ready for battle, the Crenad Kingdom attacked the Stakha kingdom, and the prince led his brothers into battle. However, tragic news came when the eldest prince was slain during an ambush. King Cailan shrugged it off, while the Queen cried in grief for the death of her son. Rodrik's other two brothers, whom were twins, came into their military service together and fought at a major battle together. Though, one of the twins sadly perished from what at first seemed like an enemy attack from the rear, but really the other twin's forces had betrayed his very brother and killed him along with his men. The remaining brother besides Rodrik was seen as a traitor, and King Cailan had to take action, but the twin disappeared one night with his small army and was never seen again. Thus, the future king had to be Rodrik.

King Cailan died of the Queen poisoning his wine as she decided to avenge the death of her two sons. She was arrested, and Prince Rodrik, who was now twenty, had to return from his campaign against the Crenad Kingdom and take his rightful place as king. However, his first decision would forever be his hardest as he had sentence his mother to be executed for high treason. As her head was sliced off by the executioner and the peasants cheered, the new king cried himself to sleep that very night. In a few more months, the Stakha Kingdom prevailed and the kingdom of Crenad surrendered. Rodrik personally signed the treaty and made sure that Crenad would pay if they ever attacked them again, but that seemed unlikely as he had took half of their total money and even some of their weapons from them to punish them for this bloody war.

Now, King Rodrik the I reigns over his kingdom with pride and honor. He is known to be bisexual, and for somebody who controls a lot of things, it is rumored that is he more of a submissive lover rather than any dominant person. He has no lover yet in his mind, and he hopes somebody could fill the void in his life as the hunt for his missing brother continues over the land. Mira is now one of his royal advisers, and he listens to her than any of the others. He is a skilled swordsman, and very intelligent for a man who is now only twenty two years of age. He waits for the next moment to happen, but his thoughts dwell on his missing brother. After all, he wants to personally show him what happens when you betray family by shoving his steel claymore through his neck.

[ You let out a sigh of relief and close the book, thinking of what you just read. ]

[ As much as you would sit there all day and think about it, you remember that you must attend a reunion with your family and quickly gather your things and sprint off. ]
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2 | 0 Comments | by Disconsolate | May 29th 2016 23:43

Sir Josef Peyton


[ A new scroll is being added in the castle's archives. Curious, you roll it open and read it's contents to see who is good enough to be added in London's castle. ]

[ In elegant writing, you read the words in your head about a knight named Josef Peyton. ]

Josef Peyton grew up in a small village in Great Britain, one which he would always remember for the rest of his life. After his mother gave birth to him, there was celebration at first until his mother died from the blood loss of delivering a child into the world. His father was struck with vast grief, but he remained there for his son and treated him as best he could. His father worked as a woodsman rather than some farmer, and he wasn't quite poor like most, but he was no noble. He had served in the military and fought against William Wallas at the Battle of Falkirk, which Great Britain was victorious, and served furthermore in the Hundred Years' War until he retired. By the time he retired, Josef was already half a man as he was in his teenager years.

As a child, while his father was away, Josef was rather an adventurous child. He didn't wish to stay in one spot, and he had visited the local blacksmith who acted like more a real father should. It was there that Josef discovered his fascination for blades, and as Josef grew older and received tutoring, the blacksmith Geoffrey even taught Josef how use to a sword. With Geoffrey's training of how to wield a sword, it wasn't long until he decided what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be a knight just like his father, protecting His Majesty and killing traitors.

When Josef became eighteen, and his father had been home for at least two years, his life changed and thus this village will always be remembered. He was talking with Geoffrey, discussing about how he wanted to be a knight for Great Britain, when screams were heard outside. The village came under attack from ruthless vikings who hoped to gain something from plundering Josef's hometown, and he stood with his father, Geoffrey, and any other militia that raised their weapons and resisted the attack. Despite their efforts, and Josef's excellent swordsmanship, the vikings overran the village and he was forced to flee by the command of his father. As he ran off, Josef turned back to see a sword shoved through his father's chest, and his heart had been forever scarred by the memory. Though his father wasn't the greatest, Josef knew his father had done everything he could for him and he loved him no matter what.

