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Forum > Gavelhead

Looking for long term female RP partners

Gavelhead replied to Gavelhead's topic

I'm looking for smart, cute, +18 preferably, loyal female RP'ers who are literate, cool and can write at least a paragraph. If you're down for some serious, fun and well-thought roleplay, add me or heart this topic and I'll add you.

Jul 27th 2018 11:07


Gavelhead replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

((I'm waiting for Albert.))

Jul 24th 2018 16:16


Gavelhead replied to Albert_Parker_'s topic

Goblin got right up like he just didn't fall down from a thousand feet high. Peter was struggling to keep the fight up. Ben barely could stand up. "Where's your son?" Ben asked Peter. "My son?" Spiderman replied as he crouched to dodge Goblin's punch and stroke him with an uppercut. "The other spider guy." Ben explained as he started to web up Goblin's arms. "Have no idea, Ben." Peter replied as he landed a punch right on Goblin's nose. Green Goblin fell down but kicked right back up, easily getting rid of the webs around his arms. "What the hell?" Ben reacted in shock and rushed to him only to get sent flying backwards by Goblin's roundhouse kick. "What has gotten in to you, Norman?" Spiderman asked as before he got knocked off the roof by Goblin's hook.

Goblin cracked up, laughing like a mad person, not like he was sane. Ben hardly got back up. "This is amazing! Two spiders? Double the fun when I kill you!" Goblin said and kept laughing. "Go ahead, laugh. You'll be crying when I'm done with you!" Ben said and walked towards the Goblin with no fear. Goblin turned to him, ready to attack. "I know what you're after and I'll make sure you won't get it!" Goblin said and charged to Ben. Scarlet Spider simply jumped over the Goblin, webbing his back and smashing him into the roof. "How come you know about it?" Ben asked but before the Goblin answered, he felt his spider sense tingling.

That meant danger was around. Ben sensed the glider flying right at him with its blades wide out, he got down and the glider flew pass him. Goblin jumped on his glider and threw a granade to Ben. "Catch this you fool!" Goblin yelled. Peter, coming out of nowhere, caught the granade and threw it back at Goblin. "I did!" Peter replied as the granade explode right in Goblin's face. When the smoke was clear, there was no sign of the Goblin. He was somehow gone. "My first fight against a super-villian." Ben informed Peter. "Really?" Peter reacted and jumped off of the roof. Ben followed.

Jul 22nd 2018 19:19