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eternalsin's Blog

The Characters.

[NOTE: all characters face claims are in my albums. Please look at the captions to determine who is who]

Ethan Miller
Species: Werewolf
Age: 18
Hometown: Arrow Rock, Missouri.
First Memory: Drawing with Chalk.
Childhood hero: His Stepdad.
Religion: Jewish.
Education: Dropped out his first year in high school.

Good Personality Traits: Creative.
Bad Ones: No Compassion, Inability to relate to others. (Be Emotionless around him. It causes a connection.)
Most Frequent Mood: Ease
Most at Ease: When he is with the Allen Twins.
Most Enraged: Tresspaers.
Greatest Fear: Being Alone.

Nervous Tics: Coughing, Touching things.
Mannerisms: Feeling everything with his knuckles first.

Biggest Regret: Dropping Out.
Darkest Secret: What happened behind the gym in grade 8.
Who knows about it: Greyson Johnson.
Life Philosophy: "Demons are like Obedient dogs. They come when they are called."

Ethan Miller loved his Family. But one night there was a home invasion. How upsetting. His father walked into his mother and stepfathers room, shooting them at point blank, execution style. Ethan was seen, in a trance like state wandering into the forest when the trees offered help, now he protects the Forest, and guards his heart.

Molly Carter.
Species: Eldeer
Age: 20
Hometown: Stonington, Maine.
First Memory: Swinging on swings.
Childhood hero: Her teacher.
Religion: Catholic.
Education: Highschool Diploma.

Good Personality Traits: Communication, Loyalty? (Unsure)
Bad Ones: No Empathy. She often is the leader to peoples Deaths.
Most Frequent Mood: Content.
Most at Ease: Resting beneath a tree.
Most Enraged: When she isn't included.
Greatest Fear: Thomas and Arthur.

Nervous Tics: Clicking her Fingers.
Mannerisms: Rubbing her nails together.

Biggest Regret: Singing to the Trees.
Darkest Secret: She has many.
Who knows about it: N/A
Life Philosophy: "Believe nothing that you hear and only one half of what you see."

Molly Carter was an Only child who lived in an apartment with her mother. Her father was thanked in prison when she was at a very young age. Years later, Her mother was stabbed walking out of a grocery store. She was seen frantically running into the woods, Taking the forests offer for help, if she would do the same.

Thomas Murphy
Species: Wendigo
Age: 36
Hometown: Cedar Key, Florida
First Memory: His Stepmom adopting him.
Childhood hero: His Stepmom
Religion: N/A
Education: He quit homeschool.

Good Personality Traits: N/A
Bad Ones: His Hatred, His no Mercy rule. His Strength and love for Gore.
Most Frequent Mood: Irritated.
Most at Ease: After Killing.
Most Enraged: N/A (For now?)
Greatest Fear: N/A (There's something, I just haven't found it yet..)

Nervous Tics: N/A
Mannerisms: Rocking back and forth on his feet.

Biggest Regret: Keeping contact with his biological Mother.
Darkest Secret: N/A
Who knows about it: N/A
Life Philosophy: "I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what a bliss."

Thomas Murphy lived a good life. He was wealthy, life was perfect. One night, his parents went missing. Days later, his stepmom and father were found hanging by their neck off his balcony. Their stomachs split open. He was seen strolling into the woods one afternoon, and happily took the forests deal. He now serves and protects the Forest of Singing Trees.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2023 17:32

Other plots.

I do choose to participate in other plots. If you have another, shoot a message. if not, here are some ideas:

princess x prince. enemies to lovers. (mxf){nsfw.}
Preferably I would play the princess. Their fathers have feuded for ages. Their mothers seek to end this feud. They come into contact, and arrange their marriage. They have the same ideas as their fathers. Will blood be drawn? or will love and lust take over.

bodyguard x agent. (mxf){nsfw}
Preferably I would play the agent. She is in danger, she’s russian descent. writing about money laundering, gangs, mafias, illegal gun importing. etc. She has plastered a big red target on her back. So, she has a bodyguard. Stationed in the United States for a few months, she wants nothing to do with him. Until things at her residence turn ways neither of them expected them too.

agent x agent. (mxm){nsfw} [Currently unavailable.]
Preferably i’d play Agent A. Agents A and B are given a case of a dangerous man who’s importing cocaine from mexico to the united states. They go aboard undercover as a couple. Agent A has been a trusted agent of the federal bureau of investigation for ages. Agent B is trained well, but newer. shyer, less dominant than Agent A. As they go undercover as a couple, their cover turns more realistic than they planned.
(It could also be played with two dominant men, or just one dominant one submissive. Either way, I would very much prefer to play a dominant role.)

