Character Reference: Olive

Name: Olive Bloss
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual


Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Pink
Clothing Style: Likes formal clothing with a cute twist. A huge fan of bows, chokers, and ribbons. Dresses in pastel/neutral tones and wears skirts more than pants.
Extras: Has freckles and and a mole under her eye


Personality: Bubbly and sweet, always wants to help those in need
Likes: Candy, koi fish, and dressing up
Dislikes: Strong smells, dinosaurs, and overalls
Background: Olive grew up with her grandmother after her parents died when she was very young. She grew up with lots of love and friends, but she often wishes she could have met her parents. She never wants to cause problems for other because she often feels like a burden to her grandmother. She discovered painting and drawings and it helps her thrive mentally.


Talents: Singing
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, and pottery
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3 | Mar 9th 2021 17:51