Frosty Embers

I want to thank everyone for the support you guys gave me for my first non-Wanda/Marvel themed short story and decided to share another one that I wrote for my sci-fi class! This is in the same universe as "Resist Ignition" and goes more into detail about Ana and Mateo and what they can do. The prompt isn't necessary to understand the story but I will add it anyway.
Prompt: Pick 10 words from the reading we have for the week that you liked and write a short, 250-word piece using all ten of those words.


“Dr. Rathmore, are there any updates on the program with the two siblings?” Zeke walked into the lab where Rathmore currently had his face buried in a notebook, the dim lighting casting a shadow on the old scientist’s face.

Rathmore sighed and sat up, running a pale hand over his eyes. He turned his attention to the young soldier standing in front of him. “Let me guess, General Kane wants an update?” He pushed himself to his feet and closed the notebook. He gestured for the man to follow him. “Come. See for yourself.”

The two men walked down a narrow hallway leading to two cells. The cells were dark and it was almost impossible to see the two teens that were on the other side of the iron bars. They both were silent, leaning against the wall separating the two rooms in the same spot the other sat as if they knew the location of the other. The girl shivered, her lips had a tint of blue with a cold look in her eyes. The boy, however, had a fire burning in his eyes, his skin flushed.

Rathmore turned to Zeke. “The electroshock therapy has caused there to be a development in their genes that we're watching. Subject one, Ana, is an interesting subject. Her DNA is developing into something that’s terrifyingly beautiful. Subject two, Mateo, is being a little bit stubborn but we have great things planned for him once we see how his DNA is changed. Instinct will kick in.” He looked back at the two. “Soon, they’ll be ready to fight.”
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3 | Mar 4th 2018 03:27