
Yes, to those it may concern, Morrigan is quite sick and is very much dying.

"Well- isn't everyone dying?" Yes. Morrigan is just speed racing the game of life. What's wrong with Morrigan? Let's just say no amount of RadAway is going to save those lungs of hers from flooding with globs of blood and bodily fluids until she eventually kicks the bucket and chokes on the irony aftertaste of her collapsing existence.

Should she be taking all those Chems while she has this issue?
No, probably not. But she does have a great deal of discomfort going on within the region of her diaphragm, so could you really blame her for getting high every now and then? Not to mention the practical Kingdom of Raiders she rules over can really stretch out the nerves and grind down her patience..

Speaking of that Kingdom of Raiders.. Do they know Morrigan is dying? Not yet and she prefers to keep it that way. The less of them know she is sick, the longer she may rein.

And finally.. Is there a cure? Well- Considering her lungs are completely shot and could likely be reduced to wet tissue paper if she coughs one time too hard one of these days.. There is no obvious cure in the Wastelands. However! That is not to say there can't be a less then common cure! Such as..? Well the most helpful and yet the most risky of operations would be a complete transplant. Which would likely tack on a good amount of years to the Crusader! However, it would take a great deal of technology that she just doesn't have on hand..


Morrigan can't remember much of her life before being sick, though Morrigan has been sick for quite a few years, maybe around two decades give or take. Morrigan was a part of the FEV experimentation inside of the Institute, though instead of being kept down in the facility like the other experiments, Morrigan would be tested above ground to test the effects of the FEV on a test subject when radiation and genetic damage are thrown into the mix. It was learned that when the FEV is administered through radiation on an 'imperfect' specimen the results are quite negative, but in her case the effects of it are thankfully slow. Given how unpredictable the FEV was, there was no telling what it could of done out in an unstable environment, instead of repairing and correcting damage, it's acting in reverse and has set upon its corrupted function of shutting down her organs and slowly killing her. Discovering that the experiment was slow taking the Institute left Morrigan to live above ground where she will be monitored from a distance until the day they die.

This started their path to becoming the Overboss, a blind hatred for the Institute and knowing now that time is limited resulted in the desire to overpower and overcome, and while she knows there likely isn't no cure for the condition, she hasn't lost hope for it and wishes to watch the downfall of the Institute perhaps more then Elder Maxson does, but for woefully different reasons. Holding no ill will towards synths as they cannot help what they are or what they are made to become leaving her both in support of the Brotherhood of Steel and The Railroad.

So when Morrigan says she took a dip in a radioactive puddle or that she just didn't take RadAway in time- She is lying. However, when she tells you she didn't come from a Vault and that she really did find that PipBoy, she isn't lying, but she doesn't want to talk about where she came from.

Could the serum Virgil created cure her? Hard to say given they had different reactions to the FEV and were administered it in different ways, but it is always worth a shot asking if he could make more.


If asked if they lived in a Vault, Morrigan will tell you no. They do not claim to be the original owner of said PipBoy and will claim to have found the device on a deceased Vault Dweller, using it to keep track of documents and notes as well as using it to accurately get to where she needs to go using the GPS system the device is equipped with. The radio never hurts to use either..
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