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iwantyoutouseme's Blog

Kim Jones

First name: Kimberly
Last name: Jones
Nicknames: Kim, Kimmy
Date of birth: August 25th
Age: Varies
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical / Appearance

Height: 5'7
Weight:140 lbs
Build: Athletic
Hair colour: Dirty blonde
Hair style: Usually loose, long hair
Eye colour: Hazel
Prominent facial feature: Her eyebrows
Tattoos?: None
Physical handicaps: None
Type of clothes: Occasionally dresses faahionably but usually wears oversized clothing
Ethnicity: White
Mannerisms: Always fidgeting in some way
Are they in good health: Yes
Do they have any disabilities: No


Do they have a catchphrase: No
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Mostly optimistic
Are they introverted or extroverted: Introverted
What bad habits do they have: Not going out enough
What makes them laugh out loud: Fail videos of any kind
How do they display affection: Physical
How do they want to be seen by others: Smart, funny, cool
How do they see themselves: Kind, sort of stupid, a dork
Strongest character trait: Sympathetic to a fault
Weakest character trait: Impulsiveness
How competitive are they: Depends
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider: Varies per situation
How do they react to praise: Positively
How do they react to criticism: Positively
What is their greatest fear: Frogs... they're just gross
What is their philosophy of life: "It's going to be awkward no matter what you do"
What will they stand up for: Herself
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy: Indoorsy
What is their sinful little habit: playing music way too loud when she's upset
How do they treat people better than them: Respectfully
How do they treat people worse than them: Respectfully
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be: Her eye color
What is their obsession: Music
What are their pet peeves: Rude people, loud chewing, chewing with your mouth open, being teased, being denied something

Friends and Family

Is their family big or small: Small
What is their perception of family: They're okay to coexist with
Do they have siblings: No
Describe their best friend: Kind, funny, loyal, relatable
Ideal best friend: Honest, funny, smart, cool, kind
Do they have any pets: No

Past and Future

Did they grow up rich or poor: Middle class
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected: Mostly nurtured (being gifted things because her parents weren't/aren't around enough)
What is their best childhood memory: The birthday when she was given her favorite stuffed animal
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend: None


Do they believe in love at first sight: Yes
How do they behave in a relationship: Very clingy, loving, affectionate, can get a bit jealous if given the right incentive
What sort of sex do they have: Varies with each partner.
Dominant or submissive: Switch
Has your character ever been in love: Yes
Have they ever had their heart broken: Yes

Kim is very kind and caring to those she cares about and tries to spread positivity as much as she can, but when she's faced with rude people, she sometimes struggles to stand up for herself. She will gladly stand up for others, but she doesn't think she deserves that kind of respect from others sometimes.
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5 | 0 Comments | Jan 30th 2022 22:08