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Forum > Action > Survival - the infection

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Started by Cylie , Mar 7th 2018 21:25

Cylie - Mar 8th 2018 19:44

Clarissa sat up still coughing. She looked up at soul with pleading eyes but said nothing. She didnt want him to leave her. She didnt want to be alone but how could she stop him from helping the rest the people in there? She held his coat tightly around her as everything grew cold now that she was sitting in the snow rather than her room. She just watched him as she got her breathing under control and back to normal.

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Cylie - Mar 8th 2018 19:54

She looked to where she was pointing and nodded. She stumbled through the snow to the corner just as another whitcoat ran by. He yelled at her and went to grab her but stopped. His ungloved hand shaking before he even touched her. He pulled away and ran leaving her alone. She sat to wait

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Cylie - Mar 8th 2018 20:11

He had been gone a long time so when he returned Clarissa hugged him. She was still wearing the coat so she wouldn't infect him. She laid her head on his chest and put her arms around him. "I-I thought you wouldn't come back. . . don't leave me alone. . .i-I don't want to be alone anymore." She said shakily as she stood shivering in the cold. "Please dont leave me alone." She said a bit quieter

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Cylie - Mar 8th 2018 20:18

(16-17 ish)

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Cylie - Mar 8th 2018 21:37

Clarissa realized what she had done and was ashamed of herself for doing so. She just stood with a short nod and went to follow him and took his out stretched hand. She stumbled a few times in the snow and was terribly cold but didn't complain. She just looked around in awe of the white earth and the distant trees and hills and the open sky. It had been a long time since she had been out of her room. And she didn't miss it one bit.

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Cylie - Mar 9th 2018 17:38

Clarissa was overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last short while. She pulled off the wet lab coat the doctor had given her and snuggled into the thick sleeping bag drying there obediently as she had been told to though she looked around after he left the room very uncomfortable with being the only one there. Though she didnt move to follow him not sure she could even if she wanted to.

Clarissa was very thin and small for her age seeing as she had grown up in the labs and hadn't gotten the proper life a child should have to progress social and physical development. And after a long treck through the wind and snow she was exhuasted and as the male had said. She was freezing. She was shivering, her cheeks, hands and feet were starting to turn blue, her clothes and hair were soaking wet from the snow fall and each breath hurt to take.

Edited Mar 9th 2018 17:43

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Cylie - Mar 9th 2018 17:44

(Current time: 9:32 pm)

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Cylie - Mar 9th 2018 18:06

Clarissa snuggled into the blankets and closed her eyes. She was asleep before soul returned, she tossed and turned getting tangled in the blankets.

Clarissa was no stranger to nightmares. She had them nearly every night. Dreams of the whitecoats. Of people dying. Her father's twisted laugh singing to her a haunting lullaby. One she wpuld never forget. It was the same twist sound all the infected made. And she couldnt help but hate herself for it. For all that she had caused and done to everybody.

In a hospital about 16 years ago a child had been born a month prem*tu*e and due to a previous illness and a complicated birth the mother died leaving a small sickly child that would soon die. But the child's grieving father didnt want to loose his daughter. He spent four years taking care of his children and searching for a cure for the illness the infant had. He thought had found it. But when given to his baby girl the 'cure' mutated her illness into a virus that hadnt before been seen. The results were horrific. Now whenever the child was touched the diesease would spread and ruin the minds of it's hosts. Clarissa williams was the first ever carrier. She was the origin of the virus that sent humanity into an age of insanity and death.

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