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Forum > Drama > Reich of Millennium, 1946 (Alternate History RP)

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Started by Jacky138 , Sep 23rd 2020 06:59

Jacky138 - Sep 23rd 2020 06:59

A sympathetic German couple had sheltered Karla in their attic for the past few years. The Gestapo just came few days before and interrogated the couple, but they didn’t search the house, at least not yet.

Karla had never practiced Judaism, but she was a mixed-race child from forbidden extramarital sexual intercourse between her Jewish father and German mother out of wedlock. Her parents were both gone, the SS had her father taken away, mother died in an air raid.

She would be classified as a Jew under Nuremberg Law regardless, and Karla knew she is putting her benefactors in grave danger. The RMVP (Reich Ministry of Propaganda) made sure every Reich citizens know what happens to those who shelter enemy of the state.

She doesn’t know how long would the German couple be willing to risk their lives for her, but she had no choice but to trust them. The Ordungspolizei could return any time, and the moment would eventually arrive when they would be forced to choose between their safety and her’s. She can only prey it doesn’t come to that.

The news broadcasted from the radio in Volksempfänger yesterday marks the beginning of a new Dark Age for her. Goebbels proudly announced the V-2 rocket carrying the nuclear warhead detonated in Greater London, estimated 2 million people were instantly vaporised. Fearing the possibility of atomic bomb being used on American soil, US government declares a ceasefire with Germany, western Allied forces capitulates in Europe, and German troops in the East had pushed the Soviets back to Moscow, it’s the end of World War 2.

The Victory Parade was marching down the street, through the thin wall of her hiding place, Karla can hear the crowd chanting “Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!” continuously, the stomps of jackboots marching in unison as a symbol of discipline echos like a terrifying earthquakes inside her head. Karla can feel her hopes and dreams are turning to dust like the book those people burned the other night.

The is no escape now. Only hiding, hide, as long as she can.

TL; DR. Nazi victory timeline like The Man in the High Castle but set in 1940s. No God Mode please. You can be whatever you want. Some idea but not limited to:

Jew Hunter (like Hans Landa from “Inglorious Bastards”)

Sympathetic German officer (like Wilm Hosenfeld from “The Pianist”)

Professional German officer who were “just carrying out orders” (like Karl Silberbauer who arrested Anne Frank)

Normal Citizens under authoritarian rules (People who are trying to not get into trouble, or extend help to those in needs etc)

Children, Member of Hitlerjugend/Bund Deutscher Mädel etc

Resistance freedom fighters

Jewish Fugitives

American Spies

People from other Axis country (Japan, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, etc)

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