After the pillage of his hometown, Great Britain had a small army sent to search the remains of the village in which they found Josef hiding in the forest. With nowhere to go, he asked if he could join them back to the capital, which they agreed. He traveled with them to the capital, and enlisted in the army. For five years now, Josef had been in the ranks of His Majesty's army, keeping a blade close to him. He had seen action in the Hundred Years' War, but he is now more in the "back-up" ranks of the military. Now, he guards London with other soldiers, waiting for his chance to fight once again and redeem the deaths of his only family.

Josef is now twenty three years of age, and bisexual. However, he leans more toward men due to his submissive nature. He is quite a generally kind, caring, and passionate person, but he can have a dark side like every living thing in the universe. He is a highly skilled swordsman, and usually is seen in his armor and carrying his steel longsword on him at all times. Furthermore, he is single and not precisely looking, but he doesn't know what can happen. For now, he guards London with his blade, waiting for his next step into battle unless somebody he loves comes into his life.

[ After reading the scroll, you roll it back up and put it where it belongs. ]

[ You don't know what makes Sir Josef so important, but you know there must be some reason. One day, you hope to find out. For now, you have to get through the rest of your daily job at the archives - which includes writing one hundred pages. ]
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1 | 0 Comments | by Disconsolate | May 29th 2016 01:40

Assassin's Creed oc (3)

Real Name: Hania
Name Meaning: "Spirit warrior"
Adopted English name: James
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Kanien'kehá:ka
Looks: Pic
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 198.4 pounds
Relationships: Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor (friends), Kanen'tó:kon (friends), Achilles (treats him like a father), Aveline (unsure), Skawennahawi/Jennifer (younger sister)
Place of Origin: Kanatahséton
Languages Known: Kanien’kéha (original), English (second)
Personality: Hania is a bit more outgoing and more talkative than his younger sister. He was also more adventurous when he younger and would normally get in trouble for some of the things he would do. However, as he grew older, he became a bit more m*tu*e, but still kept his adventurous side and still gets in trouble sometimes.
Life Summery: Hania was normally the one who was able to get his sister to leave village to play with the other children. He was also the one who introduced her to Ratonhnhaké:ton, Kanen'tó:kon, and some of the other children they played with. When their village was set on fire, he was the one who hid his sister to protect her from anyone that was in the forest who would harm them and who possibly caused the fire. As time went on, he m*tu*ed a bit and got into less trouble. But, along with his sister, wasn't to happy on the idea of Connor leaving their village to avenge his mother's death, but he didn't argue with him because he would have done the same thing. Time went on and he started to worry about his friend's safety and figured he should go find him. Before he visited the tribe leader, he went to go tell his sister his plans and to tell her that he would return soon, only to find out that she had already left to go find Connor. So, instead of asking permission to leave, Hania left the village quickly, more focused on finding Skawennahawi than Connor. Once he did, she had already found there friend and was glad to see that they were both alive. When he tried to tell his sister that they needed return home, she had refused and insisted on staying to help Connor. Seeing that there was no point in fighting with her, he agreed to let her stay and told her that he would help too. Much like his sister, he never really joined the brotherhood. Only helped with the fighting as he lived the rest of his life on the homestead.
Occupation: Fighter
Univers: Assassin's Creed 3
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0 | 0 Comments | by G0lden_Eagle | May 29th 2016 00:34

Assassin's Creed oc (2)

