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Forum > Science Fiction > The game (Jump in whenever)

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Started by Lieutenant_Rira , Jan 12th 2018 07:03

Lieutenant_Rira - Jan 12th 2018 07:03

A new game just came out one using a VR headset and it has become popular amoung kids to aults in there late 20s you can spawn in looking however you want and in this game you get to explore a vast open world filled with monsters machines and various other things you can do whatever you want but a group of players have been mercilessly killing other players and should be stopped but the info network has been silebt about this so you can just forget i mentioned that

Rules: sm*t op characters

3. No more than 1 character (this rule may change over time)

Character sheet basic


Age:(is irrelevent for most of rp)



Bio:(keep it short)

Appearance:(just a brief desription)

Ingame character bio


Character gear:

Character appearance:

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