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Forum > Help and Support > AdherYogi - anyone else have problems with this us

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Started by TheBecca , Apr 28th 2024 01:58

TheBecca - Apr 28th 2024 01:58

I dont know what is wrong with this guy, but he sent me a message i didnt answer since i have other things to do in life, soon after he sent one using "~" when i havent talked to him before so i decided to ignore him. after i did this he has used 3 other accounts to harass me, posting weird pictures in my messages, attempting to add weird comments on my profile, even making a whole account to go against me all because i thought the way he tried to talk with me was weird ive been blocking his accounts but i wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem, he used an account named GobGob aswell starting to accuse me of being racist for no reason. i just joined this website today is the weird part about this guy.

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Becastaisse - Apr 28th 2024 02:11

A lot of people who aren't new, and are mean spirited, post sh*t like this. As if ignoring others isn't a big deal or angers them.
You admit to your bullsh*t but are pretty vague when explaining how bad the things he did were.

You ask if this is normal because you've been through this before and aren't new.
You type like the rest of contemptuous people here.

You thinking people are weird is judgmental. You're garbage, bro.

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Becastaisse - Apr 28th 2024 02:13

A lot of people who aren't new, and are mean spirited, post sh*t like this. As if ignoring others isn't a big deal or angers them.
You admit to your bullsh*t but are pretty vague when explaining how bad the things he did were.

You ask if this is normal because you've been through this before and aren't new.
You type like the rest of contemptuous people here.

You thinking people are weird is judgmental. You're garbage, bro.

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Becastaisse - Apr 28th 2024 02:21

imagine just roleplaying, couldnt be drama mongering, instigating females lol

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