Real Name: Skawennahawi
Name meaning: "She carries the message"
Adopted English Name: Jennifer
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk Indian)
Looks: Pic
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 156.7 ponds
Relationships: Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor (Friends but him like a younger brother sometimes), Kanen'tó:kon (friends), Achilles (treats him like a father), Aveline (friends), Hania/James (Real brother)
Place of Origin: Kanatahséton (Same village as Connor)
Languages Known: Kanien’kéha (Original), English (Second)
Personality: Jennifer is normally a quiet girl, hiding away from people she doesn't know, trust, or even like. But she's not shy, just a "keep to herself" kind of person (sort of like Connor). She's more talkative once you get to know her, though. She's also rather intelligent for her age. One thing she enjoys is teaching the children of her village and, soon, other kids outside of her home the ways of her people.
Life Summery: Skawennahawi was one of Connor's childhood friends and one of the people who survived the fire when she was younger. When she was only a little girl, Skawennahawi was rather cowardly and a bit shy, so it took some convincing to even get her to step foot outside of the village to play. But she got over her fears as she grew older and became less shy and even sneaked out of the village and away from her chores to go on hunts from time to time with Connor and Kanen'tó:kon, though she was always found out and punished for it when ever she would do that. When she had first found out that Connor was leaving the village to get revenge on his mother's death, Skawennahawi wasn't to happy with it at first and even asked him to either stay or take her with him. When he refused and told her that she needed to stay back and protect the village, she knew that there was no point in arguing with him and et him leave. After a few years of Connor not returning, she grew worried and decided to find him and help him on his quest, if he was alive. After begging the tribe matriarch to tell her where he went, she left to find him, armed with only a knife. Connor wasn't to happy about her arrival when she knocked on Achilles' front door and demanded that she went back, but she refused and told him that she was going to help whether he liked it or not. She then stayed with them for sometime, taking up her new English name "Jennifer". But, instead of joining the Brotherhood, she merely helped out by gathering information and healing wounds, even taking time off to look after Achilles when he became ill. As time went on, she lived with Connor on the Davenport homestead, helping him look after the land and even new recruits to the Colonial Brotherhood.
Occupation: Messenger/Healer of the Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins
Univers: Assassin's Creed 3
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1 | 0 Comments | by G0lden_Eagle | May 28th 2016 22:06


Baecho organization was never mentioned anywhere nor uncovered before, but it operated for many centuries in the East, with a specific plan in mind. Their manipulation skills improved in the time and without anybody to notice, they managed to literally create an international web of spies in every country, people no one would be able to suspect, perfectly normal citizens perfectly integrated in the society.
For all this time they worked for one simple purpose: enslave the world, put a Zemo on the throne to rule all over Nortrig while Eastern Auriold race would be the one and only to inhabit the land.
They gathered great minds to use their knowledge for the creation of super soldiers to use when the moment would be right, but they are nothing like the typical dumb organizations, they sure won't march on the world with their armies in hope to win, Zemo will be on the throne much before they'll use their soldiers. In most cases, information are the most powerful weapons.

Their spies are literally everywhere, within the Royal Guards, the ministries, the nobility, the middle class, bankers all over the world and most unexpectedly, even within the Schwarze Kadel which is what gave them really all they needed for their plan to begin.
Vincent was under their mental control all along, giving all the personal information he could about both Schwarze Kadel and Death League to his masters.
They also had heavy researches regarding the Demigods, the top threat to their plan.

One cold morning, every single citizen of whole Nortrig, from South to East to North, found a mysterious anonymous newspaper on their doors, the "Call of Justice". As a main title in the first page, "HOW YOUR RULERS ARE SELLING YOUR LIVES FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT".

