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bloodylove's Blog

tales for tales chapter one

disclaimer/An: hello! Thank you for checking out my story! This story is heavily inspired by “scars and scales” along with “stray dogs”. Please go check both out! Scars and scales can be found on AO3 and stray dogs is a comic. This story also contains some spoilers to the sun and moon show so check them out on youtube! This story involves things such as whump, fighting, and animal abuse. ‘y/n’ is also suppose to be alot like me.


Beeping. God it f***ing hurt. you wanted to scream as you heard the noise. It was a daily occurrence but it still hurt. It almost became a trigger at this point. And yet with a shaky hand you reach over and press the button, effectively shutting the obnoxious machine off. Once your nerves calmed down you realized that's just what it was. Obnoxious was what it was.

A large part of you screamed to call out of work that day but that wasn't your choice to make. And it's not like you were sick. With a groan you slowly sat up, glancing outside at the snow covered ground.

You carefully pulled the blankets off your body feeling the frigid air nip your legs causing goosebumps. You slowly willed yourself up from the bed that was calling you back to you. But you couldn't, you had a job to do and things to take care of.

You didn't quite bother to change yet. It was pointless right now, there were more important things to worry about right now. You barely have the emotional energy to slip on a hoodie as you open your bedroom door.

You look down as you hear a soft flop. You only chuckle slightly before picking up your bunny. Cream was a small floppy eared bunny whose coat shined softly with an orange and white coloring. He was the only bunny you owned. You normally didn't keep bigger animals, out of worry they’d hurt the smaller ones that roamed around. You didn't even keep cats, you had a dove after all.

“Breakfast time..” you whisper to the small creature in your arms as you stroked his fur. Before walking down the steps into the kitchen. It was a pretty nice kitchen you had to admit. It wasn't even too small, surprisingly. You weren't married or anything, in fact you rather preferred to spend time with your animals. They were your friends, and it's not that you couldn't make friends with humans, in fact you had a lot of friends. It was just more cozy with the soft creatures.

You bend down to the ground picking up a small blue boul labeled ‘cream’. Besides, why spend money on a partner when you would rather worry about giving your pets the best life. You almost laughed at the absent thought as you set cream down on the ground. Before pulling out a premium bag of hay, specifically made for rabbits as it had slight bits of pellets mixed in it as well. With a huff you set it down on the counter before turning to your fridge and digging around, finding some soft carrots and some lettuce. You place them in the bowl before filling it with the rest of the food. You slowly and carefully lean down towards the rabbit setting the food boul inform of him.

With a soft part of his head you turned your attention to a particularly loud animal. Corral was a mostly white dove with gray spots and green eyes. “Alright- alright i hear you!” you laugh as you pull out a bag of bird seed made for doves. You grab Corrals orange bowl, filling it. The seed was filled all kinds of things, mostly seeds and corn. Not that she ever complained about the simple food but you always made up for it, making sure she always had a fresh pine cone in her cage.

Once you had finished with coral you went upstairs, slowly opening up a room that was luminated with a green tone. It was a typical color for reptile rooms but it wasn't just reptiles in there, in fact you had none other than turtles and the occasional fish. The rest of the room was lined with cages of hamsters and more birds. The hamster cages were large with tubes connecting them. You had taken note of the fact the hamsters mainly enjoyed the sunflower seeds. The bowl was usually empty by the time you came home from work, all left in it was the corn and the veggies. Annoying as it was, you avoided the corn and veggies as you fed the small creatures.

Once you had finished you smiled at your work, making sure each animal got attention and their own little treat, you went downstairs and dug around in the pantry for something to eat. With a sigh you pull out the last poptart. You open the pouch, pulling one out and taking a bite before writing that down on the note pad. Once you had finished you tossed the foil into the trash bin before going back upstairs.

You slip into the white and teal uniform you had been given. Plan as it was you had spiced it up with some animal pins, it fit for the vet anyways. You gave a satisfied smile before brushing through your hair and grabbing your lunch you had made just the other night before walking out the door and to work.

Once you got in you clocked in and grabbed a work provided coffee before walking into the dog ward. They kept most of the ill dogs here and as much as you didnt have a dog you certainly wanted one. But you didn't quite have the patience to train it, so you preferred other people's dogs.

You noticed a younger veterinarian standing by one of the cages. He had short curly black hair and black eyes. “Kengo? What are you doing here this early?” you asked, tapping his shoulder. He normally was here for the night shift.

He jumped back slightly, clearly you had startled him.great. You thought to myself. He was normally shy and in his own little world so it didn't surprise me too much. Of course it was a little disturbing to think about him handling an animal's life.

“Oh- mx.Y/N! Good morning! I was called because there was an important thing you were supposed to teach me?” Kengo had tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. In reality he wasn't much younger than you but he was new to the building and still in training, so it was partly your job to help train him.

“Oh yeah? And what is that?” you asked softly with confusion. He was oddly vague about what you were teaching him. ‘You would think that'd be important’ you think to yourself. That's when you hear footsteps approaching. You watch Kengo jump a second time, clearly yanking out of his thoughts again.

“Oh. mx. Y/N. Good morning. We've got work to do this morning!” a cheery voice chimed as you looked back at the owner of said voice. A girl with long light blue hair and glowing yellow eyes. Her ponytail was straight to the point it gave of an unsettling vibe to it. Not to mention the few times you had met her outside of the office she was an eyesore to look at. Her name was Magana, and she was the owner of the veterinary office here. As soft as she looked she had a particularly snarky attitude to her. But she worked well with animals so you guess this really is where she belongs.

“Doctor Cooro. It's um nice to see you this morning.”: surprisingly you found yourself stammering over your words as if you suddenly could no longer speak. What is wrong with you? Just speak up will ya? “You said that there's something I need to show Kengo how to do? May I ask what that is?” you ask and magana give you a look.

She clearly thinks you must already know. “Isn't it obvious? Putting an animal down? I don't have that heart to do that to a poor creature. But with the world around us more and more animals that come in are in a state that can't be fixed” magana glanced down at the ground. You almost felt sick. You hated the thought of killing a living being, especially if it was by your own hands. But you suppose she was right.

You turn to the creature laying in its cage behind you. Lily, a small rottweiler puppy. You knew exactly what magana was talking about. The abuse uprisings. You give a stuttered sigh as you stare at the dog's sad eyes. She had been brought in severely underweight and injured. You couldn't get her to eat, at all. She was just suffering “lily..?” you asked, turning back to Magana who gave a nod. With reluctant hands and tearful eyes you reached to pick the sad creature up.
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Triggers and trigger policies

my triggers (censored)

-@g3 pl@y. as a non sexual age regressor it makes me REALLY uncomfortable
-DDLC. i have ALOT of trauma surrounding that game.
-the "r-slur". honestly i prefer no slurs in general but as someone whos autistic that word full blown has caused me to shut down before.
-smut. not really a *trigger* persay but i am a minor and refuse to partake in anything sexual.

my policy on triggers:

-i try to ask if you have any before every RP just to be safe.
-if either of us end up triggered please just let the other know. i will do everything in my power to avoid triggering my partner.
-if i say that our rp might not work because of triggers please dont take it to heart or as me guilt tripping you. sometimes it just wont work out and my rps do tend include triggering themes, and i dont want to hurt anyone. we can always just be friends
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 9th 2023 18:21