Sort Me Out [2024]

Well, haven't done one of these in a while.
Not sure why I would want to.

Every time I pick up that bloody--pen-- you know how I get.
Or maybe you don't. Perhaps I'm talking sh*te and expecting you to get what I mean. I think you do that a lot.

You're just... it's the usual, you know?
All my talk, you know.
Or all my write rather.
Makes much more sense to me.

But you aren't offended by it which makes me so grateful, you've no clue. Really, y'got no clue. And I know we both hate that word, "offended", because we aren't, y'know, in grade school anymore or any of that. But now that I'm like... what, 30? I don't really care what words I use anymore.

Which is why it gets harder to tell you how much I love you. Make no mistake, I love you. I think you're the greatest love I've ever had, - and have - and I know that's a lot, but - but just listen to me, I mean it.

And I hear you coughing in the other room and I don't know what to do other than leave you alone because people don't leave you alone. We're the same like that, except I don't want you to leave me alone, but I know you really do need to be left alone sometimes. I,- I'll never not love you, Mi.
Heart this
2 | Jan 1st 2024 06:02