The newspaper, which was noticed by really everybody, included the following articles:
>DEMIGODS, they exist but their existance has always been kept hidden from you; (including a bunch of lies about an world wide plot between Demigods and Rulers to turn Auriold into slaves. It was especially simple to scare people about them, as both the name of Sao Yung and Edward Riddle appeared in the list of Demigods shared in the same article, totally complete, they managed to find every single Demigod's identity.)
>THE SECRET THREAT: THE SHAPESHIFTERS, which live among you and could take your shape and your wife any time if allowed; (Very few people knew of their existence previously, just the rulers and a few Hunters, the info was kept hidden to avoid a massive panic among people, which this article immediately caused.)
>LO KHAN, THE WEREWOLF, which caused an immediate civil war against Siwang in the East.
>THE ELITE GUARD, THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOUR SAFETY, stating the Elite Guards are only a threat to people, used by the King to scare them.
>KING ANTHONY, DOES HE REALLY CARE FOR YOU? Stating how he gave the role of the protection of his citizens to a Demigod (Edward Riddle) and a creature of a foreign world (Althus Riddle).
>THE LIEUTENANT OF THE ROYAL GUARDS IS ON THE SIDE OF CRIMINALS, describing how they let Ethan free instead of arresting him for his crimes.
>SCHWARZE KADEL, THE ULTIMATE THREAT, describing many things about the members, how Michael killed an innocent once, how Jackil took drugs and his blood problems, how Carlie is a Shifter, Harly and Eva criminals, how Cole was a threat to the North and probably still is together with Fang, the Eastern assassin.
>DEATH LEAGUE, PROTECTORS? JUST VIOLENT KILLERS. Sharing the identity of each member publicly --they struggled to keep their IDs secret- and attributing many murdering of innocents to them.
The Punisher: the ex King Francis Riddle, who faked his death to return as a murderer.
Deadpool: Wade Wilson a mutated human, a rejected among humans and a threat to the Auriold.
Daredevil: Matt Murdock, an unfair lawyer who kills people as a hobby and takes his daughter with him.
Phobiia; Clio Murdock, daughter of Matt Murdock.
Sid Riddle: the violent and monstrous son of the Demigod Edward Riddle, murderer, torturer and cannibal.

>RIDDLE FAMILY, TRAITORS OF THEIR RACE AND ENEMIES OF THE WORLD, stating how Riddle family is secretly plotting to earn the rule of the whole world, using Demigods and Shifters to achieve it.
>QUEEN SHANA, THE DEMIGODDESS OF MIJHATEV, the ruler selling the lives of her people for the sake of war.

As expected, the well written fake news were convincing, also since they stated many truths among the lines, thus the reaction of people is immediate. Revolutions and civil wars all over the world.
In the South the whole army moved against the Queen to overthrow her and her family, to exile her in the Black Sands desert to leave them to die there.
In the East, a civil war claimed Siwang to leave the rule of their country and exiled Sao as well, as a Demigod and threat to their Empire. Zemo took the throne, managing to quickly earn the love of people offering absolute protection and a whole new world.
Siwang and Sao took Choi with them, knowing the child would otherwise be killed outright.
In the North, violent manifestations from the citizens, people with torches and forks in front of every known Riddle home, claiming them to leave and accept to be exiled from the North, many went to Jackil's clinic as well and set it on fire, destroying many things, other went to wait in front ot the RG headquarters to blame Althus for the thieveries they received and for every crime ever committed against anybody they've ever known.
They also rushed the Schwarze Kadel hq and the Royal Palace, a generalized, huge mess. And it happened so fast and suddenly that no one saw it coming thus there was no possible fight back. Anthony got forced to leave the throne and move with his family, accepting the exile and so did all of the other Riddle, the heroes and anti-heroes and a number of Elite Guard, including Desmond.
The morning in which the news spread, not even schools were safe, as mobs of angry students attacked Tomiel, Malcolm, Sammy and Clio due to being Demigods the first two, son of a Demigod the third and a member of the Death League the latter. The four were literally forced to run away and same was for Richard, Mort, Miriesh, Christoph and Benjamin who were literally chased by their colleagues and angry parents, they too forced to leave the North.
And the matter was complicated, they couldn't just make a massacre of angry and scared innocent people whose minds got manipulated with that newspaper, the effect was even superior than what Zemo expected.

Through fake elections, he placed trustworthy people on the throne of North and West, making people think they chose said people themselves, while there was nothing true, just fake votes.

The exiled people from the North (around 120 people in total) moved temporarely to the Western part of the National Parks, waiting for something to do, somewhere safe to move, as in there they couldn't be any more vulnerable, and they see some strike coming from whomever plotted this whole plan. And that's not far from the truth, the exile was just a way to make them easy to kill.

Overall, the moods are naturally pretty low (except from a few, like Edward and Malcolm and others) who are really, really pissed off.
Though there is not much they can do, there are many children among them, even rather small so they urge to find a safe shelter. (Emile too was exiled for being son of the Demigod of Zimkesha)
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2 | 68 Comments | by ShinLin | May 28th 2016 09:23

Strange beaviour.

