Elara Gwendolyn Frostbane

General Information

First name: Elara
Middle name(s): Gwendolyn
Surname: Frostbane
Age: 25
Date of birth: March 12th
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current residence: A secluded cabin in the woods
Relationship status: Single

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): Neutral accent
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: Latin, some ancient dialects
Style of speaking: Confident and assertive
Volume of voice: Moderate, but can become commanding when needed

Physical Appearance

Height: 172 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Eye colour: Steel gray
Skin colour: Fair with a hint of tan
Distinguishing features: Intricate scar on her left forearm, a crescent-shaped birthmark on her neck
Build of body: Athletic and toned
Hair colour: Dark brown
Hair style: Long, usually tied in a practical braid or ponytail for combat
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Ears pierced
Others: Often seen with silver jewelry, particularly a necklace with a small vial of holy water


Likes: Martial arts training, ancient lore, solitude, classical music
Dislikes: Betrayal, vampires (naturally), arrogance
Education: Extensive training in combat tactics, occult studies, and vampire lore by the secret organization
Fears: Losing loved ones to vampires, failing in her duty
Personal goals: Eradicate the vampire menace, maintain the balance between the supernatural and human worlds
Religious values: Firm belief in the power of good over evil, not necessarily tied to any specific religion


Illnesses (if any): None
Allergies (if any): Mild allergy to the sun
Sleeping habits: Light sleeper, often vigilant during the night
Any unhealthy habits: Can be overly self-sacrificing at times
Others: Prone to minor injuries due to the dangerous nature of her profession

Occupation: Vampire Hunter
Current home: A well-fortified cabin in the remote forest
Favourite types of food: Protein-rich meals, particularly grilled chicken and vegetables
Favourite types of drink: Herbal teas and purified water
Hobbies/past times: Meditation, honing combat skills, studying ancient texts
Guilty pleasures: Indulging in supernatural fiction novels
Talents: Masterful in various martial arts, proficient in wielding a crossbow and other ancient weapons
Favourite colours: Deep crimson and midnight black
Favourite type of music: Classical orchestral compositions


Elara Frostbane was born into a lineage dedicated to the eradication of vampires. From a young age, she was indoctrinated into the ancient ways of her family's secretive organization, absorbing knowledge of combat techniques and arcane lore. Her childhood was devoid of typical experiences, replaced instead by grueling physical training, mental conditioning, and intense studies of vampiric behavior.

By her late teens, Elara had already proven herself as a skilled warrior, demonstrating exceptional proficiency in various martial arts and mastering the use of weapons specifically designed to combat the undead. Her unwavering determination and unyielding dedication to the cause earned her the respect of her peers and superiors within the organization.

Now in her mid-twenties, Elara roams in the shadows, seeking out vampire nests and eliminating any supernatural threats that endanger the innocent. Her life revolves around maintaining a delicate balance between her duty as a hunter and her personal quest to understand the deeper mysteries surrounding the undead.

Despite the solitude her mission demands, Elara remains resolute, driven by an unshakable sense of purpose — to protect humanity from the malevolent forces that lurk in the darkness.
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3 | Jan 5th 2024 19:45