
[ W R I T I N G ~ S T Y L E ]

● I usually write in a 3rd person limited POV, but I'll occasionally write omniscient. I also write in a novelesque style and do not enjoy the asterisk-to-indicate-action style of rp.

My style: “Hey get back here!” He shouted as he lunged toward the doorway.
Asterisk to indicate action: Hey get back here! *he lunged toward the doorway*

● My response length typically ranges from 6 to 10 paragraphs. I can do more than 10 but rarely do less than 4 or 5. With that being said length somewhat depends on where we are at in our story (a dialog heavy scene is going to have shorter responses. Versus a scene where, say, the characters are exploring a new area).

● I use “(( ))” to indicate that what I’ve written is OOC (out of character). Please DO NOT use text talk (lol, wyd, idc, etc) unless it’s OOC. The only exception would be if our characters are texting but I don't do modern stories often.

● I don’t do group RPs. I don't like them and I have a strong preference for one on one. I’d rather write multiple characters than write with more than one other RP partner.

[ M E S S A G I N G ~ M A N N E R S ]

● If you friend me I expect you to message me first. I also expect you to bring something to the table, be it a plot or just a genre; anything to get the ball rolling. If I friend you, I’ll message you first with a few RP suggestions.

● If you fail to send me an introductory message within a week of me accepting your friend request, I will unfriend you (unless you’re lucky and I’m intrigued by your account and I end up messaging you anyway). I like to keep my friends list limited to, well… friends and people I’m writing with.

● If I get busy or need to take a break from writing I usually post a status update about it (or I may send you a personal message). So if I’ve gone MIA please check that first. If there is no status update or you want a better idea of when I’ll get more replies out feel free to send me a message. Just don’t spam me or get impatient, please. Real-life comes first.

Side note: if I look like I’m online but I haven’t been responding, I promise I’m not ignoring you I just forget to log out all the time or I may be working on my profile.

● If you get busy or need to take a break from writing please let me know, either through statues of your own or a private message. You don’t need to give me details or an exact date of return, just a quick “hey, it’ll be a while,” message works. It’s just courtesy.

● If I lose interest in our RP and/or writing with you I’ll let you know. You should do the same if you lose interest. We can either come up with something new or go our separate ways.

[ R P ~ E T I Q U E T T E ]

● No godmodding. Don’t control my character and I won’t control yours.

● No overpowered characters. Your character should have a mixture of weaknesses and strengths unless we agree that the plot allows for someone/something overpowered.

● No Mary Sue or Gary Stu characters. Perfect characters are so boring.

● If we are making a plot from scratch brainstorm with me. Don’t put the weight of coming up with ideas solely on my shoulders. Give input and suggestions so I know we’re both on the same page and we’re both going to enjoy the RP. I HATE when people say “I don’t have a preference,” or “It’s up to you,” over and over again. It’s fine in small doses but if that’s all you’re going to say chances are I’ll lose interest.

● Make sure you’re using proper grammar and that your reply is cohesive. I’ll overlook basic errors (I’m by no means perfect) but I won’t continue to write with you if I have to constantly scrutinize your replies in order to make sense of them. Also, by basic errors I mean things like misspellings, misplaced commas, incorrect tense here and there, etc.

[ R O M A N C E & E R * T * C A ]

● I don’t enjoy RPs that are strictly romance. I will only write it as a subplot.

● Romance is not required but if you want one, don't force it. The characters can fall for each other quickly, if the plot allows for it, or slowly depending on the mood and personalities.

● I do NOT write er*t*ca. I am NOT into it. I do write steamy scenes that are suggestive or contain some foreplay but if the characters start going down on each other I always fade to black.

● I'm okay with 18+ concepts, jokes, themes, and whatnot, I just don't want or like to write through sex scenes.

● I'm also bisexual so sapphic stories are welcome, same as straight, or any other gay pairing.

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Heart this
9 | Apr 26th 2021 20:54