Zemo non riesce a trovare Colin e Wade e questo gli dà i nervi, perchè come possono nascondersi così bene? Lui non potrebbe mai pensare il luogo dove li nascondono così decide di agire d'astuzia, se io non riesco a trovarli allora saranno loro a venire da me. Escogita un piano molto semplice, lui sa quanto Colin tenga alla sua famiglia, e lui sa molto bene che per il bene del fratello farebbe di tutto. Si dà il caso che dopo che il fratello ha pubblicato quell'articolo su di loro lui sia tenuto sotto occhio da delle sue spie, perciò decide di rapire il fratello. Non ha in mente di torturarlo per farsi dire dove si trovi Colin, perchè sarebbe tempo sprecato, e probabilmente non saprebbe comunque nulla alla fine.
Decide di mettere in gioco il suo uomo migliore, il leviatano, questo essere è in grado di trasformarsi in un individuo con un semplice tocco, eredita così tutta la sua memoria. Il leviatano prende la forma di Vincent, mentre il vero lui viene chiuso nelle segrete di Zemo, e se gli venisse voglia potrebbe anche continuare a svolgere esperimenti su di lui.
Il leviatano va a vivere a casa di Vincent, ma non nasconde dei cambiamenti della personalità rispetto a Vincent, Zemo vuole che si accorgano che non è più lui, vuole che Colin soffra al tal punto per il fratello che si consegni a lui.
Va al quartier generale.
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2 | 31 Comments | by Arran | May 27th 2016 13:29

Memento audere semper.

Despite the situation might seem just as normal as ever in the world, currently in the Halls there is quite a worrying debate among the Gods.
One thing is bringing a huge urge to ignore the nonintervention rule they gave to themselves and on this one thing they all agree. They are tired of the suffering brought upon the innocents by other livings.
It is something world wide naturally, something which is bringing a huge suffering to Jeisin which is what really raised the animosity of his children (all the other Gods except Jori who is his "wife" and Morgan who is only Zimkesha's son.) who decided it is time for them to act and choose the fate of the world.

The debate created 3 factions among them.
1 The most positive and merciful Gods (Jeisin, Jori,  Sethi, Jovesh and Isseiner) wishing the world to stay as it is, letting soul's judgment happen upon their death as it has always been.
2 The most aggressive Gods (Mijhatev, Kijhatev, Dëssa, Tifiul, Fiared, Zimkesha, Turhad) to claim the world to end so that all the innocents will be rewarded and will stop suffering while all the unworthy will receive their punishment.
3 The most cruel, (The twins Kesst and Zivhur) claiming the innocents to be taken to the Halls while the world will be left to their rule, a hell, a world of eternal punishment and suffering for the unworthy.
Morgan and Suit kept themselves neutral over the whole matter.

Since they can not come with a universal decision, they decided to test the living. Once more their fate and that of Nortrig is left entirely in the hands of its people. How? Through a period of tests. The tests will prove whether the goodness of people can prevail on the evil or viceversa.
Naturally, they won't warn the people about this and the Zimox are forbidden to reveal anything like this to the living. People must be unaware to even being tested, as in fact these test are simply negative situation that could happen to anybody everyday normally (deaths of dear people, endangering of people, easy chances to kill enemies and have revenges, huge bad luck etc) , just this time, the way people will fight these painful situations will be of even greater importance than usual.
Will inner strength of people prevail or weakness or cruelty?
The test are about to happen and will involve hundred of thousands of random people all over the world.

(Btw I was thinking that James' death was one of these tests, and it was for Ethan. And clearly he passed it positively!)

