~~~~~Digital Artist and Animator~~~~~
Social links coming soon
~My, my….~ ~You are a long way from home, won’t you say my dear. Who am I, you ask? I go by many names actually….However. You may refer to me as Wynter.~ ~Come and sit by the fire, it’s said to be rather cold if you ask me~
~Now for some simple ground rules dear, please read and follow before adding~
~Please be of the age of 18 or older, this is as simple as I can get so if you have no age listed on your profile or under 18 I will not be accepting or friending~
~This is a LGBTQ+ friendly profile so if you need someone to just be there for you do let me know~
~I enjoy the darker side of roleplaying,. However if that is not you cup of tea, do mention it so and/or topics you wish to avoid at all cost~
~As much as I have many names I will not tolerate being called Baby, so please have manners and refrain from calling me so (Yes it has happened)~
~I am in fact nonbinary and will be using more genderless characters/creatures, however I do in fact have a few set gendered characters~
~Please have common courtesy regardless of who you are, no sending me roleplay without discussing first~
~I do much much enjoy any storyline genre involving, horror, gore, fantasy, and sometimes slight romance~
~As a roleplayer I have many strange interests when it comes to roleplaying, some I may not discuss do to sensitivity or just a bit to much, if you still wish to know please don't hesitate to ask~
~Outside of roleplay I do have a life..shocker I do in fact know this. So please don't expect me to replay right away, now so I know you read these. When adding, comment Rose somewhere in your message.
~Now dear if you still wish to add me and after reading these rules you may, enjoy your day and I hope to roleplay with you soon, My Dear...~
Plots: (To be revealed soon, heres the topic ideas)
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