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xXLostSoulXx's Blog


My name is Eirik, son of the oldest ruler in the village of Eureka. I am a Viking, I do not care for the people that slander around drinking all day nor the ones who throws themselves to others. I will fight all who dare stand in my way an customs of my village. I will slaughter all who wish me or my loved ones harm. I do tend to love staying at the tavern at the back table is where I spend most of my glorious says other than killing whoever dares to think they can mess with the likes of me. I am Eirik, do not test my patience, I am loving and kind when I see fit and will care for whoever is in my life, but do not, do NOT... Test my Viking ways. (Age:20((or whatever seems fit for the rp)))
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 1st 2016 00:04


I was born in a small swamp town, never left never will. The names Rose, I tend to have my own routine through out my day, sit at my small table, drink my tea, sit happy and content then do what I have to do around the house, clean, do laundry at the laundry mat. And of course do a few... Jobs for people. *grins slightly taking a sip of my tea* how do I sleep at night you ask? I read a book at night, a few chapters or a few games on my tablet and then it's lights out by 10:30p.m. that is how I sleep at night, thank you for asking
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10 | 0 Comments | Nov 30th 2016 22:13


My name?.... BD-112. I am a science experiment, a runaway if you will. Born and raised to fight other test subjects and all that this place makes in the test tubes, test my mind with the mazes and mind games they do. How can I escape this prison? Will I always be BD-112? I've herd.... That some people don't have numbers as a name, I've herd... That they laugh... Herd that they... Don't really have pain...

*lays on the gurney* what are you going to do?
Doc: just lie still and do not move, won't be long now before you go into the maze

*I'd lay still as he stuck a needle into my neck putting a yellow glowig liquid into my bloodstream, soon I'd pass out, wondering what would happen next*

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6 | 1 Comment | Nov 27th 2016 23:07


Name: James
Age: 20
Sexuality: bi
Likes: cigs, beer, tv, ect.
Dislikes: dumb asses, know it all's, ect.
About: the names James, there's not much to say, I live on my own. Run a few car an street races here an there, I run a gang. And then I'm lazy as can be *winks*
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5 | 1 Comment | Nov 4th 2016 14:48


Name: Liam
Age: 19 (two weeks from being 20)
Sex: Male
Single/taken: single
Likes: Fire, woods, taking walks , cuddling, hot cocoa
Sexuality: Unknown
About: The names Liam, though people call me big red cause of my poofy hair. I tried to cut it, it just grew back worse soooo I just let it grow out, a few trims here and there that doesn't "anger the beast" that I call my hair. *chuckles* I take care of my sister while my father works at the mill and mine from time to time while I'm not logging wood for the winter to come . Annnnd yes I'm in a traditional outfit in this picture, my sister took it at the festival that the town has. again its a tradition thing, *hides face* you should of seen my father in his. hehe anyways, if you want to know more just chat, I don't bite much loveĀ *winks*

(Unavailable sorry)
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2 | 1 Comment | Oct 26th 2016 15:19