Merialeth Paceran

General Information

First name: Merialeth
Middle name(s): N/A
Surname: Paceran
Date of birth: June 6th
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Social status: Hunter / Ex-army commander
Accent (if any): Elvish
Height: 1.79m
Weight: 85 kg
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Olive
Hair color: Raven black
Hair style: Long and straight

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): Elvish, with a commanding tone when needed
Language spoken: Fluent in Elvish and Common Tongue (human language)
Other languages known: Knowledgeable in ancient languages and military codes
Style of speaking: Authoritative, articulate, and confident
Volume of voice: Moderate, capable of projecting authority

Physical Appearance

Height: 1.79m
Weight: 85 kg
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Olive
Distinguishing features: Scars from battles and war, both seen and unseen
Build of body: Athletic and well-built
Hair color: Raven black
Hair style: Long and straight
Tattoos: None visible
Piercings: None
Others: Carries herself with the poise of a seasoned leader

Likes: Strategic planning, combat training, moments of solitude
Dislikes: Betrayal, unnecessary conflict, ignorance
Education: Centuries of military education and field experience
Fears: Failing her comrades, losing control in the face of betrayal
Personal goals: To find peace after a lifetime of warfare, to protect herself
Religious values: Reverence for elven traditions and nature, though not overtly religious


Illnesses (if any): None serious, but physical scars from battles
Allergies (if any): None known
Sleeping habits: Vigilant, often requiring less sleep due to years of military training
Any unhealthy habits: Can be overly guarded and emotionally distant due to past trauma
Others: Maintains physical fitness and agility through regular training

Occupation: Retired ex-army commander, currently a hunter
Current home: Varies, as she often roams between different elven settlements
Favorite types of food: Simple meals on the road, often sustenance-based
Favorite types of drink: Clean water or herbal teas
Hobbies/past times: Practicing combat techniques, studying historical military tactics, seeking solace in nature
Guilty pleasures: Moments of peace amidst the chaos, enjoying the quiet serenity of the forest
Talents: Proficient in various combat techniques, tactical warfare, strategic planning, a wealth of military knowledge
Favorite colors: Earthy tones reflecting the forests and landscapes she loves
Favorite type of music: Enjoys the melodic harmony of elven traditional tunes and calming melodies.

Certainly, here's a revised backstory for Merialeth Paceran, incorporating her engagements in conflicts not just against humans but also against goblins and various creatures:

Merialeth Paceran's life began amidst tragedy as her mother passed away during childbirth. Left orphaned, her early years were spent in an orphanage before fate directed her towards the tumultuous path of warfare. At a tender age of 5, she was sold into the military to serve in the escalating conflicts against various races, including humans, goblins, and other creatures that threatened elven territories.

Initially treated as a mere expendable laborer, Merialeth endured the harsh realities of war, toiling and surviving amidst battlefields, often going hungry and living in squalor. Her fighting spirit and natural inclination towards combat surfaced when she defended herself against a fellow soldier, inadvertently revealing her exceptional talent in martial prowess. Recognizing her innate abilities, the elders granted her a comprehensive military education, honing her skills in weaponry and academic studies.

Despite excelling in her training, jealousy and envy brewed among fellow soldiers, leading to a grave betrayal. They subjected her to dishonor by shearing her long hair, a symbol of humiliation akin to a slave's fate. Nevertheless, Merialeth's resilience and determination remained unbroken. She persisted through adversity, eventually rising to the esteemed rank of army commander.

Her illustrious military career spanned countless conflicts against various races. Victories against humans and other creatures were tainted by betrayal from her own kind, leading to her capture by enemy forces. Enduring torment and unspeakable torture orchestrated by her captors, she stood on the brink of despair.

Rescue eventually arrived, but the scars of her torment remained etched upon her, shaping her into a vigilant and unyielding figure. Merialeth's unparalleled dedication and strategic brilliance became the stuff of legends within elven military history. As peace was finally established across races after numerous conflicts, she chose retirement, seeking solace amidst the tranquility of nature.

Now, her centuries-long engagement in warfare against humans, goblins, and other creatures has left indelible scars upon her, both seen and unseen. Though retired and embracing the peace of peacetime, she remains ever-vigilant, ready to defend herself should the need arise. Her experiences, wisdom, and resilience stand as a testament to the strength forged in the crucible of conflict and sacrifice, earning her an esteemed place in elven history as a symbol of courage and leadership.
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3 | Jan 6th 2024 17:21