
Once they manage to convince Yang that nobody is going to behead him and when Xianyun is done hitting Hudie and Thoma with her flexible bamboo stick, they can finally go to Fontaine for the long-awaited croissant trip.
They travel there from Chenyu Vale for the panoramic route and by morning they are in the Court of Fontaine.
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1 | Feb 21st 2024 14:45
MORAX He keeps using his magic against the whale, intending to bring it down. He also makes sure to shield Childe from its attacks and well, also his own, as he can be quite destructive.
He fights until they bring it down and done that, he approaches Childe to see how he is doing. "You have been gone for ages...were you fighting all this time?"
CloudRetainer «One knows nothing about you, so one can not give you the answers you are looking for. There will surely be at least a person who knows who you are, in your homeland.»
She heads inside the abode and when safely there, she puts the children down.
«One does not know who this Ajax is.» She knows him as Tartaglia and not in the foul legacy appearance!!
Karm He is not a in a good shape since he used the delusion for long time. As the whale falls under their attacks he falls too out of strenght.
°I wasn't planning to take all that time yo defeat it. But the important thing is that I became stronger.°

°I know I know it is not your fault. It is just that this situation continues to go bad and even worse. I am still looking for someone who knows me. We will need to put posters, who knows this person?
It seems that he is the one who was fighting the giant whale. Certainly a thing that I would never do. I am not as courageous.°
MORAX "I'm afraid I can't see your improvements at the moment..." He approaches him and helps him to stand up. "I'll get you to a physician, just wait..." He teleports to Mt. Aocang with Childe. "Take some rest and eat something nourishing."
CloudRetainer «One assumes that posters could help to find people who know about your past.» People in Teyvat believe in posters, see all the ones to find the lost sibling!!
«Those who have not learnt to fight and cultivate should not fight, least against such powerful foes.» She is starting to get what kind of dog Thoma is!!
She notices the arrival of Zhongli and goes to check. She raises a brow at the sight of Childe.