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Forum > Silvermuse

HTTYD RP anyone?

Silvermuse replied to Silvermuse's topic

Seeking HTTYD Roleplayers, canon or non-canon! I have a discord server I am making/have made (depending on when you see this) and would love for people to join and rp on it! Also just seeking HTTYD RPers in general to roleplay with. All I ask is you look over my rules which are located in my profile.

I will be using my own oc:
Romance WILL be involved in some way.

If anyone would like an invite to the server, let me know on here!

The Discord server rp is about what I call the "New World" wherein my oc's homeland is the main area and there are five (or more) dragon breeds I made to go along with it!

Dec 18th 2018 21:23

Seeking Rpers for an Egyptian Harem Group!~

Silvermuse replied to Silvermuse's topic

I really, really, would love to try out my new OC Nefertiri if anyone's up for it! :D

She has a group centered around her but joining is purely optional, though I'd appreciate it if you did!

Just please read both my own personal rules and the group's rules! Other than that, let's have some fun!~

This could also be classified as Romance I suppose, but fits more the Fantasy setting me thinks. Just shoot me a message with your friend request, saying you've responded to this post if you're interested please! :)

I look forward to rping with you.~

Dec 6th 2018 00:47

Legend of Zelda RP Character Claims

Silvermuse replied to Silvermuse's topic

The starter has been posted guys! Remember your characters can enter the realm in any way you want them to.

Feb 5th 2018 16:05

Legend of Zelda rp anyone?

Silvermuse replied to Silvermuse's topic

Silver stood at the top of the falls, looking down below, hidden to any and all. Soon the ones she had chosen, or had late the realm choose, would arrive. While its true she was powerful, one hit form her sister's strongest spell would do her in and vice versa. They've been at a stalemate for ages now, but Sunlight has grown bold, attacking my people and attempting to eliminate them one at a time. She is forcing my hand and I cannot do it alone, I will not risk my younger sibling's live in this, for if I fall, there must be someone to take my place.

Let us see if I have chosen correctly, only time will tell.

Feb 5th 2018 16:05

Silver Moon Forest - Creepypasta RP

Silvermuse replied to Silvermuse's topic

The forest groans eerily around all parties, the canopy seeming to darken and the air turned almost suffocating. Silver grins, maybe should let Prima out to play.....after all its not every day she gets to see a fellow Pasta in here.

She chuckles, her voice sounding disembodied and corrupted slightly, "Taking a stroll through the woods Ben? You really shouldn't have......this forest has a way of making people disappear."

Next to Shade the trees begin to move their roots slowly towards her....creeping ever closer.

Feb 4th 2018 18:47