Quinton MacLeoud

Name: Quinton MacLeoud (not his real last name)
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Build: Svelte
Likes: Ale, Songs, boats, women, treasure, fishing
Hates: Being bored, loneliness, bad grog
Occupation: Pirate
Personality: Energetic, oddly upbeat
Abilities: Swordsman, knife thrower, navigator, Lightning master
Powers: Lightning conjuration/control

Bio: Young, reckless and ready for adventure, Quinton has always been getting himself into various scrapes and situations that have given him a lust for life and excitement. Currently, he looks for a captain to serve and a boat to sail on.
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7 | Aug 9th 2017 16:58