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miajones's Blog

Plot Idea


I'm looking for someone to rp a sort of stockholm syndrome based situation.

Here's my idea:

Character A is my character and B is yours :)

Character A and Character B are very good friends. They've been with each other through thick and thin, so when Character A gets into a relationship, Character B snaps -- only they can have Character A. In an attempt to make Character A love them and only them, they....

Here's where it gets creative/dark
Kidnapping obviously will be a part of it. The way I see it, you can k!ll or torture Character A's new partner/family or ignore them completely.
Character A can get taken to an isolated place and then... I'm ok with noncon

This is a very dark plot so I understand if no one is interested :)
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4 | 0 Comments | Mar 6th 2022 19:57

Mia Jones (MJ)

First name: Mia
Last name: Jones
Nicknames: MiMi, MJ
Date of birth: January 25th
Age: Varies
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical / Appearance

Height: 5'7
Weight:140 lbs
Build: Athletic
Hair colour: Light brown
Hair style: Usually loose, long hair
Eye colour: Reddish brown
Prominent facial feature: The beauty mark beneath her lip
Tattoos?: None
Physical handicaps: None
Type of clothes: Occasionally dresses faahionably but usually wears oversized clothing
Ethnicity: White
Mannerisms: Always fidgeting in some way
Are they in good health: Yes
Do they have any disabilities: No


What words or phrases do they overuse: "F***..." "Not the ___..." "It's the _____ for me.."
Do they have a catchphrase: No
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Mostly optimistic
Are they introverted or extroverted: Introverted
What bad habits do they have: Not going oit enough
What makes them laugh out loud: Fail videos of any kind
How do they display affection: Physical
How do they want to be seen by others: Smart, funny, cool
How do they see themselves: Kind, sort of stupid, a dork
Strongest character trait: Sympathetic to a fault
Weakest character trait: Impulsiveness
How competitive are they: Depends
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider: Varies per situation
How do they react to praise: Positively
How do they react to criticism: Positively
What is their greatest fear: Frogs... they're just gross
What is their philosophy of life: "It's going to be awkward no matter what you do"
What will they stand up for: Herself
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy: Indoorsy
What is their sinful little habit: playing music way too loud when she's upset
How do they treat people better than them: Respectfully
How do they treat people worse than them: Respectfully
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: Her eye color
What is their obsession: Drawing
What are their pet peeves: Rude people, loud chewing, chewing with your mouth open, being teased

Friends and Family

Is their family big or small: Small
What is their perception of family: They're okay to coexist with
Do they have siblings: No
Describe their best friend: Kind, funny, loyal, relatable
Ideal best friend: Honest, funny, smart, cool, kind
Do they have any pets: No

Past and Future

Did they grow up rich or poor: Middle class
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected: Mostly nurtured (being gifted things because her parents weren't around enough)
What is their best childhood memory: The birthday when she was given her favorite stuffed animal
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend: None


Do they believe in love at first sight: Yes
How do they behave in a relationship: Very clingy, loving, affectionate, can get a bit jealous if given the right incentive
What sort of sex do they have: Varies with each partner.
Dominant or submissive: Extremely submissive
Has your character ever been in love: Yes
Have they ever had their heart broken: Yes


How do they respond to a threat: Calmly
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue: Tongue, fists if needed
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be: Her favorite stuffed animal
What are their phobias: None that she knows of so far
What is their choice of weapon: A knife if it really comes down to it
Have they ever been bullied or teased: Yes
Where do they go when they’re angry: Her room or somewhere with a nice view

Education and Hobbies

What are their hobbies: Reading, drawing, going on walks, exercising
Do they have a natural talent for something: Drawing
Do they play a sport? Are they any good: Just lifts weights and works out at the gym


What is their favourite animal: Bunnies
Which animal do they dislike the most: Sharks
What is their favourite song: Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones
Music, art, reading preferred: Art, reading
What is their favourite colour: Royal blue
Favourite food: Chocolate ice cream


Do they believe in the afterlife: Sometimes
What are their religious views: Agnostic
Are they superstitious: Yes
How would they like to die: Very peacefully

Hard limits:
Furries (I just don't feel comfortable, sorry)
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12 | 0 Comments | Jan 5th 2021 02:52