((Regarding these tests, since people aren't even aware these are actually tests, I was thinking that  instead of RP'ing all together, we write short stories per each of our characters that we wish to undergo the test. Also so that everything goes just the way we want without interfering with each others' plans! After all these are just small things, nothing excessive, more like the challenges we live through everyday so no army needed ;)

>Each one of us can choose which of our own characters will be tested. Can be any of any race, gender, country, can be some or can as well be all! Just as we please.
>We write each short story in comments here, (Let us do just one story per each comment to keep it super clear) following the order as we usually do!
>Must not be anything exaggerated not like whole family exterminations or such, just something that is considered normal hardship of life OR something like a PERFECT situation to do something bad, a great temptation that the character must avoid to succeed or fall for to fail the test.
>We decide whether our character succeeds or fails the test. Some can freely fail, in the end in any case the Gods will have all the proof they need that the world is fine the way it is. So nope, not all characters must necessarily succeed.
>Each story can involve our other characters too, not just the one that is being tested.
>We choose which test our own characters will get, what it will imply and how they will react to it.
>We can as well say our characters did so good they even receive a prize from the Gods (of our choice) or that they fail so miserably that their lives turn into a living punishment till death.
>>Let us have some creative bunch of fun!
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1 | 6 Comments | by Crow | May 26th 2016 13:36


É già passata una settimana da quando si è accorta di aver "perso" i poteri e il fatto che non sia cambiato niente in tutti questi giorni la ha terrorizzata abbastanza da avere il coraggio di andare a chiedere a Jeremi cosa possa esserle accaduto. Lei non sa proprio cosa pensare, spera sia lo stress. In realtà i poteri ci sono, é solo che sono bloccati al momento da qualcosa. E lo saranno per 9 mesi, dato che é la gravidanza a causare ciò.

Tuttavia, Carlie é la UNICA Metafora femmina mai esistita a Nortrig, quindi nessuno sa niente di come funzionano le cose con loro. Ma ci si può sicuramente arrivare a capire la fonte del problema.

Una bella mattina temporaleschissima, lei va a casa di Jeremi e bussa alla porta, i servi la fanno accomodare dentro e lei aspetta suo padre, in salotto.
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1 | 22 Comments | by Crow | May 25th 2016 19:25

Jerry (The cube of spirtes)

Name: Jerry Cobert

Age: (depends on the rp but usally) 16-21

Height: 5'7

Race: Spirte boy

Nationality: NA

Grade: NA

Relatives: No brothers but Lucas (The one on my blog as the amulet one) and henry are his best friends

Style: Classfied

Orientation: If you pick a fight with him, whatever, he'll kick your ass and walk away. However, hurt his have singed your death warrent

Significant body markings: He has a strange mark on his back of a dragon

Alignment: None of note

Powers/Abilities: In the cube he always wears, he can call forth an spirte he has befriened, and 'unify' with them, with this power, he'll become half himself, and half an achient sprite

Weaknesses: if his cube is taken, he is powerless

Favorite Class: NA

Favorite Teacher(s): NA

Club(s): NA

Crush/Steady: NA

Soundtrack: NA

Info: When he was young, he was digging in his sandbox, and found the cube, and thus the spirte of earth joined him, he also found a sword not long after, known as the spirte sword. With this sword, he can use it at anytime to infuse an element in it for a finishing or powerful attack. He does not tell many people of his power, but become his friend, he'll protect you like he's known you forever.. But try to take his cube, and his 'friends' wil have a phew words with you....
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1 | 0 Comments | by alakazamlover4 | May 23rd 2016 23:29

Toys express.

As established with Dorian, and as promised to him, he crafted a few specific items for the guys of the two teams.
He comes with Shannon Leis, the most famous tailor in whole Nortrig with him and of course brought his items.
He already gave Michael the gear for his wings that he asked him for, so he was in debt with the Others in a way, since for the most they are his nephews as well. Well, Francis is his grandfather.

Anyhow, he Waits for them in their meetings room with the items to show. Both Schwarze Kadel and Death League are to come to choose something and among the second ground, which is made by only 4 people (Matt -Daredevil-, Deadpool, Punisher) also is Clio, who, on Xilon's claim was allowed to fight with the Group, despite her father's displeasure.
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1 | 16 Comments | by Dobermann | May 23rd 2016 12:50

Redesigned Wildlands.

