Daichi Eiji (Zombie Apocalypse oc)

Name: Daichi Eiji
Height: 6' 2"
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Daichi is a hot headed analytical pain in the ass. He has a tendency to do his own thing and runs off on his own a lot. Despite his hot headed smart alecky attitude he is actually a very kind and caring person who can't stand to see innocent people get hurt.
Likes: He loves horror stories and exploring creepy places.
Dislikes: People who are ass holes for the sake of being an ass.
Bio: He was born to a pair of scientists. Growing up he had a love of things that freaked most people out.
Physical Description (other than what's seen below): Along with his white t-shirt and black hoodie he also wears camo combat pants and black combat boots.
Weapons: Daichi is a primarily close range fighter. His weapons consist of twin short swords and his great grandfather's kantana
Anything Extra: He's also skilled at tending to injuries.
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0 | Jan 13th 2016 03:14