The Extinctionist

Name:Devon Ray Cherry

Nickname: Devon or Dr.cherry




Race:half human and half dino

Language: English and dino


Friends:to many that are evil

Physical Description



Hair:short and black


Detailed Physical Description:

Typical Clothing:lab coat with brown shirt under neath it wuth gray jeans



Personality/Attitude: mostly cruel, rude, very evil

Skills/Talents: certified scientists it will craft an event as well as strategize

Favorites/Likes: torturing animals and many other unhumane things as well turning different types of animals into horrifying creatures

Most Hated/Dislikes: trying to save a species

Strengths: extremely smart quick on his feet and always makes a plan

Weaknesses: very arrogant easy to drive for power and always cocky. Not making the smartest choices in the plan he makes

Fears: turning into Abomination himself

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:none so far

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: getting attack by a few monkeys once

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:none

Powers: able to shape shift into any extinct animal that is either known or unknwon to humans can't become any present day animals

Backstory: was a coworker with Dr. Hector unitl Hector did the impossible able to bring back the dinosaurs and other extinct animals this drove them into a anger finding the machine and trying to destroy it instead it cuase a powerful enegry wave that mess up the whole world and let out all there extinct animals to the world as well making peolpe turn into dino creatures that unabke to control themselves.
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1 | Jan 18th 2024 02:43