Wildlands, redesigned.

To give a clear vision of what they are really like.
1 They are Wild, thus untamed. Thick beyond imagination.
-Grass or better bad weeds totally huge and wild, reaching the shoulder height of an adult man.
-Lower weed and clear areas mean nests of huge predators. In other words, death.
Weed is poisonous and damaging itself. It also hides all sort of deadly snakes which bite is capable of killing a person in seconds. And it is impossible not to get bitten by one as there is an insane number of them lurking in the grass and unlike typical snakes from our world , these are attracted by vibrations thus will get to a person who walks outright.
They also lurks on the tree branches.

2 They include predators from all other Wildlands too.
Dinosaurs, only carnivorous ones existing in wilds, others are all and only in the ibdependent islands.
Huge tigers, anacondas, piranhas even in the smallest ponds, poisonous spiders of all sizes including invisible ones.

3 NOBODY ever lived here. There aren't ruins of any sort, there aren't treasures, nor resources it could be worth the deadly journey, nothing. Nature. Only.
And nobody can help there.


Similar to west as for weed, snakes and thick vegetation to make it literally impossible to walk without having to stop and cut grass and branches to make each step.
There are less predators replaced by many clans of cannibals who won't hesistate to insta kill with poisonous darts whoever they come across.
People of the few pacific clans learn to survive there thanks to Isseiner's First Zimox who gifted them with the skill to tame the mortal poisonous creatures to use them for their own protection. This only as they were chosen as guardians of the Wilds as the Sacred Temple of Isseiner.
They are full of active volcanoes, falling grounds hiding lava and explosive boulders. Without a guide from the clans, it is impossible to survive even for an army.


Deserts. Endlesss. Sand. Searing sun. Burning heath. Not a single oasis. Only secret underground sources of water. Deadly spiders and scorprions lurking under the sand. Dunes and deadly sandstorms, sudden and constant. Wild, mysterious tribes living there, the only ones capable to survive there.
Days average temperatures: 60° to 90° . it does not exist shade.
Night: immediate and sudden as soon as they sun sets, temperatures fall down to -5°/-15° insta killing whomever could survive the day.
Impossible to cross without a guide from the tribes.


Only northern real wildlands are in the unexplored area beyond the mountains chain near the coast of the iced land (which belongs to north) beyond the northern coasts. (Basically one can o ly get there with a ship of miners) The major part of that land, beyond the mines. (Since mountains where mines are, are on the coast)
Nobody has ever been there as the temperatures on and over those mountains are too low for any known living and any currently known magic/equipment/special fabric to survive or fight.
Truth is, there is life there, unknown creatures but certainly not people of any sort.

To add to this:
-Anthony was never in the actual northern wildlands, nobody ever was and if tried, never manage to go past the mountains.
-National Park area at the border between North and West was never a Wildland, something that is wild can't be so close to civilization, let alone between two Realms and bording many uber populated cities.
-The real dangerous part of the Eastern wildlands is on eastern islands and deeper inside. What is close to the Empire is just like normal forests.
-Western wildlands lie among thousands of islands in the insular part of the country.
-Southern independent islands have no wildlands.
-South has also non-wildland deserts which are completely dead, nothing lives there not eben c*ckroaches. Temperatures are even harsher than those of wildland deserts.
There are ruins in wildland deserts.
-Whatever fair and good creature existing in the wildlands (including unicorns and any other) can be also found in any safe forest. The only unique creatures that can't be found anywhere else are the huge and untamable predators.
-All Wildlands are Isseiner's "Temple" they are sacred and can't be colonized or turned into cities. They are unclaimable and totally free terrotories belonging to their creatures.
-All Wildlands count a huge amount of cursed places. Cursed by Zimox.
-Anybody can go to the Wildlands at their own rrisk. Wildlife can't be touched, tamed, influenced and especially moved from there. My characters will never happen to randomly be there, except Ming at the outer part (safe part) of the Eastern ones.

(Will add a pic once on pc xD)
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2 | 1 Comment | by Ziqun | May 23rd 2016 07:39