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xXLostSoulXx's Blog


The name Ava, born in a wrelm of different furries and beings, her family long and forgotten her, so she travels from place to place since there world is now powerless and days are dark. Only light and electricity that the wrelm has is from rivers and what others provides.

(unavailable sorry)
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4 | 0 Comments | Apr 17th 2017 19:19

Crystal (wolf rp)

A lone wolf, she's an alpha but without a pack to call her own nor a mate. Why without a pack? Reason is when she was a pup her own pack was attacked during the night, killed right in front of her. Ever since then she has been walking alone, trying to figure out things on her own.
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5 | 0 Comments | Mar 26th 2017 16:00


the name is Scar, well that's my nickname. grown up an orphan sense the apocalypse. war broke out and everything is in ruins, more diseases spread across the world and wiped out most of the humans. The people who roam around the ruins of the world are the survivors that made it through. I am one of them, the nickname came from the movie "The lion King" after scar, hence my birthmark across my eye. my travels are alone, that's how it has been sense it all stared, and I am not afraid to die alone either.

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8 | 0 Comments | Mar 26th 2017 15:49

Demon King (aka CeCe's nightmare)

yes it is I, the Demon king, rarely few call me by my real name. my little elf ran away from me, though oh well, I will find her. in the mean time I will just roam around my kingdom and land that I call my own, maybe torcher a few people along the way for some information. maybe I will find someone else then my little elf that ran away from me, who knows.
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5 | 4 Comments | Jan 29th 2017 17:12


orphaned at a young age, never spoken really, robots think she's mute. the only human that was an or is the only one whose down under the ground, doing these tests for this freak robot. The names Lilly, my name that is. doing these tests is all that I do, ever since I became the age of 10. mother and father left me at the door of where ever the door of this god forsaken place is. the robot that controls this place, we have a love hate relationship....mainly hate...I killed it once, tried to get out...then my little helper woke her up again....lesson learned....all robots are freaking evil in there own ways, never trust them, there selfish...the boss robot thinks I'm mute, good thing, don't want them to use my own voice against my will or record it and alter it so it makes it sound like someone I once knew and make a fool out of me in her stupid fun teasing ways...
(based off of the game portal)

(age 19 or whatever seems fit, pic will be up soon)
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8 | 0 Comments | Jan 18th 2017 15:44