~Siversine, Curious Naga~

Name: Siversine
Age: 267
Height: from head to tail: 13 ft from head to ground: 5'9
Pronouns: Any (can be born male or female depending on rp)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Naga
Timeline: Any
Personality: Curious, cautious, tends to underestimate their strength, quiet, slightly awkward, when they get angry or frustrated they tend to become very harsh, snappy and stubborn. They will refuse to cooperate and will get increasingly harsh the more their boundaries are pushed.
Appearance: lean body, lower half is a long snake tail, similar to a spinner blast ball python. Long light brown hair, four hazel eyes. Mouth is filled with long sharp fangs. Black forked tongue. Some patches of scales up their torso and on their jaw.
Job: N/A, lives in the wild
Likes: Nice people, other snakes, the night sky, looking at art, pottery, building, warmth, forests, children
Dislikes:Rude people, being violent, rats/ mice, physical touch (unless they have warmed up to you), cold areas, their boundaries being pushed
Hobbies: Crafting objects, star gazing, painting (though they aren't very good at it), wood carving, flower arrangement, “Fine dining” (aka eating more exotic animals)
Extra facts:
Their diet mainly consists of whole animals
Their jaw can stretch 2x as large as a normal humans
Their fangs are retractable
Their teeth are similar to a emerald tree boa, though they act and their looks are based off a ball python
They love physical touch but is scared of it.
They have abandonment issues
Top or bottom: Switch
Dom or sub: Sub (unless you tease them to a point where they get frustrated)
Kinks: they dont fully know, mainly just likes to be treated kindly and being well taken care of
As a young hatchling, Siversine never fully got the experience of having a family due to the parents typically leaving after their egg hatches. They raised themselves in the woods, feeding off mostly fish and birds. After some time of exploring, they found a small townhouse with a family. They would commonly watch the family and daydream of joining them one day. Eventually, one of the kids caught them and the two grew to be close friends. A few years later, the family ends up moving out, the friend leaving Siversine with no warning. They were extremely distraught by this loss and developed abandonment issues and trust issues.
Years later, a new family moved into the home, seeing their child, in the night, Siversine would sneak in and talk to the young baby. One day, the father walked in on this and chased Siversine away with a gun in hand. Angered by this Siversine in a fit of rage, went back to the house and killed everyone but the baby. They attempted to raise the human child, but unfortunately, since they had no clue how to take care of human life, the baby passed. They then lived the rest of their life alone, trying to hide from the world, not wanting to harm anyone else.
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2 | May 19th 2024 14:04