Slow burn romance (mxf){nsfw}
Preferably id play the female role (A). Character A has always had feelings for B, but never said anything because they’ve always been like siblings to one another, and nothing more. one night while out with friends at the club, A had too much to drink and needs a ride home. naturally, B volunteers. As they go home, things take a change.

Slow burn romance (mxf){nsfw}(age gap)
Again, preferably i’d play the female role(A). A is a princess from a neighboring kingdom, whom has come to study at B’s place. B is a king, and A is originally there to, well study, and get to know B’s son better. He finds that she isn’t taking interest in his son, but rather himself. (Age gap would range from 18-20 to 36-42)
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2023 11:21

The Forest of Singing Trees.

is the name of the woods known for strange disappearances and young hook ups. inside lurks creatures that jump out of novels and come from the darkest parts of the mind. creatures that skin you alive, tear at your flesh, and rots in their fangs. many have come, few have survived. the whispers draw you in, your curiosity peaking. small abandoned cottages litter the forest, old trading paths. the forest is relatively beautiful, seeming to be full of life when it is actually quite the opposite. come inside, curious travelers. we don’t bite.
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4 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2023 11:07

The Characters (Siblings).

[NOTE: all characters face claims are in my albums. Please look at the captions to determine who is who]

Evelyn Brooks.
Species: Wendigo
Age: 19
Hometown: Big Timber, Montana.
First Memory: Learning to Ride a Bike.
Childhood hero: Her Mother.
Religion: N/A
Education: Her high school diploma.

Good Personality Traits: She's Empathetic, Kind, Caring. You could use all of the basic words for "Nice" (Note: She can be cocky at times. also avoid confrontation if she seems this way, she either is about to shift of just came out of one.)
Bad Ones: Her cockiness. She can be snappy.
Most Frequent Mood: Content.
Most at Ease: Alone in the woods.
Most Enraged: When she's shifted.
Greatest Fear: Loosing Control.

Nervous Tics: Lip chewing, drawing circles on her arms with her fingers.
Mannerisms: Rubbing her nose. Pausing when she speaks. Her eyes shifting around your face as you speak.

Biggest Regret: Becoming what she is today.
Darkest Secret: Her and her Brother are both Wendigo.
Who knows about it: Arthur Brooks, Her parents (Deceased).
Life Philosophy: "Normalize What is an Illusion. What's Normal for the Spider is chaos for the Fly."

Arthur Brooks.
Species: Wendigo
Age: 24
Hometown: Big Timber, Montana.
First Memory: Dismembering Roadkill.
Childhood hero: N/A
Religion: N/A
Education: Dropout from grade 10.

Good Personality Traits: N/A
Bad Ones: Everything. Always seeking violence. (KEEP AWAY!)
Most Frequent Mood: He always seems entertained.
Most at Ease: Causing havoc.
Most Enraged: N/A (Never been seen "enraged" He always seems at peace with his gory activities.)
Greatest Fear: Loosing his sister.

Nervous Tics: Twisting his hair.
Mannerisms: Always grinning. Always. Looks to the Right very often. (Looking for his sister? Unsure why.)

Biggest Regret: Dragging His Sister down this path.
Darkest Secret: Him and his Sister are both Wendigo.
Who knows about it: Evelyn Brooks. His parents (Deceased).
Life Philosophy: The fear of death follows from the fear of Life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. That time is when I choose.

The Brooks Siblings lived a simple life, Never asking for much. Arthur always got into trouble, Evelyn steered clear. Coming home from a family trip, The car was ran off a cliff. Their parents died. But the forest was special, because it now became their home. They often were seen listening to the trees sing, and in return they would protect the forest that protected them. Even if it meant altering their lives, forever.

