Vera Guerrero (oc)

Name: Vera Elisa Guerrero 
Nickname(s)/Alias: Adelita
Age: over 100; died age 17
Hair: black, straight, covers shoulders, side bangs.
Eyes: emerald green
Skin: tan
Body type: pear, lean, toned, sixpack, 5'10"

Raised in Mexico just after its revolution, life was tough on her and her family. They were on the poor side, and like many other families struggled to live. However, her widowed mother married into a rich family to a genuinely caring, loving husband who served as a great father. All seemed well until La Lechuza, an infamous witch of Mexican folklore, entered the scene. Lechuza stalked and killed Vera and her family, and they all went to Heaven when they died. They were all happy in Heaven, as one should be, except for Vera. She was still bitter and vengeful about the massacre on those she loved, and the fact the one who did it was out there.

Now anyone can leave Heaven if they chose, but there's no going back and the only place to go is Hell. However, Vera wanted to find some sort of compromise. She wanted to serve God while getting the vengeance she wanted. The next best thing she found was being assigned to serve Santa Muerta, aka Death herself. God and Muerta made an agreement to give Muerta souls from Heaven to serve her, if they choosed to go. Essentially, it was like enlisting into the army. Vera decided to serve Santa Muerta, as a new supernatural creature known as a Cumpliré. 

As a Cumpliré, it's Vera's job to act as a bringer of bad karma to those who mess with death; as in those who murder people before they were supposed to die, or try to cheat death and live forever. Given the eye for and eye system, she kills murders and cheaters, and brings their souls to Santa Muerta to be delivered to Hell (though it's quite often those souls escape Muerta while on the way and stay in Purgatory. Cumplirés also deliver information on the whereabouts of these souls to Muerta, so she can retrieve them). Among murders and cheaters are malevolent witches like La Lechuza. Since Vera's rise as the first Cumpliré, the two have become bitter enemies and have been fighting and hunting eachother, both turning up fruitless so far.

Vera is now a rather stoic girl, aloof from both her fellow Cumplirés and humans. This is due to not only being worn from years of serving death like a weathered soldier, but also because she had to grow up fast as child to survive, as many children of the time did. Her sense of humor is dry and lacking, as she will occasionally delve in puns and wordplay, but rarely and not much more unless sarcasm and snark count. As a human, she was still more bright and cheery, and /did/ open up more when her mother remarried. She would also demonstrate a sense of duty and responsibility even before becoming a Cumpliré, working hard to ease the load off her mother's shoulders. She was also polite and mild mannered, considering she lived the majority of her life as dirt poor. 

It can be hard to tell if she does her good deeds because it's her duty as a Cumpliré or out of the kindness of her own heart. But despite that rough exterior, it's safe to say all of the above.

Cumplirés are all capable of the holy magic, usually more powerful than a witch but less powerful than an angel. However, they are still capable of improving and getting stronger. They can create shielding, restraining, and healing spells as well as offensive spells to deal with demons. They are capable of short distance teleportation and invisibility, as well as shape shifting into cats. They can astral-project, like all demons and angels. Vera uses a machete as a weapon and can make it appear at will. This machete is blessed by God and Muerta, so they're incredibly sharp and durable by standards of human weaponry, and immediately transport the soul of who it killed to Muerta.

Vera also uses her black rebozo (a Mexican shawl of sorts) as a weapon. It's bulletproof, and works like a sort of magical lasso, looping around who she throws it at by itself. If she kills someone using the rebozo, the same thing happens as with the machete.

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