(Read on my blog view for a prettier look. This blog post might not be screenreader-friendly.)

{ Work In Progress }

#1 I will not, under any circumstance, roleplay ¡ncest plotlines. This is purely due to a personal preference. Further, I do not appreciate shaming of people who are interested in that type of stuff. Treating those who prefer to write things you don’t as freaky is one slippery slope to extremeism, and I don’t reccomend going down that route in the slightest.

#2 I do not ‘collect’ friends. If you add me, I expect you to message first. If you do not, despite being online regularly, I will unfriend. Additionally, if you send a dead-ended reply (in which it is promptless — you get my character stuck, as I cannot write anything in response, e.g. you only say how your character reacts and not anything further) I will unfriend. I’ve found that people become hostile when I try to communicate something is wrong with their reply, so I will not attempt to do so.

#3 Rule two is not a be-all-end-all. I rarely block, simply unfriend, and there are never any hard feelings, so if you want to re-add me and ask what was wrong (or send an introductory message, if that was your issue) and seem open to criticism then I will be more than willing to explain to you and try again. Rule two does also not apply for roleplays — which I will give you a week — or people I know to be on hiatus / do not come online frequently.

#4 If I ask you to rephrase something, please do so to the best of your ability — and make it simpler! I have dyspraxia, which affects how I process things, and it gets worse when there are lots of euphanisms or filler words. You’ll likely just need to be more direct with what you’re asking.

#5 Speaking of directness — PLEASE be direct. I rarely understand euphanisms or implications, as stated above, and you oughtn’t be ashamed of whatever you are to ask. I won’t shame you, at the very least, even if I’m not interested in the plot you suggested. Being direct will only help the both of us, because it’ll mean we can work on something we are both interested in.

#6 I can usually write 1-3 paragraphs, but that all depends on how you write. If your response contains a lot of content, but you only write 1 paragraph, I can easily match that with two or three, but if your response contains a lot of filler it doesn’t matter if it’s 5 paragraphs because you’ve just told me your character went to sleep in five different ways, or whatever.

#7 I am a selective adder. I can and will deny your request if your profile does not interest me, or I do not think we would get along. If you request a second time after denial I will block you. Do not attempt to block-evade. I will pick up on it.

Thank you for reading. Rules may be added or taken away in the future.
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4 | Apr 4th 2024 18:40