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hopeful's Blog

J u d i t h L o v e l l

B̶ ̶R̶ ̶O̶ ̶K̶ ̶E̶ ̶N̶

~ This is a cut off of Elodie's background, starting after her miscarriage. This is just a second path for her to go down, for different kinds of plots.

After Elodie lost her child, she began to spiral out of control. Every day she looked at her abuser, she got angrier and angrier. At the time, Elodie worked as a gardener, and due to her love of plants, she knows just about everything there is to know about them. That includes the deadliest, and most undetectable poisonous plants she could use on someone. One day, her abuser (former fiancee) had pushed her too far, and Elodie lost it. The next day, she came home with an Aconitum root, and poisoned her ex's beer. --WIP--
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4 | 0 Comments | Oct 1st 2020 17:44

E l o d i e B e c k e t t

Name : Elodie Beckett

Age : 19-29

Height : 5' 7"

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Sex : Female

Occupation : Florist

Relations : Elodie dislikes her parents and hardly ever agrees to visit them. Her only family member that she enjoys the company of is her brother, Dean. She has cut off all contact with her ex-fiancee, Colin.

Background : Elodie was born into a 'higher' class family, with her mother and father present, along with an older brother named Dean. She was never very close with her parents, only finding closeness with her brother. Until her mid-teens, Elodie lived a relatively 'normal' life. When she turned 16, she was officially diagnosed with lupus (which has symptoms like muscle pain, rashes [which mostly center around her cheeks, and many people mistake it for her blushing] , fatigue, and a few other things which aren't super important in this case.). After her diagnosis, her parents began treating her differently, suddenly, their prized child had been imperfect. They slowly began to outcast her, and give her brother the attention she had once received, which deeply upset her, but she never blamed Dean.

Elodie struggled to keep friends through high school due to her whole 'not good enough' thought process. And long story short she met a guy who she thought was 'Mr. Perfect', and the two got engaged when she turned 18 (to be married at 23). As time progressed, though, she started to see his real colors, and regretted ever meeting the man. Elodie got pregnant at 21, but lost the child in her 2nd term after 'falling' down the stairs. The damage to her body resulted in a miscarriage, and the chance that she might never be able to have children in the future. After that incident, Elodie left her now ex-fiancée, and left her home town to get as far away as possible from the man. He constantly calls her, and has even tracked her down a few times, trying to get her to come back to him. She has no intention of doing so. She has never spoken about the things that happened between the two, and her family was rather confused when she suddenly broke it off. Her brother being good friends with her ex.

She enjoys gardening and reading anything she can get her hands on. Elodie has a natural curiosity with cars, and though she doesn't ave any mechanical skills, she'd love to work on cars one day. She often fantasizes about the child she could have had, and what her life would have been like, had nothing of happened. She loves children, and often volunteers with vocal schools in any way she can whenever she isn't working as a florist. Though sometimes Elodie does struggle with everyday tasks, some days her muscle pain is at a minimum, and sometimes it's unbearable. She tries to stay hopeful, and optimistic for a bright future, but often gets discouraged when trying to move on from her past.
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7 | 1 Comment | Sep 21st 2020 16:15

R U L E S & G E N E R A L I N F O

#1 - Have fun! I'm here to have a good time, and you should be, too!

#2 - I'm not new to this site, and though I do enjoy descriptive stories, with multiple paragraphs. I don't think I will ever stray below 3-4 paras and welcome anything above that. I always try to match my partners length, I expect some of the same. If there's backstory or something that one of our characters can't react to, that's different. But if I give an entire reply to reacting to something and have multiple places where your character can talk- I'll be upset if I get back one paragraph of your character just acknowledging my last sentence, or something.

#3 - I do play out NSFW scenes, but I would like there to be some story behind it. And if you don't want to write them, we can just fade to black!

#4 - I'm a busy person, so please don't expect super consistent replies! I will never badger you for a reply, and I expect the same from you. My only exception is if either of us haven't replied in a month, I'll probably send something out to you, and you can do the same.

#5 - Speaking of replying, if you're bored, you can just un-add me, block me if you want. If you don't want to keep going and don't want to say anything, that's fine. I hopefully won't have to do that. And if you want to change the story just tell me. You don't HAVE to block me. If you unadd me it's not like I'm going to re-add you. I get it. Sometimes I do like to look over past writings when I feel I want to improve.

#6 - I LOVE a good action packed story, so if you want to do some sort of apoc-type-story [ as much as I love TWD, it can get a little boring with the slow as hell zombies, so I'd prefer something like the ones from Dawn of the Dead. ] It doesn’t have to be zombies, it could just be a post-nuked world or something! Maybe a something that killed a lot of people (like in The Rain.), or maybe even have some sort of mafia type thing involved, just let me know! Obviously I'll use the same character, but I'll adjust her a bit.

#7 - I also LOVE romance, and would prefer it in my story lines. Most of my characters will be straight, sorry. And in all honesty, I haven't dabbled with the 'in-between' before, so I have no clue how to act anything out like that, I probably don't do anything like that, sorry.

#8 - Heart if you've read! I'll probably add you back if you do :)

#9 - I'll have my current status in my own comments (on my profile page) so that I don't barrage your home page with updates. Though I'll still put some things in the stream, most likely some character posts.

#10 - I can make characters on the spot- However I post my favorites to give newcomers an idea of what styles I go for.

#11 - I enjoy dark themes, so bring on the gore, torture, and in between, just because my account looks 'innocent' it's just for the aesthetic!

#12 - Incest. Nope, no, nah, non of that sh*t. Nothing like it either.

#13 - I absolutely LOVE having a constant back and forth thing. I could spend hours writing with one person if they're willing to do the same. As long as the story doesn't lose all detail and such, I'm SO down.

#14 - I prefer realistic or semi-realistic face claims.
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26 | 0 Comments | Sep 15th 2020 19:18