John Allen
Species: Werewolf
Age: 34
Hometown: Bell Buckle, Tennessee.
First Memory: Learning to shoot a shotgun.
Childhood hero: His Father.
Religion: Christian (but he hasn't been to church in god knows how long)
Education: Highschool Diploma.

Good Personality Traits: He seems nice enough. He worked hard and does what he can to protect the forest from the parasites (Humans)
Bad Ones: No Mercy. Rips your throat out.
Most Frequent Mood: Focused.
Most at Ease: Patrolling the woods.
Most Enraged: When the Kill isn't clean.
Greatest Fear: Loosing his Brother.

Nervous Tics: Nail biting.
Mannerisms: Constantly clearing his throat.

Biggest Regret: Not going to see his father for the last time.
Darkest Secret: He's killed people who haven't done wrong in the woods.
Who knows about it: N/A.
Life Philosophy: "A witch never gets caught. Don't forget she has Magic in her fingers and devilry dancing in her blood."

James Allen
Species: Werewolf
Age: 34
Hometown: Bell Buckle, Tennessee.
First Memory: Getting the family puppy.
Childhood hero: His Father.
Religion: Christian
Education: Highschool Diploma.

Good Personality Traits: He's Quiet. Tries to help the parasites.
Bad Ones: Not as cut to the chase as his brother, but he'd rip out your stomach.
Most Frequent Mood: Unfazed.
Most at Ease: Sleeping.
Most Enraged: When his brother slays parasites like nothing.
Greatest Fear: Loosing his Brother.

Nervous Tics: Tapping his feet.
Mannerisms: Cracking his knuckles.

Biggest Regret: Leaving the Stove on.
Darkest Secret: He caused his parents death.
Who knows about it: N/A.
Life Philosophy: "Evil only has the power we give it."

The Allen twins were known by all in their small town. Helping others was what they loved. But on one fateful day, James left the stove on. Burning their house and parents to the ground. After that, they often were seen listening to the trees sing nearby where the house used to stand, and in return they would protect the forest that protected them. Even if it meant altering their lives, forever.

Ruby Moore
Species: Hellhound
Age: 22
Hometown: Winslow, Arizona.
First Memory: Riding her first pony.
Childhood hero: Her Mother.
Religion: N/A
Education: Associates Degree.

Good Personality Traits: She's understanding, Patient.
Bad Ones: When she shifts, she's like John. There is no Mercy.
Most Frequent Mood: Alone.
Most at Ease: Talking with her sister.
Most Enraged: When her sister doesn't listen to her.
Greatest Fear: Leaving the woods.

Nervous Tics: Hair pulling.
Mannerisms: Tapping her fingers.

Biggest Regret: Ignoring her father.
Darkest Secret: The Boat.
Who knows about it: Hazel Moore.
Life Philosophy: "Everybody is a book of blood. where ever we're opened, we're red."

Hazel Moore
Species: Hellhound
Age: 22
Hometown: Winslow, Arizona.
First Memory: Falling of her pony.
Childhood hero: Her Mother.
Religion: N/A
Education: Highschool Diploma.

Good Personality Traits: Quiet, Skilled, and probably Empathetic.
Bad Ones: She never listens to anyone but herself.
Most Frequent Mood: Alone.
Most at Ease: Talking with her sister.
Most Enraged: When her sister tells her what to do.
Greatest Fear: Her sister leaving her to fend for herself.

Nervous Tics: Hair pulling.
Mannerisms: Cracking her joints.

Biggest Regret: Not listening to her father.
Darkest Secret: The Boat.
Who knows about it: Ruby Moore.
Life Philosophy: "Where there is no imagination, there is no Horror."

The Moore twins lived in a trailer home with their Parents and dogs. On one fateful day, They planned to go out on the lake. Their father warned them to get the controls checked out. Alas, they ignored him. The boat collided into another, Killing their parents instantly. They were seen singing back to the trees, which offered them protection, for a price. A price they will forever pay.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2023 11:03