Menaki, the Demon Hunter

Growing up as a young kid, Menaki was always fascinated by the supernatural. Ghosts, goblins, demons, vampires, the works. Was a hobby of his. He even had a few books with information on them all!

Then when he was 18, his grandfather, who would always tell him "tales" of his adventures as a younger man, revealed to Menaki by taking him with as he went to investigate a supernatural problem, which turned out to be a vampire, that things that go bump in the night...actually go bump in the night.

That was seven years ago. His grandfather had passed, but had given Menaki all the tools needed to continue his legacy as a demon hunter, protecting those innocents that the supernatural beings want to prey on.

(The art is actually a zombie apocalypse survivor but it's the closest I could get without being a Winchester :P Don't crucify me!)

Height: 6'0
Weight: 150 lbs
Orientation: Gay
Weapons: Pistol, shotgun, machete.
Personality: No nonsense when on a case, kind of cold to strangers, but when he warms up to them, caring. Always watching out for them to keep the ones close to him safe.
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29 | Aug 8th 2017 15:23
TheArrowVerse // Amazing choice of character.
Menaki_MultiChar (So it did stick. Did it stick when you were scrolling through the blog itself or just here? Also that's what I was thinking lol Better than being my Digimon character lol
TheArrowVerse // Yeah, it's great. ^.^